
Teen worries - Is it now a global issue?

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  1. Yup! Definitely!

    Face the truth, teens nowadays aren't as worry-free. I'm from Asia, living in city area. My parents used to have a really laid-back childhood. I'm really envious of how they lived. Once it came to my generation, or worse, the kids younger than me, they're supposed to be semi-adults. They have all the rights to worry about s*x and STDs, their sexuality (LGBT definitely do not play as big a role back in my parents' day), their studies, drugs and many more. Divorces being on the raise, more kids worry about their family. With the technology advancement speeding along, kids who wants to fit in must learn and know about the latest cool thing. In the school, teens learn many subjects, touching on things like politics and current affairs, both of which are getting more and more complicated in the current era.

    I think the way our society evolved placed heavy burden upon the teens nowadays. Who can say it ain't a global issue?

    YO! Not sure whether what I answered was what you're asking. Anyway, it's good for me to say my piece about this. I'm passionate about this topic. hahha.. :)

  2. ??????????????????????????????????????

  3. everyone has worries so its global..but i really wouldnt consider it an issue..

    i would consider the subject that make most people worry an issue..


  4. what do u mean, dudette?

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