
Teenage reletionships. help :)?

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Well me and my ex boyfriend met about a year or so ago. And we went out for 7 months and he said he loves me and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and what not. But about a month ago (i broke up with him) i just totaly lost all feelings for him and other reasons. I stil wanted to stay friends with him and he agreed to that. We are stil friends but i find it really hard to .. not act affectionate towards him. He still comes over sometimes. Im not attracted to him i just.. i dunno, im rreally confused. Im like drawn to him or something and it gets really hard coz people see us together and assume we are going out. He's always kissing me on the cheek and putting his arms around me and the problem is i dont have a problem with it but i know i should. But its probably really confusing for him. I dont even know if breaking up with him was the best thing to do. I just found myself doubting whether i liked him or not when ever he wasnt around but whenever he was i fully changed my opinion.

I dont know what to do?

help me haha

i dont even know what im asking

i jus t know i need help




  1. Would you care if he saw other girls. How would you feel if you saw him kissing another girl? If it would bother you, then you probably still like him, if not then move on, get a new man

  2. Let's face it, you still like him, & he didn't get over you yet, so why not get back together & be happy again, i completely sure that you are still love him and he s trying to do anything to win you back, just go for it girl and be with him again.

  3. get back together with him girl !!

    i wish you the best of luck

    x    x     x

  4. Think about this:  love isn't all about that first flush of attraction and the excitement of getting to know someone new.  Lasting love is about liking who a person is every day and who they make you strive to be every day.  Lasting love is knowing he'll be there when you need him and knowing you want to be there for him if he needs you.  Lasting love is knowing that you have something worth working for even when the going gets tough and you're mad and tired and want to quit but won't because you want to keep the relationship.  If you broke up with him because that first excitement was over then maybe you broke up for the wrong reason.

  5. Honey I really don't know what to say just that it seems that he hasn't fully gotten over you yet. I mean you guys were going out for 7 months. If i were you i would just give him some time and then maybe he'll understand that you just want to be friends. Then hopefully he'll play down and you can be happy and so can he. Just give him some time if you don't mind.... Hope that helped hun.

  6. maybe when you where together you where spending too much time together...

    like if you spend time apart your grow fonder...

    maybe you like the friendship you how now because its all fun with no strings attached

    just relax everything will fall to place after time :)

  7. subconsciencely you like him

  8. Wow you said it, you do need help!

    Look, I know what you mean about the being drawn to him thing, if you've just broken up it just a habit to act certain ways around each other..  You need to start correcting the behaviour every time you realise it's happening..  Not just for you, but for him as well, god knows how he's feeling..  Before you start doing it though, have a talk to him and just let him know it's hard for you to move on when you both act that way..  It will be hard at first to stop, but eventually you will get use to it..

    The whole part about you not having a problem with him kissing or hugging you, well that's just because you don't have feelings for him and you don't care.. It's as simple as that really..  You're acting like a single girl, but with the ex - there is the problem!  So yeah, best to clear things up asap..

    Once the behaviour is sorted and you aren't acting as "friendly" anymore, then you will be able to clearly see whether you want to be with him or not!

  9. he still thinks he has a chance with you.

    you need to decide if you get back together or not. If its 'not' then you should set clear boundaries as to what behaviour is and isnt acceptable as a friend so there is no confusion.

    only you can decide im afraid.

    if he was no longer around and was dating someone else would you miss him?

  10. Just get back together.  

  11. If there's nothing there, then it probably will never be truly back. Guy and gal frienships can be like that, it doesn't seem that weird but he might still have major feelings for you, and likely he won't stay with you forever. Sad fact. So try getting to know other people, and maybe even date. Usually guys can be kinda clingy, especially if they knew you for a long time. I don't know you'll probably break up later on and then waste a whole bunch of time and get feelings stomped.

  12. That sucks.

    Thats so confusing...

    Umm.. i don't know what to say lol..

    Because i'm like that too.. i like someone then i don't then i do again.

    Hmm all i can say is good luck lol


  13. Wow that's one confusing relationship haha =P

    I think you should just take some time to think what you want, just think, do you love spending time with him (close... with him)...

    Your emotions are really mixed right now, from what i can tell, you should just relax for a while, and just take your mind of things!

    If your still wanting to be with him and want to be "affectionate" with him, then i, personally, think you are still somewhat attracted to him in one way or another.

    Sorry, yeah it is a really confusing question, but yeah!

    Good luck with your relationship and life,


  14. Make a list of the reasons why you want him for bf. and one for why not.  That might help you sort out your mixed feelings.  If you enjoy being together as affectionate friends and are not serious about any other guy, why not just go with the flow.  But if there is something underlying (like pressure from him), it may be best to break off completely.  When I was teen, I had a hard time being direct with boys about how I really felt.  It was easier to go along than to confront them with my true feelings.  Looking back, my feelings were pretty valid.

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