
Teen s*x. should I ???

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Ok answer this.. why are teens not using two types of birth control. Condoms rip !! Please if you are a teen and having s*x before you are out of your house,married, have a good job.. Use two types of birth control. Do not bring babies into this world by " mistake". Be responsible if you are mature enough to have s*x, get on birth control first. Why is there so many , many teens that " get pregnant by mistake". What is the problem. why aren't you on birth control yourself. can you answer this for me.?? what can we do to help teens get on birth control and not rely on condoms?




  1. I dont think teens are well informed about birth control. I know at my highschool they did have a s*x-ed class...but they only taught us the body organs..not how to be safe. I think if schools offered a s*x-ed class that taught teens about the types or protection and where they could get them  alot less teens would be pregnant. I know from answering many teen pregnancy questions on here alone that many ask where they can get birth control...

  2. teens are gunna keep doing it no matter what .  

  3. teens should NOT need birth control. what they need is to be taught not to have s*x until they are married.

  4. well i was 19 when i got pregnant. now that i am 20 i am more responsible and mature being a mom. at first it is so hard to accept the fact that you need to take responsiblities for what you've done and you need to sacrifice on the things you used to do when you were single and have no baby. i confess that we never used condoms or i never take pills at all. we just do withdrawal instead but accidentally, i got pregnant. we don't blame ourselves anyway but we face this obstacle in our life.

    my opinion about the teens who were sexually active are just curious about s*x. experimanting things and experiencing this kind of activity. until they found out that it feels good without knowing what the consequences will be, they will still do this and explore having s*x. maybe they are afraid of taking pills and they're minor to buy this thing or they are lazy using the condom.

    teens should ask first a physician about this before they will do this kind of activity. be wise teens! if you are not yet ready to face the big responsiblity of being a parent then you should be responsible to yourself.

  5. People makes mistakes in life,

    Adults also make that kinda mistake in life sometimes.

    We are only human and we learn so much, we learn from our mistakes and when we get older hop fully we can teach our children about the consequences they are left to deal with.




  7. hello im 14 and i would just like to say that they are getting more informed about it now because of s*x ed and how they should take a birth control pill and wear a condom and all of the diesies they could get but it still dosnt stop some teens and there is nothing anyone can do about that but and i would also like to say that just because some teens made a huge mistake dosnt mean you should blame all of the teens but i appreciate you voicing your opinion  

  8. Even thought there are numerous resources for teenagers to become informed and safe, many are ignorant to the services and ways to protect themselves. Whether it be from misinformation spread by their peers or abstinence-only teaching in the homes and schools, teenagers are blindly having unsafe s*x.

    I personally think that one of the best ways to handle this problem is teach children early on about s*x and about how to protect themselves. Study after study has shown that abstinence-only teaching fails. Studies have shown that parents who are close-minded to the subject of s*x leads to more teenage s*x. So, in 6th grade or before age 13, a comprehensive s*x education program should be out there. Studies have shown that these programs actually help postpone teenage s*x. (whereas parents feel that teaching these things only leads them to s*x or teaches them that it is okay to have s*x) So, teach the kids in the schools (regardless of parental influence, because it obviously is not working to leave this up to parents).  

  9. I think part of the problem is that teens don't know about these free clinics and even if they did they don't have a way to get there. And most teens who are having s*x are NOT going to tell their parents. They also feel invincible in those years and like there's no way anything like pregnancy or STD's will happen to them- you only see that stuff on movies, right? I think what would make the biggest difference is parental involvement in their teenagers lives. A lot of parents have kids and then think they can raise themselves. They're workaholics who leave their kids alone all the time, don't get to to know their child's friends and never spend time with them aside from saying hello when they pass each other in the morning. Next thing you know their daughter's knocked up and their son's in jail and they're wondering where they went wrong. A mix of feeling invincible, lack of parental involvement and inavailability of birth control (you can say it's free but if the kids don't know about the the clinic and it's 15 miles away and the kid doesn't have a car how are they suppossed to get it?) is what's causing so many teens to get pregnant. Parents need to step up to the plate.

  10. their dumb n think their cool cause their having s*x n want everyone to no... they think they have a BF that loves them n their going to last forever.. but al the BF wants is s*x n then he leaves! then they get preg n say it was a mistake.. h**l ya it was a mistake... one ur 14-18 well there goes ur life! ..two ur baby daddy aint going to be there for u..three ur cant support it!....four U BETTER NOT KILL IT CAUSE ITS UR MISTAKE N U NEED TO DEAL WIT IT NOT KILL THE LITTLE BABY THAT WAS UR FAULT N UR GOING TO TAKE IT OUT ON THE BABY BY KILLING IT!!!!!     no u shouldnt!!!  if u no everything about s*x n ur bf is going to be there for u ..maybe.... but if u want to go to collage baby free n STD free then stay away from that stuff..hope this helped!!  
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