
Teens and kids i need your help!?

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if i named my son brendon james would you make fun of him because his initials would be BJ? i don't want to stick him with a name that would get him teased in school. what do you think?




  1. im sure at a early age the younger children would not unsterstand,

    But when he grows older, and  is at secdondary school, his friedns will either love his name, and he'll be worshipped for it,


    they'll rip it out of him

    Is your risk to take.

  2. I don't think most people would make fun of him for it. Maybe whe he reaches highschool or something, his friends will call him BJ as sort of a joke, but most people don't mind those things. I like the name though.

  3. Well I am 10 and they would mostly call him brendon so just tell him to have everyone call him brendon and if he does not like brendon he could choose james so i guess it is a good thing to  let him choose but before he can talk just call him brendon james.

  4. I wouldnt even realize his initials would be BJ. It could be a nickname but I dont think hed get teased for it.

  5. i wouldn't name you're son that, poor thing would almost definatley be picked on. i'm 16 and have watch people do the same thing.

    we had a girl in our school called Jennifer Taylor.

    when shortened it is Jenny Taylor.

    say the same out loud...


    hahah! not good.

    so bj would without a doubt be picked up on.

  6. The name is really nice but very unfortunate intials. but depending on his last name it couuld work because not many schools or records use middle names.I no a few bjs and they do get teased but just like every thing else it passes with in the week. we get over it and find something else to mock.

  7. at school i knew someone with those initials and it came up occasionally but just gentle teasing, nothing major

  8. I wouldnt tease him.. but I'm not a mean person.

  9. I think this name is okay.

  10. haha! thats funny! i like the name brendon but james.. eugh! i wouldnt tease him because that would be mean!!

  11. I don't think he will get teased. My brothers first and middle initals are JJ. I also have a cousin whos initals are AJ and shes a girl! They have never gotten picked on. It will be okay, most people don't even think of stuff like that.

  12. if you get any hint that your son or daughter will get teased because of anything, don't go through with it. follow instincts. he or she might hate you for it one day. you can't ask them to understand or make them appreciate things by saying that "it's ok, it's a unique name, you should learn to like it" if they're being teased for it. it's a no no.

  13. No, I know a million people, boy and girl, who have the initals BJ.

  14. thats a great question

    and i love how you think of your kids

    i think u shoould because he couldnt getmade fun of because no one calls anyone by the anicials and whats so bad about those anicials and that is a beutiful name

    thats no lie right there

  15. no! lol most people don't go by their first and middle names so he could go through all 13 grades and no one will even know his middle name

  16. didnt u just post the same question in the baby names section? neway, i think brendon is a little different but not weird, thants wat i think, but there'll always be ppl who'll tease him, so if u really wanna b on the safer side, change his name. n the initials are just fine, again to me, but there'll be mean ppl who'll tease him about it. l

  17. Well, I wouldn't make fun of him, but if you are worried that he would get teased, and you really like the names Brendon and James, switch them so it would be James Brendon. You could still call him Brendon if you wanted....some people go by their middle names.

    A kid I went to school with was Ben S., so his initials are BS, but I don't think anyone teases him.

  18. i personally wouldn't but i know when the kids started learning about s*x and stuff the boys in his class will probably tease him about it. but eventually he will get older and everyone will mature and it will be no big deal.

  19. Personally i would not tease him but yes in this world there are alot of kids with unfortunate circumstances who are a little troubled because of what is going on and will dis you kid by saying (*******) and what not.

  20. no one will notice i think. i wouldn't make fun of him.

  21. well if you think about it just name him something if its some thing to make fun of he will learn to deal with things at an early age and just to give you a smile when im older im naming my son superman

  22. I'm really not thinking your son will be made fun of with that name. If I'm mistaken, I don't really hear abot Barney anymore as it is, so that may mean that by the time your child is in school, Barney probably won't exist. And if your child makes friends, than there's a lesser chance he would actually be made fun of. I wouldn't make fun of your child's name-I actually like it.

  23. its nothing wrong with it. brendon and james are completely normal names. now if your son had the name zachary ian thompson [zit] then he would get teased lol

  24. No. Just about any name is going to have something that is teasable. But i dont know anyone who is teased because of their initials

  25. I wouldn't, but I know of people with those initials and they are teased.

  26. Why dont you add an extra middle name like Thomas or something to kinda offset it?

    There was a sunday school teacher named BJ once and we couldnt help but giggle.

    Sorry, just being honest.

  27. My Brothers initials are exactly the same.

    He's only 10 but i don't think anyone would really say anything.

    To be honest i never really thought about that until i read this.

    But i like that name. Good Luck.

  28. nope. i actually know a kid who goes by "bj" and hes pretty popular/well known

  29. Name him James Brendon and there won't be a problem.


    thats actually really lousy.

    Its ok yous giving me thumbs down because yous arent called bj.

    Imagine this, his friends saying '' are you up for it bj''

    a mean every one will just look at him as if he's, its just not a good anitial, its up to you really like.

  31. BJ is my dogs name me and my bvrother couldnt decide...i wanted brownie he wanted jeffory ps my bros 15 now im 13 a nd my mom came up with bj! cool

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