
Teenage girl who thinks she's in love for the first time?

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I'm a 13 years old girl who thinks she's seriously in love with this wonderful guy. we've been friends september of 2007. I had a crush on him the first tim I ever met him. He's one of the only guy I could call my friend, because he's not one of thoses inmature jerks.he's smart, athletic, has a really big ego, he can be mean, but he also cares about me like a friend, and will listen to my problems and give me advice. I told him I liked him, but he didn't feel that way so I was okay with it. I met my bf a month later and he met his gf about then too, and then we had drama between my guy friend and bf, because my bf was jealous. my guy friend and his gf broke up sometime after because she was a liar from the start. my bf and i broke it off as well, and my guy friend comfort me until I felt better, but I never did, because I started to like my guy friend, and possible even love him. I felt hurt because he would tell me he loves me, but as in a friend way. I didn't talk to him after a while, and then we started talking as friends again, but my feelings hasn't changed after 8 months. what should I do? and I don't want us to be not friends




  1. Don't be hurt by the fact that he "loves" you as a friend but not a gf. I think its great that you have a friend who cares about you so much. "Love" can't be forced. Respect his feelings for you, or you might end up losing a good friend.

    At the same time it can be hard to forget your own feelings. Try not to touch him (i.e. holing hands, hugging) as those things will only make you feel worse. Don't call him late at night, as again it will only make your feelings stronger for him. And don't try to substitute your feelings for him by hooking up with another guy. It would only make u dishonest towards the new bf.

    I know u think ur in love. But trust me, this probably isn't it. u have plenty of time to fall in love. don't get hung up on one guy.

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