
Teens for McCain? Three questions?

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What started the war in Vietnam?

Why was there a draft ?

Did we win this war?

Also, if you would share why you do or don't think there would be a draft if we continue to fight wars in the Middle East.




  1. The war was started with the North desiring to have a "united" Vietnam.  The South didn't want it and NATO countries did not want to give more ground to a possible Russian ally.  We had advisers in Nam before the Koren war had ended.  You have to understand the "Cold War" mentality.  

    There was draft because that was the way of filling the ranks of the military.  As the war demanded more people, the draft number was lower to increase the odds of being drafted.

    We did not lose or win the Vietnam War.  We, because of public demand, decided to quit and return home.  Our original objective, to stop the North from taking over the South, was not reached.  In the long run, this and other wars helped to bring the downfall of Russia.

    I don't believe in a draft system unless it is a major threat to national security like Germany and Japan was during WWII.  The draft brings in both ends of the spectrum.  There was a lot of criminals that were forced to join the Army or go to jail.  The military needs individuals that will meet their standards.

  2. Well, it's more complicated than it seems. Truman sent advisers to prop up the puppet government of the French. In 1954, the French surrendered and independence was granted to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. JFK escalated the fighting between North and South Vietnam and LBJ made it into a full scale war.

    There was a draft since 1940, though there had been other drafts during wartime. Basically, the draft was reinstated in 1940 "just in case," which ended up to be WWII. The time of service went from 12 months in 1940 to 18 months in 1941 to 6 months after the war was over once the war began. Because of the Cold War, and Korea and Vietnam, the draft continued until it was abolished in 1973.

    There are a variety of thought on whether or not we won the Vietnam War. I don't believe we did nor was there a negotiated peace like in Korea. We basically just gave up and ran.

    I don't think we will have a draft even if we continue in Iraq. The war is highly unpopular and so is the draft. It would be political suicide for any politician to bring it up let alone to have a group of them pass it.

  3. I'll answer the last question only.

    If there were a draft, there would BE no war in Iraq - because wealthy Republicans would NEVER send their kids off to die for their own profits.

    Recruiting targets the poorest children from the poorest neighborhoods in the nation - but DRAFTS  take everybody, INCLUDING the rich kids of rich republicans.

    Idiot Republicans finally figured that one out, and saw to it that gasoline now costs the better part of five bucks a gallon.

    So now the children of the MIDDLE class has to consider military enrollment as an option.

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