
Teenage Rebellion.?

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What are the causes?




  1. Lack of time & attention from parents. Children tend to see time as love. More time spent = more love.

    Lack of acceptance from parents. Where parents critisize children in their school grades, or pressurizing them to excel in their grades. Acceptance means accepting them for who they are despite of their weaknesses.

    Usually rebellious children has very low esteem, hence seeking esteem by commiting "cool" acts such as smoking, drinking, s*x etc. They also tend to seek acceptance from street corner gangs, where the leaders are there to accept them willingly.

    However, the strongest cause is self condemnation, thoughts like "once a loser, loser forever". Add all of these together, there you have it, a rebellious child.

  2. parents are too contrilong

  3. !) Definately hormones have a place in this. They're growing, sometimes getting frustrated because they have no control over their own bodies.

    2) Authority: parental or other, teens are now wondering why things are the way they are? Why must we do this, when this method is so much simpler? Where will this path lead us, and why must we choose it?

    3) Oppinons: They're starting to form their own oppinions, taking in the information that they've accquired and now molding it into their own personal views. Sometimes a teen can be so influenced by the wrong thing that they may start taking action.

    I suppose those are the main reasons.

  4. Questioning authority asking why things are one way and not another. Hierarchel Society. There are those beyond teenage years who rebel as well.  Also lack of control of money and a say in things. Financial control through personally designed currency can help. There is so much computer knowledge possessed by people working in offices which is underappreciated plus knowledge teenagers possess to make their own currency. Put that together and the rebellion might end.

  5. To much control from their parents.

    And hormones way to many hormones...
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