
Teenage daughter question~~anger management

by Guest55727  |  earlier

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My daughter is 14, she has always been a morose child, even as a baby, she would throw tantrums and be moody, and not so nice to her younger sister.

She has recently gone "emo". She gets angry at everyone, mood swings, and hanging around a not so good crowd. As a relatively young mother (34), my husband is the same age, and we were "punks", so it is not as if we are completely uptight.

Her friends are from broken homes, which is unfortunate, but, our family is very cohesive, and my husband and I are close and we would never divorce, (still in love :).

It seems as if she thinks the idea of broken homes are "cool", as are the fights that go on between the parents of her friends. So she is almost emulating her friends frustration.

Any ideas? I have just put her on a stress formula "mental calmness" that has suntheanine L-theanine.

Any other ideas, I have asked her to journal me with any questions, and have made her aware that we are always there for her. I am just feeling really upset with the attitude and the anger. HELP




  1. im 15. i dont want to be label.. but i would say that im "punk/emo" too. i understand what you are saying about your daughter. i know a few times when i have acted like that too. this is just a phase. she will realize what she is doing soon and yet again she will change her style. she is probably just trying to act like that so her friends like her. shes just trying to fit in. dont worry about her friends either. they are going to change soon. friends change with style changes. this is all just a phase. you really have nothing to worry about. i would suggest just watching her making sure that she is still alright and on the right path somewhat. dont try to change her mind on anything. she will just rebel more. i should know. my parents tried to get me to change my styles but it only ended worse for them. just let her know once in a while that you are always there for her and are there to talk to her if she needs it. let her know that her whole family is there to help with with everything she needs help with. thats the best thing you can do now.  

    hope i helped. :]

    good luck

  2. Tell her to be herself and not try to fit into "Sterotypes"

  3. Just make sure that little ingrate knows how lucky she is to have two parents who love each other.

  4. Try spending time with her. Chances are that she will spend more time behaving like you and your husband than her friends parents. Do something fun that you could both appreciate.  

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