
Teenager wants to work on Hillary Clinton's campaign in NYC.?

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I am a teenager that wants to work/volunteer on Hillary Clinton's 2008 Presidential campaign. Are there any offices that she has in Long Island or New York City that I can work at. I'm willing to work part/full time over the summer on her campaign.




  1. She has her people on Yahoo questions and answers attacking anyone who is not pro Hillary


  3. I think its great that you want to get involved in government, but why did you pick her?  Didn't we have enough of her leadership back when Billy was official in office?

  4. How is she even a senator when she's not even from New York?  NY must have some dumb laws.

    If you really want to work with her, I suggest being skilled in the art of hypocrisy.  Say one thing and then contradict yourself while opposing someone else just to make yourself look better.

    Also, be skilled in making yourself seem like you're everyone's friend.  Learn how to change your voice so when you go to the south you can speak like them, and when you go to California you can speak like them.  This will make people think that you connect with them.  

    And learn quirky cultural things.  For example, say a few things about the Bible to impress the Christians.  Say something about an obscure, important black person to impress blacks.  Talk about how wealth is evil and how wealthy people should have their wealth taken from them and given to the poor.  To be an authentic Clinton supporter you should also be wealthy while you say and do those things again solidifying your hypocrisy.

    Also, you might want to support making important decisions based on politics instead of what is actually good for the country.  If you do this, you can probably work for almost any Democrat OR Republican.

  5. If you are a female - watch out for her husband....

  6. .......why?

    i dont even what her to win and I thought it was a chick thing....

    go Obama! :D

  7. WHY would you want to do that ?!?!? She supports socialism !!

  8. Bill would love to have you there,  but Hillary,  you might just be too  pretty ,   and she may not  want you there.

  9. Whatever candidate you decide to volunteer for, all you need to do is look up their website to find out where their headquarters is, or call your local newspaper. Then either sign up on their website or go to the campaign headquarters and offer your services. They won't turn you down.


    Just had to look it up on her website.  Good luck on whatever you want to do.

    Not saying who I want, just answering your question.

  11. Are you sure you can spare the time away from your training for the Special Olympics?

  12. Good to campaign.


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