
Teen mom's ----- whats YOUR story?

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I am a teen mom to a beautiful 9 month old baby girl - Ava Claire.

How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy?

Is your bf still with you?

Do you live with him?

How old is your baby?

Do you regreat it?

Did you have support?

Do you think of having an abortion?


How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy? - 16 and he is 18. We have been together for 3 years now!

Is your bf still with you? - yes

Do you live with him? - yes, in an apartment attached to my parent's house.

How old is your baby? - 9 months

Do you regreat it? - It comes on and off

Did you have support? - Yes, a lot and I am so thankful for it.

Do you think of having an abortion? - Not really, I mean it came in my mind, but never went to a clinic or anything.

I like hearing other people's stories. Thanks




  1. im not a mom and never will thanks alot by rubing it in my face

  2. i WAS a teen mom, i am now 24 with an almost 7 yr old and an almost 4 yr old.

    i was 17, my bf was also 17

    he left when my son was 5 months old

    so no i dont live with him

    my baby like i said is now almost 7

    dont regret it a bit!!

    i always had the support of my family, it took my dad a while to come around when i was pregnant but was right there when i had my baby, and has an amazing bond with my son!!

    i DID think about having an abortion, but it just crossed my mind, my bf at the time said that he would be there for me every step of the way, what a crock of SH*T...but i did alright without him.

    when my son was 18months, i ran into an old friend who is now my fiance and my first son's "Daddy" when i was 19 i became pregnant with my second son.

    now me, my two sons and my fiance are living happily ever after:)

  3. Ok, well I'm not a teen mom, but my mom was. And I know basically everything about it so I'll tell her story:

    How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy? 15, my dad was 18.

    Is your bf still with you? Nope, they're divorced, but they're still civilized. I see my dad a lot, although I live with my mom.

    Do you live with him? ^^^

    How old is your baby? I'm 13, haha.

    Do you regreat it? I hope she doesn't =/

    lol, no I don't think she does.

    Did you have support? Not a lot. I talk to her sometimes, but I am only 13. There's her mom, my grandma, but she has...problems.

    Do you think of having an abortion? I think she did. And my dad's mom, wanted her to. But her mom wouldn't even let her.

    Hope I helped!

  4. Well i am also a teen mother and i have a one and a half yr old son named Gabriel Anthony.  When i had my son, i had just turned fifteen  and a half when i gave birth to my son.  My sons daddy walked out on us.  I have taken responsibility for both him and i.  He is 2 yrs older that me, when i had my son had just turned 17 and now he should be around 19 yrs.  Since left me with my son and he went to live with his father so i donot have any contact with him.  I have never regreated having my son, but i do regret all my stupid decision that led me being a single teen mother.  I do not get support from the government, but i get alot of moral support from my parents and my sons paternal grandma.  Even though his son left us, his mother has taken that responsibility and has helped raised my son.  As for econimic support,  my parents dont help me at all they do more than enought with letting me and my son in their house.  I work every day after school and during the weekend i have a really good job that my causing helped me get.  During the summer, i work my butt out so i can consentrate in school during the yr.  My parents love my son but they dont care for him much, the only one who actually cares for him and helps me out to death is margarett, her paternal grandma.  I personally think that my son has saved me from myself and he has brought sun and light to my life.  If i ever had to relive my life i again, i would do it all over againg because my son was a miracle for me.


    Have you ever been out at the mall and seen a teen mom with her baby? Maybe you thought to yourself, "That doesn't look so hard! And the babies are so adorable!" But before you think that being a teen parent is all about shopping for cute little clothes, here's what life is really like for a teen parent.

    Rachel, 19, got pregnant with her son Dylan when she was starting her first year of college. "I always knew that I wanted to have children ... someday," says Rachel. "I had a friend who got pregnant a few years ago and she made it look so easy. It's anything but easy, though! My whole life revolves around my son!"

    Rachel and Dylan start most of their days at 7 a.m. "When Dylan first came home from the hospital, he slept all of the time. I should have taken advantage of that and slept more myself! Now that Dylan is older, he is much more alert and needs to be entertained. Some days, I can't even find the time to take a shower!"

    Rachel is luckier than a lot of teen moms — she lives at her mother's house with her younger siblings and Dylan, and her family provides her with a lot of support. But she realized right away that Dylan is ultimately her responsibility. "My sister is great with Dylan, but she disappears pretty quickly if she thinks that his diaper needs to be changed. Especially if it's a poopy diaper! People say that they will help you, but in the end ... it all falls on me."

    Having Dylan definitely put the brakes on Rachel's social life. Rachel's friends have offered to baby-sit, but she just isn't ready to leave her baby with anyone else right now. "I used to go out all of the time and stay out all night," she says. "Now, Dylan and I stay at home 24/7. Even something as simple as running errands can be a huge hassle."

    And what about quality time with her boyfriend? There is no such thing! "Anything that we do for fun has to be the three of us," she explains. "I used to think that I was ready to settle down and not go out so much, but you don't recognize how much freedom you have until it's taken away from you!"

