
Teens: Do you see race/color?

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I don't.




  1. i see it but i don't pay attention to it

  2. I'm pretty sure everyone does but I don't judge people for it. But I'm around people who pretty much think color is almost everything--but deny it.

  3. well i see it but i dont give a c**p about it

  4. everyone notices it, it is bad when you make a deal about it

    if you cut a humans body, we all bleed red, dont we?

  5. i dont everyone is a person to me it dosent matter there race to me

  6. Nope, if people do that is like racism

    I dislike racist people. There still are some out there.

  7. Nope I am 19,and been married to my Husband 7 months,and we are having our 1st child September,9th...Anyway Im White/Italian,and my Husband/Love of my Life is Black...:) God made us all equal:)

  8. i see race and colour but everyone is the same...discrimination is hard question

    star for u

  9. Well of course I see color. Like when I see someone I know they're white or brown or whatever. I don't see race though. There's a big difference in my opinion.

  10. I see it but i don't judge people by their race I'm mix and i have friends that all kinds of race and i will date anyone that's hot and sweet and has a great personality no matter what race they are

  11. idk

    try mine;...

  12. i m mixed (B&W) and idont really care

  13. i try not to be racist or follow stereotypes about people b/c of their background. i know i wouldnt like it done to me, so i keep in mind not to do it to others. =)

  14. if someone who is white walks by, yes you will notice that they are white, if someone asian walks by, your going to notice they are asian, if someone black walks by, your going to notice they are black.

    It doesn't matter what there color or race is, we are all just people.

  15. Well, I do see it. But I don't

    judge people by their race/color.

    Discrimination is horrible.

    Humans are humans, no matter

    what the color of their skin is.


  16. Well Yes i see it but i dont judge people on it.

    But there a people who go round saying there colour is better and there just stupid because we are all equal.

  17. well i think everyone notices it including me but it doesn't mean you need to discriminate or judge cuz of that..... judging and discriminating about something like that is very hurtful, stupid and uncalled for......♥hope i helped

  18. No.I dont beleive I do.

  19. i'd love to say that i dont, but i do, and i think half the people that say they dont are lying.

  20. nope and i hope that they dont see me that way, because im half mexican and hlaf white.

  21. Well i obviously notice, everyone does

    But I dont treat people any different.

  22. I see it but in a way that interests me. I'm not racist at all and I believe that no matter what race someone is they are equal to everyone else.

    I don't believe all those stupid stereotypes, like if you're black you must act like a gangster, or if you're white you're boring and too serious, etc.

    Everyone is their own person, regardless of colour, and they shouldn't feel pressured to act a certain way just because of how they look and who their ancestors were.

  23. I don't see race, I see individuals. All men (for those of you who are going to be nit-picky about this term, I mean men and women) are created equal under God. =)

  24. well if they walk around saying there race and color is better than whites then obviously.

  25. not really. Only like when people don't accept their race. Like these rich,spoiled, white kids go around saying that they are black.That is just annoying.

  26. Yeah, honestly I do, but I am not racist.

    I will not look at somebody differently becuase of their race/color.

  27. I notice it but i get what you mean in the other sence.. i never judge anyone by the color of there skin or race.. its so stupid to do so..

  28. Everyone notices it but not every one judges- Like me.

  29. Im black and i don't see race, but people see me. Im stereotyped a lot because I go to a school where im the minority.

  30. Seriously? No one sees it?

    I live in Chicago, my school is super diverse.

    I'm mixed race (Mexican and Polish)

    I still see it everyday. I can point out some things that people would probably flame me for being 'racist' so I wont post them. =/

  31. Everybody notices, but not everybody cares. Like myself.

    My girlfriend, the person Id die for, my life, is black/native american and Im white, I dont care what race she is, I love her for WHO she is, not WHAT she is.

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