
Teens, are you interested in going to college?

by  |  earlier

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Are you even taking the SAT's? Like half of my friends aren't even bothering taking them.

Just curious.




  1. yes i am

    even if i wasn't i;d be forced to

    and my mom make sure i take the psat

    ima freshman so yea its not out yet but wen it is ima take it

  2. without a doubt. i'm either going to the University of Georgia, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, or a New York or LA Fashion institute to pursue a career in agriculture or to be a designer:) two very opposite pathways, yes, i know:)

  3. Oh of course! I am definately going to college, but I'm not sure what I'm studying for yet. Already saving up :)

  4. No, because I do not want to get all irritated and be in pissy moods all the time like mom.

  5. I gotta go to college. Need to have a job and get paper when I'm older.

  6. i want to go to college, i am a sophomore this year so i am not taking the SAT's but i will eventually.

    help with with mine please.;...


  7. yeah I hopefully am and yes i'm going to take the SAT and PSAT

  8. I am.

    I took the SATs last year in 7th grade, beat 80% of the seniors in my state. I'm not worried about those.  

  9. Nope im going to be an olympian at the next summer olympics i need to train not to test

  10. Being a perfectionist, I have very high expectations for myself. So , yes, for me going to college is not an option. I want to be a very skilled, smart, successful person in my adult life. Even if I wasn't required to take SATS and go to College I would.  

  11. im not going to darn collage LOL  

  12. going to college is not an option for me

    i HAVE to go and then get a career not a job

    the SATs are very important to me and i will do whatever i can

    to pass it with high marks

    take the PSAT, SAT prep class

    i am in a program that helps student go to a four year college


    consider joining it if they have it at your school

    they put average kids in advanced classes

    and you do a lot of work but it is worth it

    and learn how to be prepared for college

    taking notes etc..

  13. No i already cant stand high school as it is plus im enlisting in the Marines (Infantry) just like my dad and my Grampa did so i dont really need it

  14. Im going im taking my sats. Actually last yr(grade 7) i got asked to take my sat;s  by duke college but i didnt bcuz my mom didnt want me to(shes weird)

  15. Yah the job i want needs a college degree

  16. h**l yeah, i don't wanna end up working at arby's or mcdonalds for the rest of my life, i mean when your in highschool in college its ok, but i dont wanna be the 30year olds you see behind the counter, right now im thinking about becoming a pediatrition  

  17. Yes, I am interested in going to college and yes, I plan on taking the SATs.  :]

  18. i'm definatly going to college. nowadays you cant do anything except work at mcdonalds with just a high school degree.

    i wanna be a preschool teacher=]

  19. nope. if beauty school counts then yeah i guess...

  20. YES!!!

    i dont wanna be a 30 year old loser livin in mom's house working at Jack N' the box or Mcdonalds lol

    I want to go to a great college though.

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