
Teenage Party??

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I am having a teen party. it's a birthday/after exams/ going to be seniors party. It will be in my garden with music and a sort of summer theme to it. the only thing is i need a few quick and easy idea's for food and games. we are 16 and we are up for a laugh and we don't embarrasse easy so rude games work too! Any ideas?? thanks you! Also im in scotland and you can't put your finger on what the weather will be like so i need a back up plan for inside? any ideas?




  1. make it fancy dress,it a lot of fun seeing all your mates dress up. or you could make it boys dress up in girls school wear,girls in boys school wear.x

  2. as far as the food goes, i would go for some basic crowd pleasers

    veggie and fruit tray with dip

    tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole


    maybe your could make some fruit drinks / smoothies if there is a summer theme.

    as far as games go ... when I was 16 we went thru a huge phase with musical chairs .. even though i suppose typically that is a little kids game, we were always super into it in large groups, it got competitive and goofy. The success of that though would really depend on your group of friends.

    Have fun!

  3. My son had a party last year for end of school + birthday.

    He had a fancy dress, Pirates Party so all the food and games were done around that theme. For yours what about thinking Carribean?  Always makes people think warm and sunny even if it isn't.

    Serve pineapple and coconut milk cocktails with chunks of exotic fruit in them or a big fruit punch bowl.

    Use flower wreaths to decorate dishes of strawberries, melon, pineapple, kiwi fruits and other soft fruit that is in season. Pavlova...hmmmm has to be everybodies favourite pudding.

    Hawaian style pizza bites,  Scampi bites with dips, spicy prawns/chicken pieces with salsa dip. Food along those lines. Hot and spicy to make you fell warm even if it rains.

    For games stick to the Carribean theme.

    What about the limbo? Music like The Conga? 16 year old Pass the Parcel....Either something really silly in each layer like a babies dummy or something a little bit risque in each layer (boob shaped sweets, bunny girl playing cards stuff you find at a joke shop)

    The game that is always fun no matter what age is, in teams to pass the balloon between the legs to each other. The team that gets the ballon to the end of the line the quickest gets the prize...blow up parrot, shark, whatever is Carribean like.

    As for the rain, hire a gazebo or marquee. They are really not expensive for just a couple of days. You could then decorate that too with lights and flowers etc. Solar lights are pretty cheap these days and can be bought in strings like Xmas tree lights.

    Whatever you decide have a great time!!

  4. Chips (or do you say crisps over there?), sandwiches, pizza. Simple things will work for food. Your there more for socializing than eating.

  5. How about fancy dress, everyone has a good laugh. I remember my after exam party. We had a BBQ and made a big bowl of chili and jacket potatoes for people to help themselves to. If you know anyone who plays guitar ask them to bring it along, there's nothing like a good sing song after a few drinks or if you have sing star or guitar hero on xbox have a play off.
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