
Teens - Do you get allowance?

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If so, how much?

And What do you do to get it and how long?




  1. wash dishes - $5 a week if i do dishes everyday

    clean inside car -$7 incuding get all trash, vaccumm, dust, wash windows.

    mow- $10-20 depends on how much i mow-riding lawn mower.

    but i have to buy all my hair stuff, make up, jewlery, ect.

  2. I'm 20 now, and I stopped getting an allowance at around 13. I know people at college who still get 20$ a week from their parents. Personally I think it is pointless because they end up spending the money on alcohol and cigarettes. For younger teens (13 and up) I think that allowances should not be given unless the kid is actually working for the money. Like cutting the grass or babysitting. Never give too much money because you don't know what they are spending it on. You don't need to feed their bad habits! Possibly have a list of chores, with one for each day. Then take them shopping for a reward at the end of the week.

    EDIT: No offense to the girl above me, but 100$ a week is WAY TOO MUCH. Especially if you are 16, when you can find a job. Once a teen starts driving they should NOT receive an allowance. How will they learn responsibility otherwise? The value of a dollar must be learned.


  3. I'm 13, and every chore I do I get 50 cents. I mean, I'll be doing the chores anyway, why not make a few extra bucks? :)

  4. Only if I actually do the work. And then anywhere between $10-20. I usually empty the dishwasher when it's full, vacuum when it's dirty, dust, empty the trash, watch my brother, take care of the dog, and retrieve the mail. Sometimes a sort and put away laundry.

  5. No but my mom usually gives me 30 dollars a month which isnt a lot for a month. but i usually save $15 a month and spend 15

  6. nope. never had never did. why should i get money in doing chores when im supposed to do them naturally?

  7. i dont get allowence. my dad just randomely gives a $5 to $10 sometimes

  8. nope.

  9. instead of handing me an allowance, i have a checking account that they put 100 dollars a week in for things i want, such as shopping, movies, fast food, gas money, etc. ; pretty much anything that isnt necessary

    but i also have to balance the checkbook and what not.

    but i clean my room and bathroom and do my laundry

    and im 16, if that helps

  10. im not a kid no morre

  11. i dont get a certain amount on certain dates. my mom just randomly comes up to me some days with 5 dollars, or 20 dollars, etc.

  12. nope

    i was working by 13 or 14

  13. No, I don't get an allowance.

    But I get to go shopping and buy things only when my mother knows I have been responsible and have done all of my chores.

    The better I behave, the more I'm allowed to buy.

  14. I believe in allowance but I also think we do somethings just because we all live in this house and we all have to take care of it. Allowance is determaned by the extra chorse we do and if we completed it. Usually these chorse are things that are concidered more of a job. Things that benift an individual. Like for instance washing moms car or taking care of something for someone else that they dont want to or have the time to take care of. My daughter helped me orgagnize my home office this weekend. She recieved extra spending money for this because this was a "job" something that wasnt for the upkeep of our living envorment. As grown up we get paid for doing a job. Thats what we need to teach our kids. If they get money OFTEN for doing nothing but being our kid then they dont understand when you grow up you dont get money for living. You work for it and you take care of your own things because thats what you do.

  15. nahh.

    i just ask for money my parents ask me for what i say what i need it for and they give it to me as logn as its reasonable.

  16. my parents dont give me anything.


  17. I get £5 a week from my mam and £5 a week off my nan.

    that is the equivelant of $20 USD a week.

  18. I don't think I've ever recieved an allowance, but I don't really mind. My parents always covered all of the basics like shampoo, new clothes at the end of summer, makeup, etc., and anything else I needed I could buy with birthday and Christmas money.

    I'm a part of the family, if I'm living in the house, using things that they buy for me, then why do I need a monetary incentive to help out around the house?

  19. went  from £1.50 when 7.

    £ 3.00  when 9

    £5.00 when 11

    just gone up to £7.5o

    i am 14 15 in 3 months !!!!!

    do chores,help out with me bros,mainly just tidy up after my self etc,clean plate put in dish washer,tidy bedroom,vacum bedroom.

  20. no

  21. I'm 13 And i Get 40 Dollars To 50 Dollars A Month....

  22. Five dollars a week. General chores, pet care, not-completely-*******-up-in-school.

  23. no.

    how dorky.

  24. when I was twelve/thirteen-ish I started getting money, but not through an allowance.

    I've never had an allowance in my life, but at that age I always felt guilty when mom had to buy stuff for me and I couldn't earn my own money for it!

    So, I got money for chores. Not tons, eh wot? but for example, $.50 for washing dishes, $3 for mowing the lawn, etc. I kept track of it in a log and never received MATERIAL money when I did something, but when I went shopping with friends, my parents would give me the amount I'd earned and that was that =)

    hope this helps!

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