
Teenage boys: we all know that you wear a mask, i'm asking to hear a little about how you are on the inside ?

by  |  earlier

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Haha, okay so this might be a tough question to answer...but can you guys try to tell me what is usually on your minds?



Video games?

Could you tell me what you really think of ugly girls?

Do you find fat people repulsive?

I realize that everyone is different, I can't generalize men, and I won' tell me a little bit about what men are really thinknig, what you men are all about, what you are really like. Thanks. Easy 10 points.




  1. I don't think about s*x much, i'm bi-sexual, i rarely watch television and don't own a games console. I think ugly girls are well ugly.  I do think fat people are repulsive.  I like cars. Fixing them and driving them.  I play golf and snooker. I like music. I am an apprentice builder.  Alot of my friends say i'm dull because i am not the stereotypical teenager.  I choose not to drink but i used to smoke and was always in trouble at school.  I am 16 and live in scotland.

  2. I'm 15. Here are my answers.

    s*x: Not really, but I won't lie. I think of it sometimes.

    Television: Next to nothing. I don't much watch television anymore.

    Video Games: Most out of all. I'm always trying to find a good game.

    Ugly Girls: Some of them p**s me off, because I notice a lot of the time (not generalizing here) ugly girls will use MySpace as a way to develop friendships with people before they talk to them elsewhere, because of a lack of self confidence. Confidence is a good thing to build up.

    Fat People: I won't lie - it depends on the personality. I recently had an overweight teacher, but she had a great personality and a charming smile. Now if I saw some fat person who was an a*****e, yeah, they'd be repulsive.

    Hope you enjoyed the insight to my soul. : )

  3. why?







  4. You're right, all men are different in a lot of ways. Our tastes, our thoughts, what our focus is. The whole s*x thing is true for the most part, that we think about out it every 2.5 seconds or whatever, but for the majority of us that's subconscious. Yes, there are times where it's lifted into to conscious thought, we display that when it does. We're built to crave s*x, to pass our genes onto the next generation. We can't help it.

    Television...That differs WAY too much between guys. There really is no way to tell you what most guys think on that. Same for video games. Video Games are usually for boys, not men, but they're creeping their way up the age ladder with more and more mature games being released.

    Ugly/Fat girls: I put these in the same paragraph because all too often "Fat" directly means "ugly" in a lot of people's minds. Fat girls are usually unattractive, yes, but not always ugly. I know plenty that if they just slimmed down they would have guys clawing at each other over them. Ugly girls... There are nice ones, there are others that have become bitter and cynical due to how they've been treated. Unless their reputation speaks for them, I never pass on a girl just because she's ugly. I can't speak for my gender, though. Not even close. Usually the "Ugly" girl is their gateway to the hot friend.

    On both these points it all comes back to genetics and what we're built to do. Seek out and find a female with exceptional (or sometimes just acceptable) traits and qualities. Usually being overweight is not healthy and thus our instinct is that they are not such a prime candidate. I'm going to add one more little category, and that's large b*****s. Again, favorable traits. Not only is it likely this trait will carry on and further our  genetics into the future, but they are also a sign that the female in question is more likely to better nourish our kids.

    So there ya go, half psych, half genetic history :D.

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