
Teenage guys, what do you talk about at sleepovers?

by  |  earlier

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I really would like to know!




  1. We talk about girls and play video games. But especially talk about girls, all the time. When your in school, were talking about you. When your sleeping, we talk about you. Even when your thinking like 'o maybe they're not talking about me' were talking about you. Good and bad things

  2. Guys are nasty!  LOL

    Their mom's did a lousy job!

  3. Lol guys don't ave sleepovers- but i would say sports/women, and just play video games/watch p**n?

  4. well, i don't trust my so called "friends" so we usually just make idle chitchat while we play video games. occasionally i manage to manipulate the mood in the room so i can talk about something serious, like sexuality, women, although i wish i could talk about hot guys too. but with my friends, they would make fun of me if i actually talked about guys. i'm a sensitive person, and somewhat feminine. wow, i'm going on and on, but that's pretty much what we talk about.

  5. We don't have sleepovers. We just crash at each other's place.. And when we do we play halo, talk about girls and video games and order pizza.

  6. All my sons ever talked about when they had friends over was football and girls.

  7. I'm not a teenager anymore, but I'll tell you what I did, and I'm sure it hasn't changed much. first, we NEVER had sleepovers. we crash @ one friend's house. we eat pizza, played video games, usually halo or super smash brothers. then we fall asleep @ 6 am, everyone wakes up around 11, then repeat for a  few hours, and finally go home.

    forgot to add... we mostly talk about girls, video games, movies, music and then make fun of each other.

  8. I didn't know teenage guys had sleepovers either. I doubt someone teenage boys calls up all his friends and asks if they would like to come to his sleepover on such an such night at such and such time. I bet if there is, it's more of a "chance" thing, where friends just decide to go over to someone's house (probably the one with the best electronics), and they pig out, play video games, watch dirty movies, etc, and some just happen to fall asleep because they stay up so late. I don't think guys are much for deep emotional meaningful conversation with each other.

  9. ha..this a very uncommon question

    let's see..when me and my boys get together. in the evening time we usually play basketball or soccer, you know something outside. then later on we go on to watch a movie or something like that. when we get back home in the midnight we stay awake playing xbox 360 till like 4 o'clock in the morning and when it's about time to go to bed.. we all turn off the lights....oh, sometimes we'll also have pillow fights with our sofa pillows... ok so. we hit the lights and usually talk about hot girls. which chick i want would want to bang or whom i would like to see stripping know..we basically spit out everything that our brains have thought about when we looked a some hot girl in the last 2 weeks. so yeah we basically talk about girls, girls and girls, before going to bed. ---------------------- don't jump ahead of me and think, " so, before u got to bed you talk about girls...does that mean you guys jack off in your sleeping bags once it's all quiet??" and the answer to that is NO!!!!

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