
Teens: If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?

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People always complain about themselves saying OH IM SO FAT. OH IM SO UGLY. OH MY THIGHS ARE HUGE!

So, if you could change ONE THING about your appearance, what would it be?

For me, maybe a more toned stomach. It's pretty flat but still. I want some muscles!! =)




  1. I actually almost love the way I am. If I was perfect, there wouldn't be anything to work for. Right now, I want to be really fit and healthy, so I work at it. It'd get REALLY boring being perfect. And if everyone was perfect, no one would be special. We'd all be just a bunch of cold, non-humanlike people, and we wouldn't be intricate and different.

    Sure, at times, I wish I had no acne, or that my teeth were straighter, or whatever, but honestly, from the depths of my heart: When I'm around my very true, loving friends, they make me feel so beautiful. They make me feel like I'm perfect, and that there isn't a thing wrong. They say this not because they're lying, but because they love me, and mean it, and can't see anything but my beauty because they see my real, inner beauty.

    This is the BEST feeling in the world. Plus, I know my brothers and guy friends think I'm a beautiful, strong, independent woman, and that I'm very different from other girls who freak out because they gained a pound. I'm so blessed to have people who love me, even though my life is really hard.

  2. My teeth.

    All my baby teeth arent in yet and its been a long time. I also need braces. All i want is normal , pretty teeth!!!

  3. umm, nothing really bothers me that much, but if i had to choose...i'd have to agree with you. i'd like a little bit more toned stomach also.

  4. There is nothing about me that I don't like that can't be fixed. I want my teeth to be straight, but my parents are making me wait to get braces. I have acne that I can't stand, but I have medications for that. I really don't like my hair, but I'm working on growing it out, I have a straightener, and people say my hair looks nice most of the time anyways. Something I can't change is that I'm short. I'm 5'2, and all my friends are like - 5'7. My mom is 5'8, so I'm used to women being tall, and I can't get over the fact that it isn't likely I'm going to shoot up 5 inches. I think flat stomachs are great, but considering I'm 13, I don't need to be too worried about that. I mean, I have all these things I don't like for the time being, but I can fix all of them. I truly believe I am a beautiful person despite the flaws I see. I wouldn't notice them as much, but after having 6 year olds coming up to me asking "What are all those bumps on your face, it's like a pizza, pimple face!"  And people telling me I need braces and everything, I start to think like them. Some days I wake up and love how I look, and others I think I'm just ugly, but hey - I'll still find happiness in life. Looks are only one part of it. I mean Flavor Flav is super ugly, yet - he has money, and women lined up to meet him! Imagine how far I could get if I know that I at LEAST look 10 times better than him!!

    Oh, and my ears are about half the size of other people's, and I'm sick of people always telling me my ears are tiny! They wouldn't even look as small, but my head is kind of big! (don't worry, I LOVE my big head. Even though it makes it hard to find hats that fit, I think it is beautiful.)

  5. acne im happy with myself but i HATE the cne on my forehead and if it went away id have more confidence and hopefully it will

  6. thats the same with me! I'm pretty happy with the way I look adn having the stomach I have is fine but i would like it to be more toned if I could change something

  7. Probably... Uhmmm... Maybe get a little bigger b***s. Not gigantic, maybe a small B at the tops. I'm sick of trying to find bras, because none fit me right since my b***s are stupid. =) haha

  8. I don't know..........I guess the dent things I have under my eyes.

    Meh, I'd want the skin of my face to look more smooth and tighter.......Yep...

  9. hmm i have 3 things that bother me most.

    my flabby arms, my uneven-h**l-to-straighten hair, and my sleepy eye.

    the worst thing would have to be my hair.

  10. My stomach- its actually pretty weird. Im skiny and all but Its like I have this little indent thing between my stomach and ribs and that causes me to look anorexic up to that indent and then I have this slop type thing with my stomach.Its freaky.

  11. I already have a nice stomach (which seems to be the top thing people want...) so I'd probably have to go with either getting contacts or getting rid of this stupid bump thing I get on my lip from biting it.

  12. My hair be a lighter color than what it is.

    For my personality: to be more active, like go to the gym more.

    but thats two =]

  13. my natural hair color. its brown right now and its ok, but its kinda boring. i want it to be naturally red or darker brown/black.

  14. I would get rid of all unwanted hair permanatly.  No, I don't have the perfect body.  But I would rather have to never shave, wax, or bleach again!

  15. I'm happy with how I look, too.  Of course, every teenager's nightmare is acne, and I have some of that (not much, but some).  

    I used to want to lose 10-15 pounds, but I'm doing that now (healthily, of course) on a high school swim team.

    So basically, I'm in good shape, have lots of friends, and feel pretty confident in myself.

  16. I wish I had a few less freckles, straighter hair, whiter teeth. And I wish I was a little thinner.  

  17. my nose. i have other things that i want to change but they can easily be fixed. my nostrils are big.

    oh yeah and my height, i wish i were shorter and i wish my teeth were a little whiter. i know you said 1 thing but i couldn't hep myself.

  18. ummmm more toned stomach, skinnier legs, prettier face. everything.

  19. Everything.  

  20. I'm pretty happy with my physical appearance, but I desperately want to change my hair. It's blonde and really, really fine. I'd change it to black and thick, but straight.

  21. a more mature looking face. ive always been told i have a baby face. even when i visit my relatives im still greeted as "aww look at the little baby!"  its so annoying because im in high school now. gosh!

  22. I'd want my nose to be smaller. It's really big and wide, I don't like it :(

    There's nothing else really that I'd want to change, other than that I'm happy with appearance :D

  23. I would like longer hair.

    Other than that, I love myself.

    And if I feel bad about something, then my boyfriend will tell me that I'm beautiful or gorgeous.

    But he thinks I'd look pretty with long hair, and that's all I'd like is longer hair.

  24. My stomach, definitely. It's basically the only place I ever gain weight, which sucks, but it could be worse I guess.

  25. 1. my skin. my arms are bumpy and so are my legs. and im so pale. i can never get a tan. i always just get freckles or a sunburn.

    2. my nose

    3. bigger b***s.

    4. my lips are too thin

    i couldnt pick just one :pp

  26. everything

  27. I wish I had a thinner stomach and thighs, ugh I have sucky genes.

  28. one word: thinner!! i know i could never be skinny, because of the way i'm built, it runs in the family (small waist, big hips) and i don't mind being curvy, i just want to be more toned, and if i'd lose a few pounds in the process that's okay =)

  29. my nose, i just wish it was smaller LOL

    but i would nevr have surgery or anything, i love my face and my body! and i kno that that sounds coincided, but whats wrong with being comfortable in your own skin?

  30. I'm actually happy with how I look.

    I used to want to be tanner, or have bigger b***s, but none of that bothers me anymore. I'm happy with my body, and who I am. :)

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