
Teenage boys throw bottlerocket at dad;toddler?

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Do you think this is a good case for banning fireworks from the public or not (barring licensed professionals who put on the shows)? Do you think if these kids hadn't been caught that they would have gone on to more severe crimes? Do you think this is an isolated group or a reflection of young people in our society today?




  1. I think teenagers deserve to use bottlerockets as weapons. If they do not have them, how will they defend themselves from the pedophiles of 12chan? =[

  2. I think that fireworks should not have to be banned because of a few stupid kids actions, but I think they got off too easily. Bottle Rockets are not toys. I know someone whose hand got severely damaged because of one. It never fully healed. I think that it is an isolated group. Not all teens are like that. If I even tried to do that, I would not wake up the next morning. These kids are just a few losers, and if they were not caught, they probably would go off to do even worse stuff.

  3. I agree with spongeluv11

  4. Thats just stupid. Fireworks get bannned becuz stupid poeple use it for stupid things. People enjoy fireworks and everybody has a good time watching it. Why ban it when people are looking forward to see fireworks.

  5. One of my friends got his eye blown out by a illegal firecracker device.  He was a teen and he and his friends were just fooling around...and it cost him.  Everyone was really sorry afterwards but it did not change things for him.

    So don't ever say it won't happen to you.  

    And if that bottlerocket had hurt that two year Lord. Those kids would be in Jail.   I think Peer pressure works best. A "Hey man, watch what you're doing with that.There is a little kid over there."  from another teen would be effective.

  6. I already thought there was a ban on fireworks?

  7. I think they should!!

    I'm sure people can survive without their own fireworks!!

    There is so many injuries each year, its stupid!!

    Also i think ALOT of teenagers experiment with fireworks, I've been there once or twice and was terrified even though they were my friends!! They even chucked one through a window!!

    I think they would definatly go on to more serious crimes, they obviosly arnt bothered about hurting people!! Urghh i hate fireworks!!

    =D xx

  8. Not everybody is like that, so it makes no sense to ban it for everyone.

  9. I think it's a good case for giving the teenagers involved a good old fashioned butt whoopin.

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