
Teen years, best time of your life or NOT?

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some people say your teen years are the best years of your life. agree or disagree, and WHY?

the answer that makes me think the most and is helpful will get 10 pts.




  1. well it appears as though most of the teens on yahoo are 15 and pregnant.. so i can't say their answers will be similar to mine.. but i enjoyed my teen years.. minus being made fun of, getting bullied, the stupid guys who broke my heart.. wow.. maybe i'll like my 20's better.. we'll find out in 2 weeks when i turn 20. i hear that people in their 20's tend to be more mature..

    don't get me wrong.. i did like being a teenager.. but being an adult is fun so far.. maybe if i could stay 24 forever..

  2. Some teens..not. Ages 13-17 SUCK. Your parents won't let you do "anything," and you have to go to school. Grades are your parents main priority while most teens dont really give a s**+*. Lol. Drama is crazy at school, and theres days you don't want to get up and have to face the drama. You fight with friends, and because you go to school with people, you have to learn to work with them, even if they're rude and stuck up. Everyone's stero-typed...ect. ect.. Teens have it very hard. But 18 is THE BEST year ever. You're out of school, but not really and ADULT ADULT yet...well, you are an adult, but there's no kids...hopefully, few bills, and it's not AS hard as being in your 20's.  You can hang out with friends, move out, drive, and do whatever you want. And your parents have NO SAY as to what you do. That's the best. And, if you do go to College, it's still AWESOME! Lol, hope I helped!

  3. I liked my twenties much better then my teens. In my teens I had bad acne, braces, I went to a bad school, and I had to put up with alot of c**p. But in my twenties, I had a husband, I was in a good college, had a good job, it's when I started my family, and I keep in touch with more friends I met in my twenties then I did in my teens.

  4. No, not really.  I had great fun in my teen years though.  I had great friends and even though we weren't the most popular we sorta hung out with everyone.  As for being the *best* though, absolutely not!!  

    These are the years where you don't know who you are but everyone is telling you what they want from you.  These are the years where looks and friends and activities define your existence but don't allow for you to express yourself outside of conformity.  These are the years where you are changing from a child to an adult and you aren't sure you want to be either.

    For me some of the best years were my college years and throughout my 20's.  It was then that I was able to be what I wanted to be, set my own schedule, join my own activities, be who *I* wanted to be and there were little to no social pressure to conform to social pressures.  Plus your parents start treating you more like an equal than constantly telling you this and that.  Then when I got my own "real" job I felt my life was totally in control.  I could start focusing on the future and having the freedom and financial means to do more than I ever could.  Now I'm a wife and mother and that is a whole other level of "best".

    But again, although I think fondly of my teen years I would never say they were the best.

  5. well, it's a good time. you get allot of responsibility and freedom but you still get to live at home with the support of your parents. but at the same time you get more and more responsibility thrown at you and at times you don't get extra privileges.allot of parents play that game...they'll say you're a young adult when they give you responsibilities such as baby sitting, making you get a job, more chores..etc but when you want more freedom they say you're still a child. plus school can be a hard time. teenage years are a time of you coming into who you are and allot of people, especially in a high school setting, can be very judgmental and since you have to go to school you can't get away from it.

  6. I disagree. I mean teens have it easy living at home and all but its also when you learn how to live in the real world. I think the best time of your life is when you can actually EXPIERIENCE the real world.

  7. Disagree completely! It's emotional and everything is exaggerated. Older people look down on you, you want to be treated like an audlt but still act like a kid. You're still at school and exams actually start stressing you out. Bleh! Good thing I'm an optimist.

  8. I disagree with that.  In your teenage years your still a bit awkward (socially and physically), your inexperiences and broke!!  As you get older, you come into your own.  You find out who you are, what you'll put up with and won't, and discover that high school and teenage drama was so ridiculous and silly!!  I'm 24 and still struggling, lol.  I'm still not financially stable, I don't work my ''ideal'' job, I rent an apartment.  I hope it gets better!!  I want stability, a career and a house!!  It certainly has to get better!

