
Teenager looking for a job with a felony record,what are the circumstances?

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So im 15,and next year i will turn 16 so im just planning ahead of time of what i should do with the situation.Last year i was convicted of a felony (a pretty stupid one) , that involved me and a few of my friends.

We went to my elementary school that i used to go to,to play with some air soft guns.It was a friday and like 2 hours after they got out.No one was endangered except for me and my friends.We just went around the school shooting at each other.We didn't notice that the principal was still on campus so then she called the cops on us.Most of my friends ran except me...(my gun was too big), so eventually i got caught and everything.went to the police station and all that good stuff.

Part of me still wonders how that is considered a felony,i really thought it would me a misdemeanor..but i guess not.

I was charged with possesion of armed forces..something like that.IT WAS A FREAKIN BB GUN.come on someone.i didnt even hurt

Now the time has come where i need to start making that cash flow,and now my parents tell me that i wont be able to find a job because of it.If anyone can give me a detailed answer,but not one thats too confusing.i would gladly appreciate it!




  1. I don't think they check your record for jobs.


    The job i had, a summer gardening job, didnt require looking at record.

    If you're wondering about when you're an adult, your records get closed after you're 18 unless its if you killed someone or something.

    I have friends that went to juvie for fighting and mobbing people and shoplifting, and they all got jobs.

    and i think it shoulve been a misdemeanor...

    my friends got caught with palying with bbguns on a rooftop, and someone called the police, the police said they couldve charged with misdemeanor but let it slide.

  2. Cleaning, kitchen work, packing, running errands, gardening, babysitting, newspaper delivery are some of the jobs available. These jobs will be posted in local newspapers and billboards. A better option is to work from home on your computer - write articles, sell on eBay, make a website, take surveys. In some cases, you may have to set up an account in your parents or guardians name, and ask them to pay you, after they get the money for your work. More details are available at

  3. Buddy, you need to slow down.  You've got to be out of your mind if you are seriously thinking about (let alone doing) running around a school with Airsoft guns which are full scale replicas of REAL firearms.  You very easily could have been killed by police.

    It's a BB gun, but what do you think a person driving by would think?  If you don't see the tip, it looks awfully like a real gun doesn't it?  How do you think a parent whose kid went to school there would feel if they saw that?

    This will seriously hurt your prospects of finding a job until you are 18.  Once you turn 18, you can try to have it expunged and have your record sealed but until then, you're stuck.  

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