
Teenagers: When you think of your future, what do you worry about the most?

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Teenagers: When you think of your future, what do you worry about the most?




  1. being alone, being in debt, not being able to support myself

  2. i worry about many things but i'm mostly focused on which college i'm gonna get into & what career i want 2 & a career is lyk totally important 4 me bcuz my mom had me when she lyk 15 so she doesnt have a career or anything and it rlly sucks & i dont want 2 end up lyk her or anyone else in my family..lyk we have so much potential we just dont use thats what i'm worried about & i'm 15...=]   & i also worry about whether i have the ability 2 rlly b independent & fully support myself as an adult

  3. i worry, that on my death bed i won't be satisfied with the life i led. I worry that I will have never experienced love or followed my dreams and instead, had settled for a mediocre life.

    I guess that's why they always tell you to live life to the fullest :)

  4. i worry about what job I'll get, will it be the cliched white collar job or will it be something I like, like fashion or creative writing.

    I also worry about whether I'll ever find a spouse, no. of divorces(now thats too much) and also that will I be ever be able to be happy.

  5. Not having a successful and profitable job. That would dissapoint not only me, but also my entire family. I also worry about how I am going to pay for college and how I am going to get into college.

  6. that if i make a bad choice it will catch up to me in the future and haunt me for life ... sounds kinda psycho but .. oh well

  7. i worry about not being rich, being alone (i want to marry and have 3 or 4 kids), not having a good job, not getting to do what i want to do with my life, not getting into a college, not being best friends with my best friend forever, and getting pregnant at my age (15) or anytime from now until im 20 or 21.

  8. I worry about being like Eleanor Rigby and living the last few years of my life with absolutely no one. I can't stand not seeing people for a week and I can't even imagine doing it for a few years.

  9. WOW.. well, i worry that im going to be a failure.. i know that i can do whatever i want in life but sometimes the stress just gets to you as if there is no tomorrow.. i worry about not being happy, i worry about being alone with noone to count on.. i worry about a lot.. i want to do so much with my life but i know anything can go wrong at any given moment.. i hope i have a succesful future and i hope im happy by the time im 30 ..

  10. That I'd fall off the tracks, not get into uni, get a c**p job and never make soemthing of myself.

    Not falling inlove, never getting married, not having children :(

    Losing the friends I have now, and never making new ones, and not being able to go clubbing and stuff.

  11. first i worry about how im going to pay for college (even though im in it right now) second im getting my masters degree so i wont finish college till im 25 or 26 and im worried ill get pregnant(which is really irrational) and 3rd im worried ill never find love (which is also irrational)

  12. im not sure about what i would like to do for my futuree, that worrys me. im afraid illl pick somethingg that wouldnt be the job for me. i just want to have wealthh, happiness & health for my familyyyy

  13. i think about it all the time

    i have alot of worries actully

    1. college

    2. get married to the one thats ment for me

    3. having kids

    4. whats going to happen to the world with all this sh*t thats


    5.mainting friendships

    6. NOT getting preggo before im married

    (but its kinda hard everyone feels so pressured )

    7. making a difference

    8. not losing it making something of my life like my mom

    9. staying  strong like my mom and not letting her down shes down everything for me and given me the best life :)

  14. i worry a lot about being able to have children in the future.

    For some reason i believe that i think about kids so much that i will not be able to get pregnant when im ready to have kids. hopefully, this isnt true.

  15. I worry about not being able to find the "perfect" guy... and not perfect like he has no flaws but i mean the right guy for me. Someone I can trust, someone that will be faithful, etc. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough but good guys seem hard to find.

  16. If I'll still have my job since there's a lot of people getting fired/laid off since there's a whole bunch of new businesses and what college I'll attend.

    And teens! They're maturing too fast.

    The future freaks me out. =/

  17. Having enough money to support my family.

  18. I worry the most about what college im going to get into.

  19. Failing in life. Like not finishing school or struggling to live and me moving back with my mom. I love my mom and all but i just want to live up to her expectations and her be proud of me like she is now.

  20. raising a family

    help me please:);...

  21. That I'll have no money because I will spend it it all on clothes, booze and cigarettes.

  22. well in the immediate future (after this school year) i'm worried that i won't get accepted into the college i want, that my friends won't be with me, that i won't be able to pay for college.... and then i hope that i have chosen the right career, that i find the right man to be with Forever, and about kids... it seems like I'm the only one on here that isn't sure she wants them. Well, ok I do, but I don't want to have to sacrifice anything for them so yeah... I just want to be happy!

  23. I am 22 and I am not a teen but I worry about a good job and college

  24. being alone forever, having unsuccessful kids & living poorly.

  25. Being alone. I mean I have family right now and the thought of leaving them for college scares me. Another thing is being poor. I can't depend on my mom to pay for me much longer. I have really big plans for myself but I am scared that I won't follow through with them.

  26. my job. i know what college i want to go to, but i don't know what i want to go for yet. i really want to own a business, but i know that will be a huge dedication, and i could really go into debt because of it. then, i would also like to go for nursing, but i don't want to work holidays and such, i want to be a mom to my kids when i have them.

  27. in the near(er) future... whether or not i'm going to want to move from maryland to california when my boyfriend gets transferred from his current duty station.

  28. Well, short term:

    -SAT/ACT, studying for that, making a good score

    -What college I'm going to get into, and before next summer

    -Senior pictures, and what to do about that

    Long term:

    - Whether or not I will marry, and if it will turn out okay or not

    -My family dying

    -global warming

    -Being out on my own, and alone

    -Supporting myself....


    -the presidential election, seriously.. this is an intense election, and our choice will make a huge impact on the entire world.. it's scary, actually.

    Ha ha.. I've been worrying alot lately for some reason.. I've just been stressed?

    good question, though

  29. Not enough money for the college i want to be in real soon and my mom controlling me

  30. umm, i hope my future turns out well, lol thats all i can say.

    i really worry about getting old lol thats my biggest fear.

    but for my future, i hope i have a steady job that pays well and can support the beautiful family i wish to have one day, lol.

    & travis of NLT would be my husband. ;)

  31. i don't worry i can't worry because its point less it won't help me in any way and somethings happen at are out of our hands

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