
Teens: Do you agree with this statement?

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"there are more important things than boys"

Cause nowadays i see girls obsessing over boys. I like boys and all but, im not preoccupied with them.




  1. there are more important  things then boys!! well..except one boy :) read my username xD

  2. yes.

    i agree.

  3. i am tottally obsessed with guys lmfao

    but yeah i do agree with that.

    hoes before bros <3


  4. Yes i totally agree. Boys come and go. They cant help you get into college or help you start your life or help you get a job now can they?

  5. yea i agree i mean you'll have a lot of time for guys trust me! get to know yourself more and focus on ur friends or family! teens should think about other stuff and enjoy their youth instead of thinking about guys every second of everyday.of course youll still like them that's for sure.~~~~~~~cristy


  6. Of course there are more important things than boys! Getting good grades, being fit, being a good person! The list is endless! I'm not saying boys aren't a huge part of life, I obsess over them more than is required, but what you need in life is a really good balance!

  7. i agree! They are not our needs just our wants! Boys are surrounding us. We don't even need money to buy them!  

  8. yes i do. i think that school is way important, then friends, then family and last is where boys come in

  9. Yes, and I'm a boy!

  10. ok personally...I LUV BOYS!! haha i think most 16 year old girls do.

    im def not obsessed, but i like to look at the cute ones ;)

    i see girls who just absolutley CANNOT stop thinking about them, text them all day (DURING CLASS), have posters of them in their room (come on, ladies!!) and drop some grades cus of them. i think its right to focus on school, and then focus on boys when your done with that. growing up with 6 brothers, i know that boys dont start LIKING you until about age 15-16...!! haha

    xoxo julia

  11. Oh yeah.  

  12. Tell the jonas brother fans that...


  13. yeah i agree with it 100%. i love boys but i have to worry about school, friends, family, sports, and other c**p.

  14. Of course. I mean, I don't exclude boys altogether, but I need to focus on school work, family, and friends before I can start contemplating boys. lol.


  15. Yes, schoolwork, Jonas Brothers getting good grads,church,my friends, donald duck.

  16. Of Course!

  17. Yeah. i do. =]].

  18. Fianally someone who understands.. HELLO?? there is more to life then boys!! My friends are talking about some guy 24/7 and I'm sick of it.. I  mean guys are great and all but come on.. what happened to sports,friends,EDUCATION etc

  19. Yeaaa kindaa.

    I always focus on my school work and sht but i can't help but be boy crazy! lol..i just love guys what can i say hehe :)

  20. Yes I agree, although I AM one of the boy-obsessers. :) I definitley think that there are more important things, but its truly not something that girls can help themselves with. No one chooses or wants to be obsessed with boys... its just something that you have to deal with. In fact, my mom even said she wished that she could send me to an all-girls school, because she said "if you went there, you would get straight As".  

  21. I agree 100% I hate girls that think boys are everything and go into a depression and will only let a boy pull her out of it and they change everything about themselves to get his attention its stupid

  22. Absolutely! Some girls at my school fawn over guys that they let their grades slip. They become engrossed with all the gossip about the guy that they forget about the real issues. Boys are fun to hang out with and are nice companions, but obsessing over them is not a life...friends, family, and school (and/or other such things) are.

  23. Yes.

    But I do love me some hot men.

  24. Of course!

    If a boy comes along that I like, I'll date him. But for now I'm content being single.

  25. i think for teenages girls, boys are an important aspect of life, especially hot ones, like tom daley ;)

    but, there are also much more important things too..

    so yes i do think there are more important things in life than boys. :)

  26. yeah I agree. I mean I like them but I have more important things in my life.

  27. i agree

  28. yup,i really agree with that statement. me,as a teenager, admit that im obsessing over boys but that was before. now i focus on my studies because mostly girls who are having boyfriends at a very,very young age get pregnant at young ages too. and obsessing over boys distracts your studies especially if you're a top student, you won't let boys ruin your life and make your grades from A's to D's. when im in my 20s,i think thats the right time to think about boys.

  29. Yes, I so totally agree with that statement, and yes people/girls do like obsess and make their world revolve around guys and I find it pointless and in some ways demeaning like seriously it is not that serious, I like boys to I mean it is natural but to obsess is just a bit much they really should take a step back into reality.  

  30. It's completely natural for teenagers to be obsessed with the opposite s*x (or the same if you swing that way), it's unavoidable and related to hormones. Our bodies want us to reproduce so it makes chemicals to try and trick us into it

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