
Teen mothers and YOUR taxes. Are you scared enough?

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Lets just assume that every single teen mother is on welfare. Are you really upset that your tax dollars go to these young people?

How about Skase? How about tax frauds and cheats? How about people faking disability? How about people who go around damaging property for no reason? How about war?

Who picks up the bill? YOU DO.

Take my money teenagers whether you have a baby or not. I'd rather you use it than just about anyone else.

-Daughter of a teen mother.




  1. im a teen mother and thank god someone has actually said that now i know that not all teen mothers do the right thing but most do the best they can

  2. I am happy for teens to get (my) money to study or get rent relief whilst at college or whatever.  But stuffed if my hard earned taxes are going to pay for a child to have a child - I don't agree with that at all.

    There is all sorts of issues there!  Sure accidents happen, but I would be absolutely devastated if my child ended up a parent before he was 20.  They have no life experience at that age. Your own life experiences make you a better person, therefore making you a better parent.

    ........ Go on - say something back, I'm waiting for it.

  3. Thank you so much!!!

    I don't understand why people rant and rave about it. You have to pay taxes anyway, why the heck complain about it? Do you want every single person on Medicaid, etc. to walk up to you and thank you for paying taxes so they can get the medical attention that they NEED? Too bad, you have to pay taxes anyway. So put your big girl panties on and deal with it.

    I'm so glad you posted this, really I am. I'm a teen Mother and I don't use any government assistance, but if I needed it, you can bet your butt I'd apply for it. If people don't like it, then I guess they can just refuse to pay taxes, haha.

  4. i am a 23 yr old mother to a five month old and have only just come off welfare. My partner and i live in a place where employment is extremely hard to come by, and until 2wks ago, it was let down after let down in the job applications.  Without welfare, well, both my partner and baby and myself would have starved to death.  I worked before i was pregnant, and my partner worked in the same job for 8yrs, so it was new to us, but we moved to be with my family as they really wanted to be a part of my childs life as much as i wanted them too. Point is-to the ppl that think it is an easy life- its d**n tough trying to live off that amount of money! Yes, we are off welfare now, but i will never ever forget how much of a help this has been, as without it my daughter and i could not have stayed together.  And for all the years i payed tax, really i just got back what i payed. There are some ppl that take advantage of the system- but they get caught up in a certain lifestyle, and until u have been in their shoes, u really cant begin to understand the tough circumstances they are in.  I will never have a problem with younger mums living off welfare, because i would rather work and know that my taxes are helping a mother be at home with her young baby where she should be and not having to run out and miss out on the most amazing experiance ever! because as much as people want to pass judgment on these mums, every single child in this earth deserves a chance and for that to happen, the parent has to have some kind of income- and if welfare is how it happens, then it will b the best thing for it!

    As u pointed out, theres a lot of other places the money goes that is a lot, lot worse!

  5. I am currently studying social work at Uni, I have two kids and am pregnant with my third, my partner works full time to support us and the only help we receive from the Govt is family tax benefit to help in the cost of raising our kids. I do not get any assistance with my Uni degree apart from Hecs. I pay for all my text books myself and it costs me around $200 alone for two subjects a semester.

    My partner loses about a third of his income though tax and I know where the money goes because of an inside scoop, lol. I have no problems with the people who genuinely need welfare to use it, but it is the "others" who abuse the system that really irk me. And then there is the latest Aus govt initiative that is trying to get passed in parliament of tax paid maternity, I might have got the baby bonus (I never asked for it) but why after we have finished having children do we now have to pay for someone else to have time off at our expense............if there wasn't so many people using and abusing welfare, more of us would get better tax returns and a better income to survive on.

  6. The reason I would be, and am at times, upset by teen mothers getting MY hard earned tax dollars is because teen pregnancy is completely and 100% avoidable if they just don't have s*x.  Do they work to support their whole family?  Do they have husbands who bust their backsides for their families only to have 30% of their pay taken to support these teen moms/frauds/illegals/etc?  I don't think so.  

    We don't get a free ride.  Why should they?  I understand needing some help if they decide to keep the baby, but if they weren't ready to take all the responsibilities on of having s*x then I don't think we should have to pay for their responsibility.  You don't pay for my children when we are tight on cash do you?  I don't believe us tax payers should have to pay for a teenage girl's baby. If it's not my child then I don't want to be financially responsible for the child.

