
Teenage Acne Problem! ?

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I'm now 15 and I have had fairly bad acne for so long I dont even remember when I started getting acne. I think it must be 3-4 years ago now. I went to a doctor about it and he gave me erythromycin tablets and told me to wash my face with soap and water every morning and night. Although he said it should take 6 weeks to take effect it has been nearly 6 weeks I think and it seems to be getting worse not better! I was wondering, anyone else who suffered from teenage acne, does it go away?! and if so when did yours go away and what did you use to treat it? they are really getting in the way of my life and I hate them soooo much!!!!! thanks guys quick answers prefered!




  1. Talk to your doctor about a retinal based product.

  2. One of my kids had the same problem. The doctor gave him Tetracycline anti-biotic capsules, and a cream called stievamyacin, his face started clearing up in about a week and was pretty much completely clear in a few weeks.

    Good luck to you

  3. your acne is probably getting worse, but do not stop taking the pills and make sure to wash your face every morning when you get up and every night before you go to bed with an exfoiliating cleanser made specifiically for acne and maybe even splash it with water a couple times during the day just to rinse off any dirt or oil that could clog up your pores and cause a pimple.

    dont use regular soap to wash your face!! that will also make your acne worse

    make sure you use a facial cleanser specifically for acne.

    i have the same problem and my doctor told me that there are pimples under your skin and the acne medication will actually make them come out and heal up faster, so it may seem like they are getting worse before they get better, dont stress, drink plenty of water,

  4. k so first of all u should NEVER wash yr face with soap and water!! soap damages yr face further!

    well i hv acne too n i went to the doctor...he gave me a topical acne treatment gel/cream and i had to put it every night b4 going to bed  and it worked like magic! but i got allergic and had to stop but then he recommended another such gel and it had the same wonderful effects on my skin!

    i also use a neutrogena cleanser twice a day which helps a LOT! ... much better than soap and water!

  5. ewww acne is so gross

    good luck


    Worked like a charm.

    Good luck ^^

  7. I went to the doctor about 2 months ago to get prescription medicine - honestly, I doubted it would work. She gave me this stuff called benzaclin, half benzoyl peroxide and half clindamycin, and both are used for acne. It worked amazingly, at first it kind of dried out my skin, but after a week or so my face got used to it and it started working without drying. My face looks a LOT better after a month or two, and I'm not nearly as embarassed as I used to be. The only thing about this stuff is that it's super expensive, and you need a willing parent who's as tired at seeing you embarassed as you are.

    But as long as you have this stuff, keep using it for a few more weeks, the medicine I used was supposed to work in two and I didn't see any results for about a month.  

  8. I'm 15 too and I started getting acne about 3-4 years as well. I went to the doctor's over a year ago and she gave me: Tetracycline Antibiotics and some cream called Panoxyl Aquagel. When you go back to the doctor's ask if they can prescribe that because it is amazing stuff. Haha. Honestly, my acne's practically gone now although it took more like 3 months to work properly and that's how long I got told it would take. Hope this helps you!

  9. i don't have that bad of acne but what i do have is annoying. one of the best things u can do is not pick at them that only makes it worse if u Waite till the tip becomes white then pop it it should go away. i get oxey pads and face wash and use them about 2 times a day each and i use this clean and clear thing that helps them to go away or at least not get any bigger. but the best thing to do is just not pick at them

  10. Do you mean you're going to a dermatologist? I'm 16, and I had been going to one for a couple years and the results didn't turn out that great, it just seemed like my skin kept drying out from everything he gave me. But I'll tell you what did finally work, my parents took me to our family doctor and got me on antibiotics because I had a lot of infection, and I also started going to an esthetician who does things such as microdermabrasion, and my skin's cleared up A LOT, I was all bruised and scarred up before and I'm not hardly anymore. My skin's not perfect, but after experiencing the worst, a few zits aren't as big of a deal to me. Esthetician's can be quite expensive, though, but it's worth it.  

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