
Teenagers: stupid or not?

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Honestly on yahoo answers, so many teenagers that are pregnant or in some kind of trouble, they all assume its because being a teenager causes them to do "stupid things". K, I'm just here to ask the majority of you, mostly adults or people over 20, are we(teenagers) really that dumb? Do people look at us and think we're so fuking stupid that we cant keep our legs closed? I'm not criticizing anyone, I really just wanna understand your view of us.




  1. ya you basically have to be stupid to be cool now! I think I rather be uncool.

  2. Yes, especially since you guys have your own little show on TV depicting all of you being like that, called "The Not So Secret Life Of The American Teenage Ho".

  3. There is a difference in teenagers I have noticed. It is in some ways due to the home environment and the school environment. The teens that know what they are doing and don't have boyfriends before the age of 15/16 are usually the smarter ones. The ones that are pregnant before they start dating need some help.

  4. everyone has a dumb moment ( you can agree with that)

    we as teen are smart but compare to the wisdom of adult we are lacking in some areas.

    we teens are not ignorant but we don't know everything.

    its apart of life. we don't know everything if we did there would be a lot less pregnant teens or teens with stds.

    teens are not stupid but we make some stupid mistakes

    18 female

  5. Speaking as an old guy, I don't think all teenagers are stupid, but I'm sure many of them act that way to fit in with their peers. I'm sure that literacy rates among teenagers are way down compared with my generation. This is not because they are stupid, it's because the education system has failed them and nobody seems to correct spelling and grammar anymore. Neither have many of them been taught social skills to enable them to interact with any but their own generation. Too many parents abdicate their responsibilities and give up on their teenage 'rebels'. There are teenagers who will always be a pain in the butt and expect society to adjust to them, but there are a h**l of a lot of good ones too if you take the time to talk, and most importantly listen to them

  6. Well some are but you cant say its everyone, some teens go on this website and think all these strangers will help them solve their problems but sadly we cant. But then there are others (like me and you) that ask more reasonable questions but I agree people must think were really stupid... oh well

  7. I gotta agreed with you, some of the teenagers are very dumb and learn how to control themselves.

  8. I'm not over 20, but here is my answer:

    teens are adrenaline freaks.

    They are on the fringe of adulthood, and once they realize that being an adult is boring, unlike being a child, they do crazy things to start spicing up life.

    Like running from police, partying, having s*x. They want to feel important and have a dramatic life. They are caught in anti-climax.

  9. Read the questions on here posted by teens.  They are insane!!  Out of control kids come from parents who took no control.  The fault lies in both and all.  Even our communities are failing parents by not allowing them to achieve a support system for themselves or their children.  Teens are resulting to drugs and s*x like they were 21 year olds in the 1960's..It's scary crazy!! I'm not critizing and I don't understand either!!

  10. Some of them are wise and smart. People like me and many other teens who come here, but alot of them are freakin' idiots. Do you know how many, "h3lP pLzZzZzZzZ! iM 13-16 n Pr3gNaNt! Im ScAr3d!?" I see every time I come around? Do you see how many whiny complainers I see hear. Do you know how many "mother at 13" Users there are here?  

  11. I'd like to understand this too, not all of us are like that.

  12.   I hold two degrees in electronics and computers, now retired after 30 years. But in somethings I am ( what is called stupid) I hate that word. But long story short, I cant drive a nail, nor can I spell very good. Guess in life that makes me stupid. But I have a book that is published and held all A's in collage. D's in high school. So no I dont think teen agers are stupid, but reather they have not the chance to learn things. This is also true with teenagers that they should know not all adults are smart. But some have made mistakes that they wish you not to make, does not mean that your dumb. But we all no matter our age make mistakes and then hope we learn from them. Most the kids I know go through life as to party and have fun today and learn tomorrow, but very few go through life trying to learn today and party tomorrow. This is your time to make or brake your future, the most you learn is now, as you get older its harder not to learn to remember what you can learn. But never let it bother you when someone say's your stupid, because truthfully, your still learning! It would be better said if they would state, you never listen.

  13. Everyone is different.  

  14. I think some teenagers are stupid and some are not, just like adults. There isn't much of a difference there because most of the dumb teenagers just become the dumb adults.

  15. im a teenager and yes some of us are that stupid

  16. I'm a teenager. A virgin. A semi good student. Yes, I have had my problems. but, I have good faith in all my decisions. I am in a honor math class. I try hard in everything I do. The farthest I have ever went with a dude is 2nd place, I didn't want to even go that far, he took advantage.

    I'm fourteen.

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