
Teenage masturbation?

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there was a girl i was doing it over yesturday and it was odd because this time it took ages and i got all hot etc but usually isnt like that. Anyone know why there might have been a difference with this person?




  1. maybe you felt selfconscious.  

  2. perhaps you are g*y?

    check out my book, "the man inside me" and you may be enlightened on the subject.

  3. Maybe you experienced love =D

  4. s*x isn't necessarily perfect every time.  Some times take more or less time than others, and sometimes we just can't get there.  I hope your lady love is helping and not just watching.

  5. its probably because you don't just want to have s*x with this girl. she means alot more than just a hott girl. aww. :)

  6. yeah, for some reason it seems to take longer when doing it over somone you actually like. dont no why,
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