    WIC and Medicaid were designed for temporary assistance for those who needed it due to uncontrollable circumstances (lay offs/losing a job, death of a spouse, things like that).  Becoming a teen mother is a controllable circumstance.  You don't have s*x.  That simple.  But I guess that's too much ask now a day seeing as teenagers don't control their hormones and were not taught to.

  7. im a soon-to-be 18 year old mother, im not eligible for any welfare because my boyfriend earns too much money from his business.

    I'd rather his taxes (and mine when i finnish uni) go to single mothers (teen or not) to help them raise their children, than to someone who doesnt work because they dont 'feel' like it.

  8. Sometimes I think its a bit like families get punished for working. I mean if you do the right thing as a single mum and go out to work they wold take away your health care card which takes away alot of the free assistance you get and child care costs almost like a billion dollars a week well thats an over estimation but it may aswell cost that much and some women who work with my dad said they were only actually making $100 at the end of the day because of all that and yeah thats going to pay the bills NOOOOOOOT. I mean its hard enough for a couple to take these costs without trying to do it on your own, I imagine that would be impossible. I am of the opinion honestly the amount of teen mothers that would get pregnant on purpose would be very minimal anyway I mean most girls you couldn't pay them a million dollars to go through that, all they want to do is have fun.

    I say trying to care for a baby when you are so young is punishment enough let the little dears have some extra cash and hopefully they will be able to do some courses in the

    future to get employment when their children go to school full time. I mean its a h**l of a wake up call.

    As far as people who take fraudulent money from the system I wish they would make them known to the tax payers. I have had a few of my estimates go wrong for centrelink but I always pay every cent back. There are people out there who seem to get away with anything and probably owe centelink tens of thousands of dollars but they seem to treat people who make an honest mistake as bad as them and the people doing it on purpose get completely away with it. It cheeses me off so bad that there are people out there just feeding off false disability or unemployment claims people who are actually in those situations are far from happy about it but fraudulent people make it their occupation.

  9. fair enough.

  10. Too right! +1 to that.

    What about all the murderers, rapists, and peadophiles that are costing the tax payers money by being in prison instead of getting the death sentence. And then the ones that are released and given new identities, houses and cars and 'rehabilitation'.

  11. Welfare is a free ride. My aunt and 2 of her kids are on it . It's a crutch. After she got on it she showed her kids that it's okay to take and take and have no shame or self respect.  I agree that some people need it, but there should a be a time limit for certain folks on it. Like young people that are on it with 5 kids and refuse to work. even though they get free daycare, medical and bills  or at a low discount. There are generations of families on it.

    Some people do need it and it sucks because most of them don't get the help they do need because of all the leeches that are using it.

  12. Texas mother. Why do so many people assume that all teen pregnancies are a result of stupidity and that the welfare cycle will continue. I was 17, with an older man and i thought we would marry. (he led me to believe this).I fell pregnant and had a daughter. i eventually had to leave him because he was such a ******. he then lost his job and could not help support me. i had to go on a pension. I raised her on welfareand worked part time. She is now 21, has 2 jobs as a chiropractic assistant. due to ill health i cannot work at the moment so she is helping to support us. So thanks to taxpayers money (not the governments), i have raised a beautiful hard working, caring human being. Thanks australian tax payers. your investment in my child payed off. She is now paying a lot of tax to help other young mums. word of advice to teen parents out there. Always put your kiddies first, have fun with them. teach them the difference between right and wrong and hug them all the time. By the way, i also have a son, who is just as brilliant. texas mum, Teenages are going to have s*x, some of them will get pregnant. they need help support and education. not judgement.

  13. I agree. More people are all the above than teen mothers...I used NO help from the gov. Nor did ANY ONE of my friends...bc why? THEY HAVE JOBS and parents who want to HELP thier children as they SHOULD.

    I happen to know MANY people 24-46 who LIVE off the governemt just bc they dont want to work or we thier dumb excuse is!

  14. Hippy, the one thing teenagers DO need is judgement so they can look at themselves and know what their doing is wrong. For God sakes what is wrong with people today. "Teenagers are going to have s*x." and that's okay? No, it's not. if i ever caught my daughter having s*x at that age, she'd have no door on her bedroom and i would keep tabs on her at all times. parents need to be parents and not let their kids get away with things like that or of course their going to get pregnant and suddenly the world thinks it's okay. well, it's not. teenagers can control themselves. i never had s*x until i was married and i was a crazy girl in highschool. if i could do it ANYONE can do it.

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