
Teenage help with a seventeen year old?

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Should I learn how to mind my own business as far as my seventeen year old? ?

This question is for strict parents. I dont want to get bashed by people on here. My seventeen year old who has only been dating her boyfriend for a couple of months, came home after only going

to the store five minutes with a price tag for a 1.09 on her boob. I wasnt pleased. Aside from the obvious this boy has not been a good boyfriend in my eyes. Two weeks ago we found out he has been lying to her the entire time they have been dating. (About hanging around with an ex-boyfriend of my daughters who has made her life a living h**l. This exboyfriend is into drugs. This exboyfriend has assaulted my daughter and it got so ugly I had to pay his medical bills because my daughter hit him with a car to get away. He comes by my house with friends yelling to my daughter she is a ******* w***e. I am afraid where she is with a guy that may be like her ex. I told her to hold back and see how it goes with the new guy not to jump into a sexual relations with him. Not that I approve of casual s*x. I dont I have always raised her to either be in a committed relationship or to be married. So I was quite upset to see he was putting stickers on her ****. I know I am old fashioned but maybe more people should be.

So my question is should I be upset or is it non of my business?. How do you shut off being a parent just because your child turns eighteen?

1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. Its ok to be upset or worried, your her parent. Her protection and happiness is definitely your business. But make sure not to approach things with rash feelings. or you might push her away.

    good luck :]

  2. Your child is your child. You can't just turn it off. If anyone was being disrespectful to my child I'm sure I wouldn't like it. Communicate with your daughter all the time. Talk to her about what is acceptable and what is not. Ask her what she thinks is acceptable. I remember when I was 17. I knew right from wrong but I still wanted the attention from boys. You have to show your daughter that that kind of thing can lead into others. The guy will keep pushing the line farther and farther until she doesn't know where the line began. The best thing for her to remember is when she feels uncomfortable she needs to get out. No bf is worth it.  

  3. tough call but.. you need to talk calmly and do your best not to sound judgmental.  Get as close as you can to this new guy. If you attack her on her choice you will just alienate her further.  Encourage her to a have a loving relationship with a respectful (insert qualities you hope for) young man not these disrespectful kids. This new guy might be fine just look ruff. get to know his family. Good luck and remember when you were that age and try to think how to gain her confidence based on where you were when you were 17

  4. Seventeen is a hard age to deal with. She now has her hole life that she is responseble for. I think that you need to inform her of what is going on is not a good thing but to try to control her and make her do what you want her to do it wrong. First if you do that you are going to push her away and lets just face it, the law states that she no longer at the age of 18 has to listen to you if she doesn't want to. SO don't tell her what she has to do. Tell her the things that you spot wrong with the situation and the consaquences that follow the wrong actions. Let her know that you understand and are going to suport her in any dision she makes. Reason two you can not walk behind her for the rest of her life picking up the pieces for her she has to fall and fall hard sometimes because if you don't let her fall she will keep doing the wrong thing cause she knows " oh it is ok mom will clean up the mess" before you know it you will be paying for her bail cause she knew you would so tell her that if she choices to stay with this guy this is what could happen and if she is ok with that and he is worth the risk then letter her fall but not to hard she will get it if you allow her some control over her own life.

  5. what?

  6. Ask her how she feels about it and listen. She needs to start learning to stand up for herself and take control of how boys treat her. If you show her that her opinion should be respected, and that you care enough to listen, you'll set the foundation for a lot of growth.  

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