
Teen thats scared of driving?

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ok.. im an 18 year old girl who lives in ny

and i hattteeeeeeee driving

most kids my age love it

iv never had a bad experience driving except for the occasional idiot beeping bc im not going fast enough for them but i hatee driving

i get reallly nervouse whenever i have to drive somewhere new on my own even if i know how to get there and have been there millions of times

i will admit i happen to be a very very anxious person but somethings makes me more nervous then others and driving is one of them!!

is there anhyone one else like tthat?




  1. Not everyone's the same,I'm 16 and in 2 months its my bday,that's when my provisional license will be valid.I'm sooo excited, i have always loved driving.

    But like i said everyones different. if you don't like it, then don't drive unless you really need to.


    associate driving with a positive thing. Get your favorite music going and just forget others.  

  2. Well since you live in New York I do not blame you for not liking driving. I live in NJ and I am 28 and hate driving in the city. You should try to get out of the city to practice in a less congested area so you get comfortable behind the wheel. I hate driving on the highways but practice makes perfect!!! You will get used to it once you have more time driving.

  3. Just spend some time behind the wheel.You will relax over time.I'm a guy and driving was easy cuz I had a go cart when I was a kid.But I got my first full sized p/u truck a few years ago and I was nervous because I was not use to something that big.But now I'm okay,good luck.

  4. If you live in the city you don't really need to drive, if I were you, I would probably just take advantage of the public transportation system. Besides, I would think having a car in such a congested area would be more of a hassle than a help. If you do not like public transportation either, then perhaps taking a driver ed course will help ease your tensions about driving. It is alright to be afraid, driving is dangerous...tons of metal only feet apart moving at high mistake and CRASH! Anywho, you cannot think about it really, you just gotta be careful and let yourself be satisfied enough with that, and try not to live your life afraid of rewarding activities.  

  5. you see it all the time on this board. kids everywere are scared over nothing. I think it has a lot to do with our be afraid, be very afraid mindset. My solution is grow up and get over it. don't go to counslers or you will be worse than you are now<

  6. I am sure that there are plenty of people like you but you need to start learning to relax and foeget about things that cannot be changed..

  7. The last thing you need to be is scared,you need confidence,That comes from within,You have to realize that car can kill,you need to be confident of your driving skills,common sense is your best tool,remember you can do it,and be safe,there is family's out there and they are banking on you to be safe.

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