
Teens and school attendance?

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I am a senior, I graduate in December.

I have something like 77 days of school left, not counting weekends or holidays.

But my mom said that if I am on time every single day that she'll give me $100 the first day of winter break.

Would you do this or just expect your kid to be on time?




  1. Well, I would expect my kid to follow the same rules as everyone else and be on time.

    However, I am not above bribery in special circumstances.

  2. I wouldn't do it for my kid but if you have doubt, don't. I'm sure your mother will be happy give you that much so just be on time. You are plenty old enough to act mature and show up on time, think of it as a necessity. If you are frequently late to your job in the future, you will be fired.  

  3. I would expect my child to b on time.  But if using as incentive is productive it can't hurt. As long it goes with a comment about you are expected to be on time for collge classes, and work in th future.  You don't get bonuses, punctuality is expected.

  4. My mom would just expect me to be on time, but.. she would probably also reward me for doing my best, as she usually does.

  5. it depends

  6. What are you complaining about? getting money or being late?

  7. I dont think my mother would ever do that. She expects me to be on time, that I'm suppose to go to school and not be late. She wouldnt give me money when she knows its my fault if I'm late.

    It would be nice to do that for an easy $100 bucks, on my opinon, but I dont think either of my parents would do it.  

  8. That's hard, depending on where you live. We've lived in places that are unpredictable, heavy fog or snowstorms that aren't forecast and turn the streets into ice rinks. Accidents get in the way or you have to drive really, really slowly. Plus there's a train track between us and the school, if one of those mile-long coal trains stops or breaks down it blocks every road for a long way around. It's happened to me several times.

    So I doubt I could expect my child to be there on time EVERY DAY. I would say "except excused tardies."

    But in our new home we live just blocks from the school, the worst that can get in their way is a bad rain and/or windstorm so I have higher expectations.

    Would I bribe them with money? Probably not for tardy issues. If they have excessive tardies they get to suffer the consequences in their grades or detention. I do, however, pay for grades. Success at work pays, so success at school pays.  

  9. I just graduated but if my parents gave me that offer, I would have taken it. It's hard to attend your senior year everyday honestly, somedays you'd rather really not be there; plus I was sick a lot last year 14 days missed just due to illness. I saw my moms records- 27 missed days and I told her, you better not rant on me lol. Plus when you're 18, you can leave school as you please; nobody can tell you what to do anymore.  


  11. There's nothing wrong with a little motivation!

    In my school they had a hard time keeping attendance because there was no real classes, we would go in, grab our ID tag and then we were supposed to go to work for the day.  But some people took off until they had to return their tag.

  12. My kid takes a bus ... unless the bus is late , he has no excuse .

  13. i would expect my kids to do it without me having to bribe them into it because in real life people are not always going to bribe you into your daily responsibilities☆

  14. I would just expect it, but lucky you haha. If you say no mom i dont want the money and still do the deal you will build trust with her if she doesn't really trust you due to other issues.

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