
Teenage pregnany?

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So i have been travelling around answering mulitple questions on yahoo answers tonight and have been overwhelmed with these teenage girls, who are pregnant or already have a baby wanting advise. In my opinion advise obviously doesn't work for them or they would have listened when everyone told them not to have unprotected s*x. But anyway, i want to know that i am not the only one in this little community of semi-bloggers who think this teenage pregnancy thing is getting way out of hand. It is almost acceptable now to have a child at 17,16,15, i went to school with a girl who had a baby at 13! Where did society, America, go wrong. What do you think is making kids see having a baby as a popularity boost? 10 points to the best thought out answer!




  1. Tv and music .

    Turn on the tv now and all you see is s*x / dirty jokes/ and women and men acting stupid on some reality show .

    even disney channel now has  8/10/13 year old girls with make up on and short skirts .

    Wtf ?

    that's why i don't watch tv now .

  2. These people who are having children when their teens are people who are trying to fill missing gaps in their lives. They see having a child filling a gap and that they won't raise the child the way they were raised, but they do because its the only life they've ever known

    The education system is stupid as well. How is putting a condom on a banana going to educate kids about safe s*x? It's not. They need to make it real to the teens, they need people who have been there, done that and are dealing with the consenquences e.g.

    - The mum who fell pregnant 13-14

    - The one who got drunk and and fell pregnant

    - The one who slept with so many guys, she doesn't know who the father is

    - The one who has caught an STD

    - The one who had a miscarriage

    - The one who had an abortion

    - The one who had a child with abnormalities because of drug use

    These are real people. Not textbooks, or old teachers talking about s*x. If teenagers see that it can happen among them, then hopefully they teenage mother rate will decline

  3. You think advise over the internet would make a difference? No it doesnt, commercials dont, pamphlets dont, parents dont, church doesnt..... And you want to know why... School. School and it's teachers are the reason kids are so screwed up these days. Teachers no longer care. And some people may say parents are responsible but, a lot of parents who love their kids, take care of them, and teach them what they can are the ones whose kids are having babies. Now, when a teenager is around their parents, they think a certain way, thay act a certain way, they are an entirely different person then when they are at school. Then they go to school and are faced with hundrerds of other kids their age who are all trying to prove themselves of one thing or another. Now when students are in a classroom who is the leader? The teacher. The teacher will teach a subject, yet at the same time alter your childs mind in ways that will tell them that they are or arent a better person then the kid sitting next to them. Teachers no longer treat students equal, they have their "pets" and  visibley show in a classroom who they prefer. A student who isnt treated with respect by their teacher while their fellow class mate is, is more likely to have lower self-esteem and and more likely to do things to prove themselves worthy of attention by ways of drugs, s*x, criminal acts.... Now obviously parents should as well show their child love and respect, but a child who is disrespected in front of their peers will be more affected than one who isnt.

    I know this does not apply to all teachers but of the 50+ teachers that I have had I can only say 6 of them are worthy of their titles.

  4. I dont know if i should answer this but i am one of those teenage girls your talking about... i dont think it's only our fault but our parents.... they keep us soo caged in and not able to venture out that when we are finally out we do stupid things. i got pregnant my senior year. i now have a beautiful baby boy and my high school sweetheart i married. I dont have anything bad to say but sometimes you gotta listen to both worlds.. the parent of the teen and the teen. also Maybe just maybe if girls, teenage girls and maybe guys saw an actual woman giving birth they would think twice... because my  younger sisters were at my labor and they were soo scared that they didnt even wanna talk about s*x... i though it was funny but was also happy that my sisters wont do what i did....

    Thank You and God Bless

  5. Lack of moral direction in our society is the primary reason for so many teen pregnancies.

    While I knew some teenage mothers from college, I was never a teenage mother myself, I was better educated on the matter, not to mention the fact both my parents guided me well throughout life. I see this whole teen-mother issue as contrary to the feminist movement, which was against females as being incubators, and favored individual achievement for females - college, career, financial independence. Any teen who gets pregnant is going to have  a very hard time achieving those three things in life.

  6. i agree that 9 out of ten teen pregnancies are horrible but i am 17 a mother of 5 soon to be 8 i grew up wayy to fast and my child was planned i am married i am moving from my apartment into the new home my husband and i just bough i graduated school at 15 with honors and i am now going into school to be a RN so before you judge find out something about them but yes it is usually wrong

  7. it is out of hand and no I don't think it is acceptable. I think alot of it goes with parents tryng to make there kids grow up to fast or maybe being to over bearing and want their parents to think of them as adults and think babies are the only way. For any teen who reads this having a baby at 17 16 15 or younger is NOT ok! If you simply want to be treated like a grown up act your age don't do things that are going to get you in trouble. If you must have s*x use birth control and make sure he wears a condom. If you aren't willing to think about the after affects then don't do it. Enjoy your child hood enjoy life don't have s*x just to gain populatiry and do not have baby till your married. anyway that is what I think .

