
Teen moms: did it hurt to give birth?

by Guest59907  |  earlier

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Teen moms: did it hurt to give birth?




  1. hurt doesn't even begin to describe it. you would swear you were going to die at the end stages of labor if you didn't know better lol. but if you get an epidural it's not bad at all. i've had with and without and i highly recommend having the epidural.

  2. It hurts no matter how old you are. I don't know how bad it hurts, but I'll know soon enough.

    I'm 16, and pregnant with twins. I hate sharp objects so I'll be having a natural birth rather than a C-section...I might have to go for the drugs though. I hear the pain is worth it and I can't wait to bring my two new babies into the world.

  3. Haha it hurts for all moms.  Why are you targeting teens?

  4. well its not just teen mums but yes the pain is undescribable.

    i had my first at 15 and 9 months and then my second at nearly 17 and then my third at just over 18.

  5. Why just teen mums? Being a teen does not mean that it would hurt more then an adult. I was an adult when I had my kids, and yes, it hurt very bad. Worst pain I have ever experienced. But pain was worth it

  6. no its like having fairy's fall out of you v****a

    oh come on OFCOURSE it hurts something weighing about 5 to 10 pounds coming out of a space that is supposed to fit a p***s?

  7. Hey I m 15 with a 4 month old daughter.

    and the only part of my child's birth i remember is the ambulance guy putting a face mask on me. I was so off my face I don't remember anything and I did a natural birth : |

    But it was really traumatic.

    But worth it in the long run... I think it hurts the same for any person old or young. I must say it is easier being younger because you bounce back faster then someone say 40.  

  8. I agree with first answer

  9. i haven't had a baby but imaging pulling a baby out of there so yes it would hurt ask your mum lol or a watermelon  

  10. I was 19 when i had my daughter and yes it did hurt but it was worth it. the amount of pain u get during child birth doesnt depened on age it depends on how high your pain threshold is some women can take more pain than others, i am a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain so it hurt me a lot  but it hasnt put me off having another one. x

  11. teen or hurts........ok?!

  12. a teen p***y is same size as adult p***y   it makes no diferance to the pain factor, it hurts like f- - -

  13. It will hurt but after the pain of it won't be anything, you'll have a baby  

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