
Teenage daughter problems!

by Guest64841  |  earlier

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My Husband was in the computer room last night doing some clean-up on my daughter’s computer & came across some search history that was completely inappropriate for a 15 year old. He removed the router so she can't get on-line. Should I confront her or just try to monitor what she is doing on the computer?




  1. it might have not been her but whats the chances it wasn't

    i am only 14 going on 15 but i kno my friends did the same thing.

    there parents didn't talk to her about it and it went way out of hands.

    i knew a little about it, but i didnt know if it was her or her other friend that was always over

    but than the next couple of weeks she had been acting weird at school she was worse than the guys in the perverted stage..

    so i went and told her parents what i knew.

    they finally sat her down and told her what they found.

    she was mad that they went threw her computer at the beginning.

    but they told her it was inappropriate for her to be doing.

    i think what made her stop most was when they said i have had people come up to me and tell me your worse than some of the perverted guys.

    and her mom said do you want names or something at school?

    n she changed i noticed right away.

    parent controls-block some websites.

    or you could monitor it a lil more see how many times she goes.

    but than i'd block her sites.

  2. Yuor daughter was too stupid to delete the history?!?!?!?!? lol haa im 11 and i know how too delete history after ive watched p**n

  3. i agree with other posters.  you need to actually TALK to her . not to give  her an "out" but it could've easily been one of her friends that did it.  Frankly, she could've just as simply cleaned the cache and browsing history, etc every night if she was really up to something bad, so she probably had no idea the stuff was even there.  you should ask!

  4. Just one point. If they were all in the same period of say half an hour it could have not been her doing it e.g. a friend while she was out the room or something.

    Just consider it.

  5. you may want to confront her it better that she knows why you took the router and monitor  

  6. i wish you would have said what it was he found this may have helped a lil bit, but i would do both first off install something where u can monitor her, then sit her down and talk to her abt it if shes doing this at home more than likely shes doing it at friends houses too......good luck

  7. shes a 15 year old teen if you found something inappropriate she may be doing this for attention. she may seem like she wants you to leave her alone sometimes but you should talk to her as a friend not a mother tell her that your not going to judge her but your just trying to be there for her. COMMUNICATION is important if you ask her why she had gone on these websites but DO NOT BLAME her just ask. if she says shedidn'ttdon'tt push on it leave for a little while and then come back incalmlyy a couple hours later and just say wedon'tt mind if you did we had just been wondering. if shedoesn'tt talk then leave her and she'll come to you BUT NEVER PRESSURE HER.

    (best answer)

  8. I would let her know what you found and tell her she can have one more chance but you will be monitoring her.  If she does it again take her computer.

  9. If there is some inappropriate searches on your daughter's computer, I would talk to her about it.  If you don't she will most likely ask you anyway, since you took her internet away.  If she does not ask, it is most likely that she knew something that wrong. I would not allow her on the internet without talking to her.  Don't go along like nothing happened- that will close down communication.

  10. You should confront her in a respectful way. For her to be looking at that she is either interested or doing it and like how it felt and looks. You should definitely monitor her computer usage the next time she gets on and it shouldn't be anytime soon. This the perfect time to talk to her about s*x, pregnancy, STD's and protection.  

  11. both. because if you dont tell her y she cant get on the internet, that will lead to more problems not only for her but for you guys as well

  12. Definitely discuss your feeling w/ her and let her know why the websites are inappropriate and let her know the consequences  if she browses them again.  

  13. put the computer in the kitchen or family room so you can monitor it at all times.  do both.  talk to her AND monitor her.  you don't want her getting involved with some nasty old man on the computer.

  14. Just make sure that she knows that you know about this. DONT monitor what shes doing on the cpu, just check her history every month or so to make sure she stopped, maybe your over reacting. Shell want her privacy on her Cpu but if shes going on bad sites that's a problem. Make sure she has privacy!

  15. Both!

  16. well im 14 and i cherish that i get my own computer that is un monitored by my parents. however, i dont go on inappropriate sites. i think that you should talk to your daughter about this, but she might get mad and think that what you did was an invasion of privacy. maybe you could just set up a parental block that blocks these websites that you deemed "inappropriate". good luck :D

  17. It's a good idea to explain to her what you found, then give her a chance to explain. Communication is important!  Continuing to try to monitor her internet activity is also a good thing to do.

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