  8. I totally agree... Australia (where I'm from) is way out of control in this area. Especially since new mothers have had a $5000 BONUS (we like to call it a plasma bonus! lol!) given to them if they conceive.... definately an incentive.... but not long term. Apparently it is estimated that it costs $250000 to raise a child to the age of 18. $5000 is not a dent in the amount it costs all up! It's pretty bad to be honest....

  9. well, maybe i'm a little old fashioned, but i think you should be married BEFORE you get pregnant. I don't think it is acceptable to be having babies when you are still one yourself. My husband and i were together for six years before we had our first ( i was 28). yes, birth control does work if used properly. When i went back to nursing school, i oticed that most of the other moms in class were single 19-22 y.o. and they were congratulating fellow classmate( single and 20) on being pregnant. I believe us folks raised in the 70's and earlier were given different morals.

  10. I think it's irresponsible parenting. Most parents won't talk to their kids about s*x. My grandparents didn't talk to my parents  & they ended up with me. My parents made it an issue from the time I was around 10 to talk to me about s*x. They let me know about consequences & the options that I had. Even though I had pre-marital s*x (which I regret) I did it responsibly. Parents now also don't make time for their kids. They're always into their own lives. I know a bunch of unsupervised kids that are roaming my neighborhood. I think if they had a more watchful eye they wouldn't get into as much trouble, not just with s*x either.

  11. I don't think we can say all teen girls want to have a baby. Is it out of hand? How many teens really have babies?

    I don't find it acceptable for a 13 year old to have a baby and certainly do not encourage it. Where I live, it is not acceptable to have a baby as a teen. But we support the teen if it should happen. The teens in my area are busy with school, sports and friends.

    I do not agree that kids see having a baby is a popularity boost. Having a child is a big responsibility.

  12. Personally, I think it's the music and t.v. The rap talks about smacking the hoes and s******g some more hoes. The t.v. has shows all the time about a girl getting pregnant, but it never shows what happens afterward with all the troubles that come with a child. That's what I think on the matter.

  13. Well i have to say that I was a very old lady in the delivery room, was 26 years when i had my first son,i am 29 now and still have 1 child.

    But i totally agree with you and this is the only quote i can give so that you understand "babies making babies".

    Personally i think some of the factors that cause teenage pregnancy is @bad parenting@peer pressure@bad home environment@lack of knowledge@no good morals,etc

    But you cannot kill them,they deserve a chance,no abortions.

    If all young ladies thought like you we may have a different society

  14. I think that teenage pregnancy is just as common as it was centuries ago! I'm not saying that it is right or wrong.  I think it is wrong however to plan to have a baby with someone knowing that your not able to take care of the child. I think it's wrong to just have s*x without protection knowing you can get pregnant. I think that mistakes happen and they are forced with a decision wether to keep  the baby or not. I applaud some for stepping up and raising their children! I think getting pregnant also comes from a lack of knowledge from parents and school. Parents tell them not to have s*x. Kids are going to rebel and they end up getting pregnant. I think parents should spend more time educating their children and helping them than telling them no!!

  15. I just sometimes wonder if it's a matter of the concept or  idea of long term consequences not being taught. We are taught right and wrong growing up, but it seems people get so caught up in instant gratification they don't think beyond that moment. Just a thought.

  16. oh shut up you cant judge a whole group of people on a stereo type. i wont disagree that most teenage mother arent ready for a baby but there are still a lot of young moms who would be h**l of a lot better parents then an older mom or two parents. society has always been like this. yeah the word b.a.s.ta.r.d didnt just arouse from slang it came up all the way back to the beginning of language because it means a child without wed parents, which so commonly is teenage pregnancy not all but most. and who the h**l thinks that frikken having a baby is a popularity boost. the truth is having a kid in high skool gives idiots reasons to be jerks and i doubt that thats in there plans to be mocked and harassed at so please shut the h**l up and stop trolling leave teenage moms alone people dont care about there opinion why should we care about yours

    p.s. your not gonna give the best thought out answer 10 points your gonna give it to someone who agrees with you and sounds well written

    p.p.s judgmental people like you p**s me off cus ur so close-minded

  17. Irrisponsible parents.

    I am a mother of now, #3 at 19 myself.

    But, i am very mature, we live in a very priveleged neighbourhood, the kids will be attending private school ect.

    My first was an accident, i was 17.5, we used protection, i wasnt ovulating, but it must have been meant to be.

    They girls are just striving to grow up.

    Its also unconditional love. The parents are either workaholics, or party animals, alcaholics, ect.

    So the child recieves very little attention and love, doesnt know right from wrong and wants unconditional love.

    Who can give that besides parents?

    A baby.

    [Plus, i think many on here are making it up like Y&A trolls to freak us out]
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