
Teens: What do you want to know about college?

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I am in the early stages of research for a blog and would like to know all of your questions about college.

It doesn't matter how general they are i.e. "What is it like living in a dorm?" but the more specific the better. No matter how silly you think the question is, just ASK IT! Think about social life, applying for school, parties, financing school, academics, time management, etc.

List as many as you can! The person who asks the most on-topic questions (no... my blog won't cover the meaning of life) will win the best answer.

Your questions will be answered on my blog in the coming weeks at




  1. 1. Do i really have to go?

    2. How hard is it to get into a state university?

    3. Do they have lounges?

    4. Will they allow me to sleep outdoors during the day?

  2. the link you posted does not work... i would like to know the answer to these questions but I am unable to beacause that link does not lead to your blog

  3. How long does it take to become an R.A. in college?

    What is it like living in a sorority house? Do they just slack off? Are your grades higher if you just live in a dorm?

    What scholarships are there for Hispanic people?

    Is it true if you have some native american blood in you, you get to go to college for free?

    Why are the loan rates for students so high? Are any of the presedential candidates planning to do anything about this?

    What are some of the highest ranking schools for someone who wants to graduate in business?

    Do you believe community colleges are as good/ better than bigger colleges? (i personally dont!)

    If i make it to the website you just tell me in an open question and the site please! thanks man just so you know im 15 im hispanic and i live in texas. my name is eric.


  4. will i ever get laid, will my acne ever clear up

  5. Hmmmm. I'm just starting out in my first year of college and I would like to know...

    1. In your opinion, how can you make the most out of your college experience? What kind of activities do you recommend?

    2. Do you think the exchange program is a good idea for the last year of college?

    3. Can you still apply to scholarships after the 1st year of college?

    4. What is the most efficient way to study?

    I guess that's all I have for now...

  6. is it hard doing chores on your own since your parents arent around to remind you a billion times?

    are the professors boring and 80 years old like in movies?

  7. How much work do you have in a night?

    How many cheerleaders are on the football team?

    What is it like at a college/ frat house party?

  8. why?

  9. Is there a lot of s*x? s*x, s*x, s*x?

    How do you balance social stuff and academics?

    Is it necessary to own a car?

    Is it really stressful?

    How much time should be I spend studying and working everyday?

    Do professors usually assign lots of work?

    Are there lots of strict rules? Especially about sexual relations and partying?

    Is there lots of drama?

    Is there some sort of hierarchy like in high school that seperates cliques?

    Do you usually get close with your roommate?

    Is the fraternity/sorority life an important experience?

    Is hazing really harsh?

    Do you use computers a lot?

    Do fights take place a lot?

    Are there a lot of drugs and alcohol?

    Are drugs and alcohol needed to party?

    Is it hard to get a student loan?

    Is it easy to meet people who aren't in the same classes as you?

    Is it confusing to go to a large college with 20,000+ students?

    Is it true that college students are the most suicidal?

    Is there lots of dating?

    Do people obsess about style like in high school?

    Is it true that professors don't care if you succeed?

    Does going to a prestigious college help you get into graduate school?

    How long is class time?

    Are sporting events important to attend?

    What are some popular sports that students like to watch?

    Are people real mature?

    What is the difference between college and high school?

    Do people drop out a lot?

    Is it hard to handle a job while attending college?

    Besides the cost of tuition, rooms, books, and all that stuff, is a lot of money necessary?

    Where and how do people usually get their food?

    Is it hard to sleep at night?

    Are pets allowed?

    What are supplies and necessities that you need to bring to college?

    Does your career depend on which college you went to?

    Is going transferring from community college to a university still as good as going to the university as a freshman?

    Which is better: living on campus or living outside of campus?

    Which is better: attending a private university or a attending a public university?

    Are gap years recommended?

    Is it easy to switch majors?

    Do people switch majors a lot?

    What is the benefit of having an undeclared major?

    If you still don't know what you want to become, is it good to go to college?

    Do we often use what we learned it high school in college?

    Is it easy to transfer from one college to another?

    Is it recommended to transfer from one college to another?

    How can I finish college faster?

    Which colleges have the nicest campuses?

    Do students usually use MySpace or Facebook?

    PC vs. Mac?

  10. I move in 2 weeks. staying in Res. some quetsion i have...

    -Is there really that much partying in Res?

    -Are the rules strict as they say  in Res?

    -Do you have all the same ppl in all classes?

    -Is it what you imagine, or totally different?

    -Do you have to go to all your classes?, like is attendance taken?

    -I got my schedule- seem pretty busy. is there much time for homework?

    -Will i have to study alot? or is there much homework?

    I am Very excited to move into res and start my first year of college! not nervous yet- but that will come soon.  

  11. -do colleges care more about the SAT/ACT than grades?

    -or more about the SAT than the ACT?

    - do the care how many time you take the SAT?

    - if you get a very good score on one or both of those tests, do other things matter as much?

    - if you went to a very very good college (not necessarily ivy league) does it improve your chances to get into medical school?

    - which schools have the best medical and science programs?

    - i read somewhere that if you minor in science (when your trying to get into medical school) you will get better grades and less stress and still continue to medical school and major in something else?

    - how much do you need to study, is there really any time for all the college parties you hear about when you actually care about the grades you get?

    - how much does it all cost, for books, classes, housing etc.?

    - what kinds of student loans can you get? and how?

    - do you get a spring break? and will you have to be studying anyway?

    - are there study groups you can join?

    - what are sororities like?

    - do you have to join a sorority to have friends?

    - do people in sororities study or are they all dumb like the ones in movies ( reference, i had to!)

    - how hard is it really to get into ivy league schools?

    - are state universities any worse or better than private schools?

    - how many people in a class?

    god i have so many questions!!

    - how do you apply?

    - are there certain times you have to apply

    - do you have to apply and get accepted to schools before you can visit them?

    - should you visit schools in your junior year so you have that all done before your senior year?

    - when should you visit the schools?

    - should you apply to like 10298458908 different schools everywhere even if you know you'll never get in?

    - how can you "travel abroad" for a year in college?

    - is it better to go to school in state or across the county or does it matter? or can you go to another country? will it be insanely expensive?

    - is it harder to go to a school where you know absolutely no one or to one where you know a lot of people?

    - what do the teachers expect of you?

    - what kinds of jobs are available to college students?

  12. I am trying to decide if i even want to go to college, as many other teenagers my age are. And as you know it is so IMPORTANT AND CRUCIAL right now , in the 21st century for young people to have an education. I want to know the benefits and why it might be enjoyable instead of always hearing " I need to work hard, don't breathe without studying, bla bla bla" you get my point lol  

  13. I want to know if i should go to this college called chef cordon bleu it is a college for pastry chefs and sue cooks and stuff like that it is in boston though. Is it a good school?

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