
Teen that has baby brother- People think he is mine?

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I am 14. I am having a baby brother soon and I was wondering how to deal with people asking about "my baby" because i will be spending a lot of time with him especially as I get older and am able to drive. I know people will do this because in preparation for the baby I have been spending a lot of time with my baby cousin. People have asked questions like "How old is your baby?" when I am with my cousin. When people ask are they just talking about the baby with me or do they actually think the baby is mine? How do I clarify that a baby I am holding isn't mine without seeming rude or s****.?




  1. yeah i was babysitting my little cousin once when i was 15 and she was like 2 and we were eating out at a restaurant and  i sat her in a chair next to me and the when the waitress bought out the silverware, my cousin reached for the knife and the waitress  said "no no honey ill just give this to your mommy" and she handed it to me. i was totally freaked cuz like that had never happened to me but i just shook it off.... what does it matter if some stranger you will probably never see again thinks you have a baby? know what i mean?

  2. I know what you mean, it's pretty scary when teenage pregnancy is so common nowadays that people just assume the baby your holding is yours. I took my little cousin to the park a few days ago and this woman probably in her early 60's came up and started talking to me about what a huge mistake I made and that I should be ashamed of myself, I told her that he was my little cousin and of course she didn't believe me, so I just walked away. That's pretty much the only thing you can do without being rude, it may be disrespectful but if someone isn't going to believe you, what else can you do.

  3. Ugh, I hate how just because you are out with little kids people assume it's yours. When someone says things like "How old is you baby?" You could say something like "My brother (or cousin, or whatever) is turning however old" you know? Then it gets the message across without being rude or anything.

  4. Just be totally casual be like "oh my baby, this is my brother"  

  5. me and my aunt were in the store one time and the girl at the register thought my 4 month old niece was mine i was 14 at the time

    everyone thinks my nephews are mine they live with me and i guess my mom looks to old to have

    say no he is my brother and then say i am going to stay pure

  6. Just tell people "This baby is my brother (or cousin).   I'm only 14."    That response would make them feel a little uncomfortable that they even asked because they'll know that you are a girl with good morals.    It wouldn't come across as s****. because even a 14 year old could be mistaken as a young woman.   I asked a 16 year old this question once but I didn't know how young she was.     I just said that teenage girls look too much like young women.

  7. This happened to me when I was with my baby cousin. I was holding her and some lady came up and said "How old is your baby?"

    Well I simply said "My baby COUSIN is 2 years old".

    I didn't say anything rude I simply put and emphasis on cousin. Just do that. It usually works, and the person/people will leave feeling embarrassed.  

  8. My oldest brother had a problem with this. He was sixteen when I was born, and naturally people assumed when he'd take me places, him being 20, me being 3, that he was my dad. He says he kinda just said, "oh this is my sister" and eventualy he just shook it off. He says people got embaressed alot but when they started apologizing he just said "it's ok I get it all the time" and laughed it off.  

  9. just say "he isn't mine, he's my brother and he is 1 month old" (just an example. people always come up to me when i have my nephew and he looks JUST like me. i babysit and they always want to come play with him and ask all sorts of questions from how old are you to are you planning to finish school...I'm only 15! lol i try not to get rude about ti because it's not like they know

  10. haha try being a 16 year old boy with a 4 year old brother and taking him to the park or mall to have fun with him. people always stare and one lady even told me i should be ashamed of myself lmao! just ignore people.

  11. This happened to my sister all the time.  She was in high school and often took our newborn baby brother to the mall while babysitting.  She'd just always clarify that it was her baby brother, not her son.  No big deal.  If a complete stranger thinks its your baby, does it really matter?

  12. well just say with a smile on her face..''this is my baby brother he is ____"

  13. Just say "My brother is 5 months old" or "My cousin is 3". "Your baby" could mean they think you are the mother, but mostly people just mean "that baby you are holding".

  14. Just kind of smile and laugh and be like, oh, he's not mine, he's my brother.  Or just say how old he is, really, it's none of their business if people think he's yours.

  15. Ha! This happens to me ALL THE TIME. I'm incredibly close to my cousins who are 2 and 1 years old. I'm around them constantly and sometimes, they treat me like their mom.

    Here are a few statements I've used quite a few times.

    "I'm not sure how old she is, but her mom is right over if you want to ask."

    "Oh, thank you. I'm just babysitting, but she is quite cute!"

    Or you could always be really polite, maybe even blush, and go, "Oh, no he isn't mine. He's my brother, but thanks for asking."

    Make really obvious statements like, "Your mother would kill me if I gave you this." or "I'm telling your mother!". People will get the idea.

    Or you could just ignore them. :]

  16. I have two brothers, 13 and 17 years younger, and I went through this--especially because they both look like me. Just gently correct people who assume he's yours, and don't worry too much about it. I got very defensive when I was young, but much later I realized that I could not control what other people thought and shouldn't worry too much about it.

    And in 18 years your brother will want to visit you all the time and do things that your parents won't allow!

    Good luck to you--you'll be a great big sister.

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