
Teenage boy problem?

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Is it wrong for a teenage boy to be sexually stimulated by ostriches?

Do you think it's good to love ostriches? I am constantly fantacising about ostriches.

I am so attracted to ostriches and horny with them. I feel I can't live without an ostrabitch around me.

I love the feel of their feathers and they feel so erotic against my body. And those big huge shiny eggs make me horny.

I just love to get up on those ostrabitches and ride ride ride. I can't help myself. Ostriches just turn me on.

Do you think I have a problem with this, or is this normal for a guy. But I hope it's normal because I love ostriches.

Ostrabitches rule.

Is there anyone else who feels this love of ostriches like I do?

Do you think I should worry?




  1. LMFAO OSTRICHES ARE YOU SERIOUS?! anyway keep away from anamals and dont get a pet.

  2. Its normal for a teenage boy to be sexually stimulated by...just about everything. Its your hormones, man. Give it some time.

  3. I think its OK... my wife often wears the mother hen suit for me...  It's the shaking of those tail feathers that gets me every time.

  4. yeah you should worry!

  5. you need help. And you need it fast. Turn away from big birds. there fickle and will run away from you or kill you.

  6. No man, no need to worry. I fantasize about ostriches too... Sometimes I m********e to monkeys and penguins. You're perfectly fine :)  

  7. On your way to see a Mental Health Professional, you should THANK GOD  your are not attracted to "Turkey Vultures"  You would not have anything to worry about then, they would eat it off for you.  

  8. You're normal, you love ostriches big deal. You're a teenager, that means your hormones are beginning to develop. All boys becoming men change differently. Some guys become more sexually stimulated than others. Some men find they get horney around women some find they get horney around other men. In your case you get turned on by ostriches. As long as you keep things legal (aka no beastiality)  It is no problem and will fix itself over time. Don't worry.

  9. okayy

    so where did you come up with the name for them....Ostrtabitchess???

    ahaha thats pretty funny

    but i mean, come on..GET A FREAKIN LIFE

    if you love em sooo much become a jungle cave man or just visit a freakin zooo!

    haha get into the cages and let your feelings goooooo goo goooo!


    p.s. ur stupid little ostrabitch crush is gettin old u ostriche w***e!

  10. umm maybe u are osrtichsexual you know like heterosexual except instead of likeing the opposite s*x u like ostriches...?


  11. its really  weird but u have an ostrige fettish i think that their is medication for that

  12. still with this? hahahahaha niceeee.


  13. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanx, man! you just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  14. THIS IS SO FN FUNNY i mean im only answering for the pts but god an ostrich and whats a ostrabitch. I hope your just kidding around because d**n your just god i mean seriously i can go on forever unless i give my self a heart attack from laughing well you have fun with yo9ur austribitches you beastality freak have a nice fn day lol im still laughing

  15. Thanks for the free points!

  16. uhhhh, everyone is turned on by different things.... or animals in your case. its perfectly fine. i used to think it was hot when girls ate ice pops. sorry but no, i do not love ostriches.  

  17. When you're a teenager your hormones are raging so sometimes you FANTASIZE .Now actually having s*x with an ostrich is illegal and is called bestiality. You should probably stop and just fantasize and m********e.Sorry, and it is kind of weird to like an ostrich

  18. you just made me start cracking up by the first line hahaha good one




  21. I think you have had your head in the sand for too long, my friend

  22. thanks for the points

  23. dont worry about it

    every teenage is secretly attracted 2 some type of animal but just doesnt want 2 admit it, so props 2 u man.

    BTW i like Lamas ;)

  24. This is obviously a troll.  A d**n funny one I'll admit tho.

    "ostrabitches".  ROTFLMAO

  25. I hope this is a joke.

  26. dude, something is not right. if you gotta ride something, ride something normal like a HUMAN girl!

  27. If this makes you feel any better ?

    I Have a crush on my granpa hes like 53 !?!?!?!

    as a teen i know its just hormones and eventually they will pass oh yess btw don't have s*x with them their are protected by the law and you can spend some hefty time in the slammer .....

  28. lol, thank you for the laugh and the points, lol

  29. YES most definitely

  30. what the?...

    are you serious? i'd say thats kinda wierd man...
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