
Teen party, HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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OKay !

my friend is having a party,

and its gunna be like the party of the year

were 13 and like we really want a hot party.

her parents wont be there.

and all the cool kids will.

we planned music&dancing&food

but we dont know what else we can do.

it really needs to be cool,

but no getting layed&alcohol.

exept that,

we can do whatever.

please gimme ideas :D





  1. maybe some games and balloons or beach ball to throw around while dancing... also you may want to get colorful lights (like a colored disco ball)...

  2. if you guys now how to get loose, and you got some really hot music and stuff, things should pretty much smoothly. but with my people's here in miami (idk where u live) we have alcohol, makeouts, l*****g whipped cream offa people you name it. if you don't want it to get that wild, you betta keep some people in check.

  3. Invite older boys?
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