    The other thing that Rachel misses is her pre-baby physique. "I thought that I would have my baby and my belly would go away, but there are other changes to my body — like wider hips. Those are here for good." Not being able to wear her old clothes isn't the only thing that will set Rachel apart from other 19-year-olds when she returns to college. She often thinks about how she will make new friends with Dylan in her life. "When someone asks for your number, do you tell them that you have a baby? Will they still want to hang out with you?" she wonders.

    And finally, there are financial concerns. Any money that Rachel gets goes to Dylan. Diapers, clothes, toys ... the list is endless!

    Rachel has made a lot of sacrifices in order to be a good mom to her baby Dylan. She hopes to one day get a degree in nursing and marry Dylan's father. But she admits that she's not positive that their relationship will last, and she questions how she'd be able to date other guys when she's got Dylan in her life. She often wonders what the future will hold. "I almost feel like I won't have much to look forward to since I had my baby so early in my life. The love I have for my son is overwhelming. But, he's kind of like a gift that was given a little bit too early."

    So what is Rachel's advice to teens who are thinking about having a baby? "Wait. Just wait. Having a baby changes things forever.

  6. How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy? I'm 16 and the father is 17

    Is your bf still with you? Yes, we are together still

    Do you live with him? Sometimes. Sometimes he stays at my house, or he stays at his house. It depends on the day. He has two jobs near my house. So when he is scheduled to work, he stays with me.

    How old is your baby? Not born yet. I'm 5 months into my pregnancy. (With twins)

    Do you regret it? Right now, yes. But I know when I bring my two kids into the world, I feel guilty for regretting them.

    Did you have support? My parents, his parents and our friends support us emotionally and physically. Our parents do help with money issues though.

    Do you think of having an abortion? Never have. I thought about adoption though. Gave that thought up when I felt the babies kick for the first time.

    Hope this helps lol.

  7. How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy? I was 16,he was 17.Right now I am 23 and he is 24.

    Is your bf still with you?yupp...we are married now(we have been married for 4 years)

    Do you live with him?yes he is my husband

    How old is your baby?now she is 7 years old

    Do you regreat it?sometimes...but when I hug and kiss my beautiful baby girl  goodnight,I don't because she is beautiful and I realize that a brought a new life into the world that is going to be great and achieve beautiful things in life.

    Did you have support?yes,I had and I have plenty of support from everybody,my sisters,my big brother,my mom,everybody.

    Do you think of having an abortion?no,I would have never done that!I would never ever get an abortion.

  8. well now I'm 20 and he is 23.

    when i gave birth i was19.

    i do live with him in a apartment.

    yes im still with my bf, we live together and we have a baby!lol.

    my baby is now 18 months and her name is Ruby.

    i did regret it when i was pregnant but now Ruby is the love of my love and would change anything if i could do it again.

    yes i did have lots of support from my side of the family and from my boyfriends.

    i never even think of abortion as an option.

    my question to you is :

    are you married. and if you are not do you plan on getting married?

    im no married we do think of doing it in the future.

  9. when i got prego i was 18 and when i had her i was 19. my boyfriend was 21 at the time.

    we are still together, 4 years later! and we have a beautiful daughter already, and right now im 20 weeks prego with a BOY!!! we are so thrilled.

    anyways, we werent doing very good when we were toether at first. we both lived with parents and didnt really have any money. these 4 years have gone by so fast that now we own our own home and both have vehicles we own and everything. (not trying to brag but im just proud of myself)

    but yeah we are both good with money and look what we got! also yes, ive had alot of support, with both of our families. my mother is my closest friend at the moment. LOL.

    i dont regret having my daughter, and i dont regret my son hat is on the way either.

    i would never personally have an abortion.


  10. I'm filling this out for my friend! (:

    How old were you? boyfriend or baby's daddy?

    She was pregnant at 16, and had the baby the day after her 17th birthday. The boyfriend/babie's daddy was 19, and turned 20 in February.

    Is your bf still with you?

    He lives in a different town, and continues to see the baby, and he and my friend are currently in a fight for his lying. But yes, they're together.

    Do you live with him?

    No. Her mother and father refused to let her come back home, so she enrolled herself into foster care, and the baby is with her in foster care.

    How old is your baby?

    As of today, the baby is 4 months!

    Do you regreat it?

    I don't think she does most times. But sometimes, when the babie's daddy does something or she gets overwhelmed because she doesn't have enough help, she wishes that this never happened. Overall, I think this is the best thing thats happened to her.

    Did you have support?

    Her father refused to pay any bills for the baby or her, so no support from her father. Her mother won't lend her any money, and will visit her and the baby; she'll buy the baby an outfit every once in a while. Her grandfather gives her money and visits the baby more than her parents do.

    She gets help from the foster parents, but they are often busy with their other children, 3, who are under 14. She often times gets overwhelmed because there isn't enough help. The father should be there more often. The father gives her money when he comes down to visit; he'll give her 20-100 per visit, and he visits NO MORE than two times a month.

    Do you think of having an abortion?

    My friend denied being pregnant until she was five months. Her parents didn't even notice she was pregnant, until she had a nurse tell her mother. At times when she was stressed out she would say 'I wish I wasn't pregnant!'

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