  9. I had a lot of fun as a teen, but the whole time I wanted to be older. After high school I was nineteen and I was very surprised how much I had know idea about life. I had not really thought about college and I wanted to work. Working and supporting myself was hard to adjust to but I managed. Now I go to school part time which is best for me. Being a teenager was fun and it is fun to look back on those times. Now I have a lot going on in my life with work, school, pregnancy, and planning a wedding which I enjoy all of these things but sometimes I do wish I could be young again.


    Adults look down on you, high school, pressure to have s*x, drink, and smoke, homework, standardized tests, bullying..

  11. well it is the best and worst time of your life. there are many ups and downs.

    some bad things: some parents are strict and try to control you which makes you pissed off and want to rebel. also there is a lot of drama. peer pressure with s*x and drugs. puberty takes a while to get used too. highschool is just flat out hard academically and socially. you're not old enough to have real fun like going to clubs or bars.

    some good things: you still live under your parents roof so they are obligated to support you until you are 18. you dont have to worry about money problems. you can **** up as much as you want before you're 18 because your record starts at a brand new clean slate once you're 18. you're just starting to experience new things like driving. school can actually be fun sometimes cuz in college you're going to have to take like 15 page notes and do ginormous reports.

  12. when your a teen you learn things, you expirement with things

    you learn from your makes you who you are when you get older

    you find out what you like, what you dont, at the same time you go to school and meet your best friends, you might even meet your soulmate.

    its a time to have fun and learn at the same time.

  13. well to be honest my teen years were awkward and miserable 18 i turned into the preverbial swan....and i am still having fun but 18 to 27 i say are the best years for me..,but i am sure alot of the kids that had a blast in highschool would say otherwise....i think it depends on your experiences at every age and how you handle it....i think everyone has a hard time and good times at every age,,,its all in what you make it...if i had the personality i have now at 15 i wouldve had a blast in highschool but i didnt..,,i think its what you learn and what you do with that knowledge during these times that makes it your best years....hope that the way i am 29 now but i am glad that i was a teen when i was....what teens go through today is unreal.....the pressures, and everything is different every generation...i fear what my daughter is going to have to deal with

  14. i disagree, because when your at this age, people dont really understand, and life can be tough cuz your goin through changes, i think 18-29 is the bes period of your life....

    hope this helps and answers your question!!! : ) <3

  15. I agree bcuz you have no worries unless ur on ur own but i'm not so i use this time to do whateva bcuz if i get in trouble my parents can get me out of it.

  16. it depends on what you do with your teen years. I grew up way too fast. Mine were definitly not the best years of my life because I started having s*x and got caught up in a long term relationship with an older guy who kept me from doing a lot of things I wish I would have done. I got married at 17 and divorced at 18. No kids thank god, but spend your teen years having fun and hanging out with your friends. Go to football games and prom. Enjoy being a kid and not having to worry about anything. They can be stressful years, but nothing like what you'll deal with when you're older. Take each day and live it to the fullest because you'll never get that back!

  17. yeh of cource they are. Shopping. And having fun. You do stupid stuff like dares n stuff and its not like ure gonna get embarresed. When ure n adult u just cant do them stuff. And u have sleepovers!   Funky clothes! Goth, Emo, mosha. Skinny jeans!

  18. Not...the best years of your life are those when you are finally all "grown up" and you get to do what you want to do, wear what you want, choose your own friends, and you no longer care what people think about you.

  19. i think your teenage years may not be the best, but they are certainly the years where you learn most about life, your body, people, etc. but it all depends on what kinda person you are. if you have many friends and are popular or w/e, teenage years may be the best. for me, mine are the best because i met some great people, have a wonderful girlfriend and learned alot. hope it helped!

  20. DEFINITELY NOT!!!  High school was some of the worst years of my life.  The peer pressure, the awkward growth spurts, the braces, the social pressures. thanks.

