
Teenagers??? Do you find them annoying ?

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I have noticed that they get quite a bit of grief on here, is it warranted?




  1. no i love them.... they're one of the best..!!

  2. im torn, after all i used to be one!

  3. lol

    You made my day .

    Iam a teenager..

    And personnaly if i was my mom i would

    boot my butt out of the house :P

    YES ! I find teenagers SOOO Annoying

    but heck,.

    You were there once,

    Just think whats going through there head at the time

    and remeber alaways have an open mind ,  

  4. Yes. Mind you, I wasn't too fond of them when I was one!

  5. No we are not annoying and we don't deserve the grief that we get. Not all teenagers go out and stab each other, some of us are kind and respectable.


  7. its all about maturity. some teenagers are very mature and not annoying in the least, while some adults are as mature as a fifth grader.  

  8. not all teens are bad, it depends on experiences they had in life, how they were raised and so on...then again not all adults are Avondrow i have to agree with you, i wasn't always too keen on people my age when i was a teen either

  9. I find them extremely annoying.

  10. I used to but we were all teens once and how quickly we forget the insecurity.

  11. i find it not fair they get grief it's not fair they only want advice but it is annoying when they post stupid comments or questions  

  12. I am a teenager, and I can understand where you are coming from. I must admit that there are peers that I do find annoying. Personally, I think it all depends on how they were raised. If I took after my mother, I bet I would be annoying, but I take after my father. I know to respect my elders and watch what I say. When I am around friends, I can pretty much act however I want. I am sorry that you find us annoying, and I wish that those who do annoy you were a bit more conscientious of what they were saying.


    some are but hear what this guy thinks.

  14. I'm not an adultist and I don't make generalizations. Not all of them are bad.

  15. I am a teenager! and i am not annoying ?

    weird question. it is just discrimanting the whole of the minority of teenagers. which isnt good!

  16. Sure.  The principal job of teenagers is to be as difficult as possible, particularly to their parents.  It's hard wiring.  If they didn't rebel, they'd want to stay home forever, and the gene pool would suffer.  My 15 year old has extremely healthy genes.  I remember being a teenager, and have only fond memories of being annoying.

  17. I don't see how anyone can hate a certain age group - particularly a younger one, because they've been it themselves. Also, an older one, people complain about, but they know they're going to be like that - sometimes they even aim to be like it, just because they can.

    But hey, that's people for you, crazy way of the world.  

  18. No they are fine by me.

  19. That inquiry is just to broad.

  20. No. Except for my daughter sometimes when I can't get her off the computer! But I work with a lot of teenagers and they are fine.

  21. Because I am a teen and I have to be around them a lot yes they can get annoying.Mainly the spoilt rich kids who ask for everything then whine when they don't get it. I hate all the drama some give out.

  22. hey! we arent all annoying you know! just because one or two have annoyed you doesnt mean that we all are.

  23. I think that it depends on what teenager you're dealing with. Alot of them are decent, but alot are annoying.

    answer mine?;...

  24. It's just the stupid teenagers you got to worry about, Im 14 and I don't believe im annoying. Lets just say im more matured than my peers.

  25. I didn't like kids when I was a kid, moreso during the teen years.  


  27. No really. If a question irks me I do not reply. Teenagers are just that and they are who they are and ask nieve questions because that is the stage in life that they are. I was one once upon a time and remember how it was for me at that stage of my life.

    Perhaps the 'grief' they get is from other teenagers.

  28. Only the extremely bratty ones are annoying.

  29. Depends on the person. I know some teenagers who are really cool and some who are godawful. I can say the same for every other age bracket, too.  

  30. I find most of the annoying, with my almost 14 year old heading the top of the list.  It's a phase, hopefully they will grow out of it.  I know they are way far advanced from how it was in the 80s when I was their age.

  31. some times yes

    I have given up answering most teenagers questions on here because often when i give them an honest answer...they really don't like it. I am not saying I am always right or know everything, but there is a bit of wisdom that comes with age. If they only want help from other kids...they should say so.

    And sometimes they get grief because the questions can be just down right crazy... you often wonder if the asker is just that crazy or if they are just trying to cause trouble.

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