
Teenagers in Spain...?

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What do teenagers in Spain do for fun?




  1. It depends where you are . we live inland from the costa blanca, surrounded by mountains. there  is nothing for teenagers here. really it is probably better in the bigger cities though.

  2. Usually not many things. Teenagers don't work there or go do volunteer work in churches, lot of going out.

  3. look 4 boys lol

  4. why

  5. same as any other countries teens

  6. Pretend to be Franco?

  7. I guess the same as in anywhere else. It's been a while since I was a teen, but I don't think it has changed that much:

    -Play video-games (Playstation 3, Nintendo DS, Gameboy...)

    - Go to pubs and clubs

    - Drink alcohol (mainly in the streets, a social phenomenon called "botellón" that keeps increasing. I confess I did it myself when I was younger, although now I see the adults point of view and it's true that leaves behind lot's of dirt and makes lot's of noise. It consists on teen groups getting together and drinking in parks, plazas, beaches...They take different types of alcohol and soft drinks, bags of ice, and just mix it all and get drunk. It's really cheap and for 5 € each you can drink a lot. Although it's illegal to sell alcohol to underaged, it's v.easy to get it, especially in certain areas of the country)

    - Go to the cinema.

    - Go to friend's houses to see download films.

    - Some people play in music groups.

    - Other play sports, mainly football (soccer), basketball, tennis, handball, hockey, hicking,  and sailing (obviously in the coast areas).


    - Internet

    - Many like card and role games, although they are considered geeks by the majority.

    -Many smoke marihuana, as most young Spaniards hardly consider it a drug as it's well social accepted, like cigarettes and alcohol.

    That's all that comes to my mind, although it really depends on each teen, as every individual is different, don't you think? For example, I spent most of my free time going to the cinema, going to pubs and caffes with friends, reading and drawing. Well, and also with the botellón...

  8. Actually the teenagers in Spain go to parties, go out with the friends, they drink alcohol in the streets and in the bars. They go to the cinema, listen to music, play instruments in some band...

  9. These days ? The same as any other teenagers !

  10. well from what i saw

    they usually go to beaches


    some shopping, going to cafes and all that
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