
Teen rights with parents?

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if theres a 14 year old daughter who gets grounded and her mother sees a hicky on her neck, does she have the right to make her daughter get completly naked in front of her to find out if theres any other hickies on part of her body?do teen of that age have the right to stay completly dressed even when there parents tell them otherwise?




  1. That is uneceptable.

    THat is completely wrong.

  2. wow the mom is crazy, i am that age and wouldn't get naked just for hickeys on my neck.

  3. no

    that is not ok

    she cant make you strip for her

    thats sexual harassment or something  

  4. Um, that's wierd. I'm not sure, but I would have refused lol.

  5. My dughter just turned 15 and if she came in witha hicky on her neck and she had given me reason not to believe her when she says that is the only ne then I have every right to check her. She can either let me check or I can take her to the family doctor and he an check her. Which would be worse. Most likely she will not complain if there is nothing else to see. 14 year old kids should not be having s*x or putting themselves in any situation that could lead to s*x.

  6. of course they do! i mean the teenagers, not the moms. i can understand the grounding, but wtf?! id smack her. everyone has the right to their privacy no matter what their parents or anyone says.

  7. not really sure about that one.  but you can't blame your mom, she loves and wants to protect you

  8. no thats just plain stupid  

  9. I don't know. I hope not because people should have a right to the privacy of their own body, even if they're still minors.  

  10. Technically, yes, unless she touches you in an inappropriate way.

    But, being real, what kind of mom lets her daughter dress down completely to check her body. I think, if the daughter says she hasn't, then the mother should believe that.

    I know for sure I wouldn't let my mom do that! Not a single chance. I mean, not without my consent.

  11. well actually yes she does since she has seen you naked birthed you in this god d**n world and changed your diapers and payed for your food clothing and scool expsenes  

  12. Well, I think if the parent is looking out for the child's welfare they may have the legal right. If nothing else they could take them to the doctor and have the doctor check. It is a parent's job to make sure a young teen isn't having s*x, getting STDs, getting abused, whatever.

    It seems drastic and borderline abusive, but... if the parent really is that concerned they should take thier daughter to the gynocolegist for a full check up and STD testing.

  13. it depends on whatkind of 14 year old you are i remember at that age girls who drank smooked fought with their parents stayed out late had s*x of your like that or have been in trouble for any of thoose then yea i dont blame her she is probablet trying to protect you if you are a good girl you kno a girl who respects herself isnt aalways in trouble respectfull then talk to her tell her no now if you give her a reason to think that your that bad behaved then i dont blame her

  14. uhhhh she's ur mom... it's not lyk she's a stranger so what wud be wrong with her seeing u naked?

  15. i was told that doctors and moms have a right to see you naked. its not for sexual gratification, so its ok.

    and my mom told me hickies are the mark of a s**t. i have never had one.

    maybe the daughter shouldn't be getting hickies eh? moms take care of you when you're little, theyve seen you naked. its no big deal. im 22 and i go to my mom for advice i have an inconvenient mole i had her look at.

  16. Why is it that the females give the stupid answers? Yes. The mom has the right to do so, First off, the teen should be smart enough to not go out and let some dude, well...frolick with her. Second, the mom brought them in the world and saw them naked. She's probably seen them naked more than they've seen themselves. For all those answers to even say the teen has...pffft...rights to rebel at that, you should have respect

  17. idk, i woul hope her mother isnt i nut job.

  18. get over it, you shouldn't have been so trampy. and no, your mom rule over you until you are 18. shes not touching you, shes inspecting to see if some other boy "abused" you. And if she finds them, that boy is in a h**l of alot of trouble...tramp

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