
Teens, do you have a shower the night before school or the morning before school?

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If so why?

thinking of changing my routine.

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  1. I shower every night because my hair would never dry in time to leave the house otherwise.

  2. i shower everynight, because my hair would be dry by the morning,and it doesn't add more things to do when i leave the house...+ i can sleep in alil later and still be clean

  3. I always have a shower in the morning, not matter what. It really wakes me up and I feel a lot fresher. If I need to wash my hair, I have a shower the night before so I have time to blow dry it & straighten it, but I will always have another shower the next morning, just not wetting my hair.

    Kinda random question

    Hope this helps :S

  4. I take a shower at night because when I get up in the morning I have to get myself ready and my son as well so I don't have much time. If I wanted to shower in the mornings I would have to get up at like 6. I wash my hair again in the mornings so I can style it.  

  5. I shower in the morning because my hair feels softer when it dries. I use to shower at night but my hair was too crazy in the morning to deal with.


  6. well i shower at night.

    i wouldn't have enough time to blow dry my hair and everything in time for my bus in the would be a pain.


  7. I shower in the evening to wash my hair, then I have another shower in the morning without wetting my hair. I couldn't go out without having a shower in the morning. I'd feel really dirty.

  8. I'm 24 so not a teen any more but when i was at school i would have my shower at night time. It was to cold in the morning half the year and i love love my sleep so this way i could sleep in a bit more.

  9. I get up early before college to go in the shower.

    I tended to find that showering in the evening would make me up so I would be tired the next day from no sleep, whereas it's a good thing for me to wake up and take a shower straight away- especially if the water is such a high temperature that it's still like lying warm in bed and my brain slowly thaws.

    Also- sometimes in the summer term I would find that my room would get really hot and not only would I wake up sweating slightly, but my hair is an abomination which only washing will tame.

    I just think it's generally nicer to be able to fall into bed in the evening and then get up and be clean and fresh for the day ahead of you.  

  10. I bath in the morning because:

    1. Although it takes up time, it wakes you up

    2. All the sweat from the night before is washed away

  11. both....i take a shower at night..because during the day, i get sweaty, etc..and in the morning..cause i like to do my hair when its wet..and the water wakes me up =]

  12. the night before

    i do that because if i showered in the mornings i would have to wake up earlier. i take long showers and my hair takes FOREVER to dry, even when i use a hair dryer.

  13. shower the night before since my parents take use the showers in the morning at the same time i need them and they don't like getting woken up at 4:30 am while i shower.  

  14. Before i go to bed

    That way i feel clean when i go to bed and your not sleeping in dirty pj's/ sheets

    also it saves time in the morning


  15. to feel relax i used to bath at night

    and just wake up in the morning to do my hair (it took a hr)

    to be fully awake in the morning id bathe in the morning and just put my hair up

    all depends how you feel

  16. in the morning. i used to take a bath at night when i was younger but i realized that i wasn't all that fresh so i started bathing in th emorning; i feel more fresh

  17. I take a Shower before i go to bed the night before school. Because it will relax me so i can sleep. And i am usually running late in the Mornings so i don't want to go to school without taking a shower

  18. the night before because my hair is so long and thick it would take over a hour to blow dry in the mornings and their is no way I'm waking up at 5am to shower.

  19. i take a shower the night be4 becuz its faster then in the morning,   you are fresh and clean and dont have to worry about wasting time showering  

  20. I shower in the morning cause it makes me feel more awake during school


    i used to shower the night before school  but i changed my routine as well

  21. i take a shower before i go to sleep, and sometimes when i wake up, depends on how i feel. if im really really tired ill take a shower to wake up more.

    my schedule:


    wake up; get dressed.


    go back to sleep.


    get back up, brush hair, teeth, eat


    watch tv, usually listen to music(john mayer<3)


    leave for school.


    get home from school. do homework.


    practice my guitar w/ uncle jon.  :)




    watch tv, computer, eat.


    play my guitar some more. (by myself)


    lay down, watch tv


    go to sleep.

  22. the morning so you feel fresh and pumped. ands plus you will have been wearing dirty clothes that you slept with for the whoel night.

  23. i take one before because it easier that way and i dont have to get up earlier than i already do!  haha.

    but if i dont have time the night before i wake up early and take one in the morning.

    it just depends on what is going on.

  24. I shower the night before so I can sleep in a little more in the morning.

  25. it depends on how i'm doing my hair. if i'm scrunching it, i get it in the morning. if i'm wearing it straight or just wearing it up, i get it the night before.

  26. i like to take my shower in the morning. it helps me start my day, but some of my friends say at night b/c it saves time in the morning. it's up to you

  27. i take a shower the night before school because i have pe and my school is not air conditioned, plus i like a clean bed and sheets and if i have dirt on me and don't take a shower it will get in my bed.

    i also would have to get up earlier than i normally would if i took my shower in the morning because i have to be to school by seven because my dad is a teacher and needs to get ready for shool and i have early bird pe in the moring and have to be there at 7

    so i perfer taking a shower at night

  28. I shower every night because then I don't have to wake up early and shower in the morning.

  29. I take a shower every night, so in the morning I save time. I get up at 7:30. It takes me 30 minutes to get ready, and 30 minutes to leave and I leave for school at 8:30, so it all fits. If I took a shower in the morning, I would have to get up early and it varies on how much time I take to take a shower. btw, who the h**l is giving everyone who said to take a shower at night a thumbs down?! We all have different opinions and this guy just asked us for ours! Jeez.....

    Hope I helped

  30. in the morning cuz if i take the night b4 my hair is hella crazy and if u take it in themorning it wakes you up so u are ready for ur day

  31. I take a shower before bed because it gets all the dirt and everything off my body and out of my hair. But I also take a shower in the morning because it helps to wake me up. Do what makes you comfortable.

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