
Teenage autism?

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i was just wondering what the symptoms of teenage autism are??




  1. The old working blueprint unknown to autism is the book called The Enigma (1983) Hodges. It is the biography of Alan Turing (1912-1954) He was Autistic and father of the computer.

    Read over this book and see what autism was all about before Rain Man and I bet it will give you more insight to the answer you seek than any other book could. This book describes Alan's very odd strange way and life as  a messed up teen. It also describes how he overcame autism as we all did back then before the curse.

  2. Autistic teenagers have the same symptoms or characteristics that younger autistic kids have. Autism is almost always identified in young children, unless the person is so very high functioning that it doesn't matter. Parents begin to notice symptoms at birth and are really hep to the condition at 2-3 years old.

    Three most important symptoms of autism:

    *Inability to communicate or understand most forms of communication such as speech, pictures and reading. Higher functioning autistic kids don't have these to a marked degree, but still have deficits.

    *Cannot interpret or respond appropriately to social situations. They simply cannot understand them. In one form of autism, Asperger's disorder, children can talk quite well, but have severe social issues.

    *Repetitive movements or fascinations with moving objects or flashing lights.

    If you are worried about yourself, you probably aren't autistic. Kids with autism can't express or understand worry.

    If you are worried about yourself or another person, I suggest you go to the CARD (Center for Autism and Related Disorders) website. They really have some good info.

  3. Autism is a very complicated disorder. Autism is known as a spectrum disorder because it affects everyone differently.

    Teens with autism may have trouble talking or be more comfortable using sign language or gestures to communicate. Some spend a lot of time alone. They can have trouble making friends and not seem to respond to general social responses such a smiling and laughing. Often, people with autism will not make eye contact and they find it hard to join groups of other teens/people playing games or sports. Generally, people with autism are over stimulated which can cause them to withdraw from "bright" lights or be startled by "loud" noises. Some are passive and withdrawn while others react in tantrums and loud outbursts. Teens with autism don't have the ability to express emotions so this can also cause them to act innappropriately at times, too. Many people with autism have trouble coping to change and prefer set routines. In more sever cases, people with autism fixiate on objects or motions known as "stimms."

  4. Teenage Autism ?

    My son is nine and has severe autism ...could you be refering to aspergers syndrome ?
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