  21. well i agree & then i dont. because u got hormones [YAY!!!) for girls ur period ; your first heartbreak. friends commiting suicide , you thinking about commiting suicide. peer pressure case in point : your mom & dad dont have to get you the phone that just came out so your a loser now. alla that good stuff.

    BUT theres the - good friends , that one guy , eating what you want , being young , parties , summertime , cookout with friends.

  22. It is if you know how to enjoy it.

    so live it up.

    drink it down.

    and regret nothing!

    its all gonna end when you become an adult.

    bills, scandals, s*x, drugs.

    all teens gotta worry about is doing good in school.

    and w.e. you do, DON'T LET IT GO TOO FAST!

    Dont get too crazy and be 1 of those girls on jerry springer, not knowing who the baby daddy is.

    stay a virgin until you finish high school and don't do drugs.

    good luck :)

  23. well i'd say yes and no. in a way it's the most difficult time because of the crazy hormones and all of the drama that you go through as a teen. but in a way it's the best time because you have so little responsibilities.  if you are a teen, enjoy that now as much as you can!!  i didn't realize how easy i had it when i was a teen and now i'm 22, a full time college student working part time pretty much just to pay for food and gas and i've got about $15,000 in loans to pay for school...and that's just so far.

    it's hard to explain, but once you're a little older, you'll have such a different perspective on your teen years. like i said, just enjoy them as much as you can!!

  24. For some yes, for some no.

    If you relax, take everything in your stride then they can easily be the best years of your life. If you go to parties, laugh, take opportunity's and enjoy living a young-carefree life then they are awesome.

    If however you think on things too much, don't have a joke, frown and have a pessimistic outlook, then they're gonna be miserable.

    Everybody goes through times in life where they just want to curl into a ball and die, more often than not in teen years. However if you're pro-active and do something to put right what's wrong, you'll feel a million times better.

    The way I look at it,you control your own life. Not your hormones, not your friends, not parents, nobody but you. If you choose to let life get you down, it's your fault. Yes, others may contribute but in the end YOU are the one who gets down. If however you change it, you decide to fight back, then you can have a blast.

  25. I'm about half way through my teenage years and they suck, if this is the best part of my life, being a adult must really, really suck.

  26. No. . . sure, the freedom without generally having a ton of responsibility is nice, but the drama is definitely not worth it.  Besides, you only think you have a lot of freedom until you move out of your parents' house and actually do have freedom. . . which gets a bit scary at times until you're sort of used to it.

  27. I definitely agree! I'm 20 now, and I wish I could go back to high school! Just all those embarrassing moments that I look back and laugh at now, and it just teaches you alot for later in life. I just wish I was back to being a teenager, no worries except for how I look! x

  28. its hard to say i would have to say my PRE teen years like middle school was a living h**l for me because i was so messed up i was crying all the time because middle school kids are cruel they made fun of my hair and the way i acted and i would definetly have to say that middle school kids are the ones that made become more shy and harder for me to open up.... BUT now  i just turned 16 and so far i would have to say that high school years are way better and funner 1 thing is that kids arent mean anymore another thing is that you feel more independent like i can go places with friends alone and stuff.

  29. Could have been, had i used my potential, but i spent it being wild and rebellious, so no not tha best, but i had good times, so not tha worst either.  

    In short, if u make them tha best years, by using them wisely, applying urself to life, and experience, and not just trying to make a point, then yes!

  30. i have to say they are the most interesting.

    you dont have a lot of freedom but it seems you can do like whatever.

    parents hold you back.

    but when your older you hold your self back.

  31. Absolutely not. First, you (not you, people) don't know **** about anything so you can't make wise decisions just good guesses. Second you can't do what you want so it isn't really "your" life yet. Third and most importantly, with age comes experience and you will find out what i mean only then. Youth is wasted on the young. That said, these "are" the free-est times of your life so go for it! Have fun while you can before you realize how crazy the **** you do is, and before you have to go to work and be responsible and stuff.  Just don't end up having babies while you still are one.  Peace

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