
Teenage Lows; Need Help?

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What gets you through a teenage low or a good way. I'm having one as I type. I feel like it's the end of my world. = '' [ It's awful.




  1. What the. wake up and smell the coffee hun im 17 and im sick of all this teenage c**p my mum died when i was 14-now that gives you something to feel low about. im sorry to hear you do though...but seriously pfft.

  2. Exercise, it helps increase endorphins ( happy chemicals ) in the brain. Take a good multi vitamin, eat healthily and talk to your family / friends.

    Go to your doctor and get some anti depressants. Try counselling and hypnotherapy. Maybe find a new hobby or join a club/ group.

    Try to think positive ie about what you have, rather than what you don't have. Good luck!

  3. go and have a good laugh with your mates!

  4. just do something cool

    when im down i just hang out with mates, or beat up my big bro's, or go shopping obvzzz, and go dancing

    do something you like to do

  5. i think you need someone that you can count on and trust to talk to.find things that cheer you up and that comfort you.keep yourself busy and happy.

  6. Im 16 and i get the same thing sometimes u feel like ur never gonna feel better yea?...

    well what i do sometimes is watch a romantic/chic-flick dvd eat lots of goodies have a cry, ring my friends/sisters n have a gud moan 2 them it helps me get alot off my chest!...have a nice relaxin bath and tink of all the things that you hav 2 live for and that make you happy, but best of all i get all dolled up put my fav perfume on and get out of the house for an hour or two sometimes bein stuck in makes u feel crappy !

    hope this helped! cheer up soon =]

  7. iv been on a low, you feel like you just wanna curl up into a ball, and hibernate for a few weeks right?

    well, rent a nice chick flick, maybe have a sleepover, melt some chocolate, nice cup of tea, jump into bed and snuggle up to your teddy. Sounds daft but always helps me, and try to focus on the positive, you never know what's round the corner hun :)


  8. Call your friends, they'll make you feel better.  Listen to happy music.  That always helps me.

  9. I always Make myself a hot choclate and curl up infront of the tv and watch a good old rom com!

  10. talk it over with your parents or a guidence counsoler

  11. Try to think of something positive. Anything. If you can think of one thing that is positive, you start to think of other positives, then you can smile, then it helps you feel better about yourself :D

  12. Just understand that it's your brains way of dealing with your hormones, can be d**n annoying, I remember it well.  

    Just do something that cheers you up, like listen to music you like or read a book that your imagination will get lost in.  Don't sit there thinking and thinking about it, it's nothing you've done, you've just got to ride it out.

    Maybe go for a run or a cycle, exercise will release endorphins in your brain, the feel good hormone, maybe they'll fight the baddies in there LOL

  13. Phone a friend. Best medicine Is smile a real one

  14. I know how you feel.

    I'm having one right now.


    Just tell a trustworthy adult to get you a counselor.

    Feel better.


  15. Do something that makes you feel good about yourself. Could be shopping, seeing a good friend and having a laugh you get my drift :)

  16. Have a good cry.  Lock yourself in your room and cry, and pray or meditate or whatever.  Then pick yourself up, and get on with your life.  Put on some really upbeat music, sing into a hairbrush, tell someone you love 'em, and rejoice in your blessings.  Sister I know that being a teen is hard.  I'm not gonna lie to you there.  But there are GOOD things out there.  This is what works for me.  You know you can always talk to someone, don't you?  There are a lot of people in this world that LOVE you.  Isn't that just a tad comforting?

    I hope I've been somewhat helpful.

  17. Try to remember that it will pass.  In the meantime, get through it by keeping busy:

    1. Do something you enjoy or something that will bring a concrete, visible result, such as a paycheck, a new look for you or your room, or something you made yourself.  

    2. Physical activity helps your body and brain - go for a run or walk or bike ride.  Listening to upbeat music has the same effect for a lot of people.  

    3.Try expressing your feelings in some way that you are good at:  write a song or poem, draw or paint a picture, play some music, or do something artistic.

    4. Make plans for something you will do in the future.  It could be a social event or party, an activity you want to take up, or something bigger, such as a college or career decision. Looking ahead always helps you put the present into perspective.

    5. Look outside of yourself and help someone else.  Look for volunteer opportunities or just do something nice for a friend, family member, or even a stranger.

    6. Keep an open mind. Life is full of surprises and opportunities if you are just open to them.  Sometimes when things look their bleakest, a wonderful and unexpected thing happens.  It could be today or tomorrow or next week.

    7. If you are religious, pray.  Put your life in God's hands and trust that he has a plan for you.  You may have to wait a little bit to find out what comes next, but something meaningful will come along.

    Take care of yourself.  Things WILL get better.

  18. Got photos of friends? Items that bring back funny memories? (: think back on good stuff. trust me, it'll help


  19. i no this is going to sound stupid but when i feel like that i always go for a walk in the country. cause i live on the outskirts of town not in the country but theres a country road bout 5 min walk away from me. and yooh can hear the birds songing and the breeze and its just calmin and relaxin.

    my advice would be try it. no harm in it.

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