
Teenagers on birthcontrol....?

by  |  earlier

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what age is normal to start taking birth control? not for the protection but for like your period?




  1. i was put on it when i was 15 for my period, although doctors dont usually like to put young people on the pill just because of side effects and stuff like that. although, if its say for heaviness or really bad period pain, they might just get you checked first to make sure nothing else is causing it to happen and then if everything is ok and you want to be on the pill then they'll  result to putting you on it.

    thats what happened with me anyway.

  2. i say its best to talk to your doctor because the age might be different for everyone. due to allergy's, and many other thinks that your doctor would know

  3. Whatever your situation, don't take it just to take it.  If you have spoken with a doctor and they explain to you that birth control pills might help regulate or control some aspect of your period, that is perfectly fine.  But if you have no medical reason, and you're not sexually active, there is no reason to take it.  There is no right or normal age - it depends on your situation.  

    Honestly, its an unneeded hassle if you start to take them before you need to - its something you have to commit to every day at the same time, and the effects for many aren't worth it to to take them without a good reason.

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