
Teens how long does it take you to get ready for school?

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high school teens especially gurls




  1. it takes me about an hour. i have to jell my hair put on my contacts, brush my teeth, then cook breakfast and eat and then get dressed and leave. for a guy i have to admit i have to do a lot just to leave my house LOL

  2. about 45 mins.

    Lets see...

    School Starts at about 7:50.

    I wake up at 6:20,

    Iron my clothes or whatever, and take a shower, and do my hair, make up and everything, I'm out of the door at about 7:20.. But, I also do a whole lotta things while I'm getting ready.. I'm a multi-tasker you knoww..?

  3. 30 minutes

  4. i get up at 4:55 to do my hair/makeup/get dressed.

    my bus picks me up at 5:45

    and school starts at 7.


  5. It takes me about 30 minutes: eat breakfast, take a shower, get dressed up and head off to school.

  6. It takes me about 45 minutes.

    I get up at 6:30.

    I leave the house at 7:15.

    My bus leaves at 7:35.

    I get to school at 8:20.

    School starts at 9:00



  7. wellll i am in middle school. 8th grade

    but i wake up at 7:15 and leave the house 7:50

    i pack everything up the night before so i can take my time to look good =P

  8. HS Girl here, I get up at 6:40-6:50am (Go to bed at 9:30 lol early :P)

    I take about 20 minutes to wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed and make my bed. I eat breakfast, and then watch TV, or double check my backpack. Leave at 8:00, get to school at 8:10-8:15, bell rings at 8:30

    I like to get up early, cuz if I get up at like 7:15, it's too late, so I'll just sleep until 8:00 and be late :s

  9. When I'm taking my time, about 2 hours including a 30 minute shower.

    When I'm rushing, maybe 30 minutes to an hour.

  10. Takes me about 35 minutes.

    I wake up at 5:40am

    Get in the shower and i'm out by 5:56

    Get ready by 6:10

    Go brush my teeth and do clothes & hair.

    and I leave at 6:20.

    Bus comes around 6:39

    and school starts at 7:17.

  11. it takes me an hour but if i was taking a shower every morning then it would take me 2 hours  

  12. 1 hour

  13. im a freshman girl and my school starts at 7:30

    so it depends if i dont  take a shower the night before, i wake up around

    5:45 - wake up

    5:50 - 6:25 - take shower (includes washing face and brushing teeth)

    6:30 - 6:50 - straighten hair (that takes a long time)

    6:55 - 7:00 - put some make up on

    7:00 - 7:10 - pack up things

    7:15 - leave

    hour and a half

    if i take a shower the night before then i just do these things.

    6:15 - 6:35 - re straighten hair (it loses it straightness during the night)

    6:40 - 6:55 - put make up on (that includes washing face and brushing teeth)

    6: 55 - 7:10 - do some unfinished homework and pack up

    7: 15 - leave

    1 hour

    i dont eat breakfast

  14. 15 - 30 minutes not counting eating :)

    i brush my hair (naturally straight :D)

    do a little makeup

    put my contacts in

    dress up

    make sure i got everything

    then go :)

  15. Less then half an hour.

    Im serious no joke I try to have everything prepared the night before.

  16. surprisingly it takes me just under an hour AND i'm a girlie girl. i wake up at 6 and finish at about 7 but i watch tv while i'm doing everything which is probably why it takes so long. i:

    wake up

    pick out my clothes

    iron my clothes


    brush teeth

    wash face

    put on my clothes

    do my hair watch tv until it's time for me to leave

    grab something to eat if i have time

    then i leave

  17. 15 minutes.

    i take a shower at night so i dont have to wake up early

    and i go to a catholic high school

    so in the morning all i have to do is wake up, eat breakfast, throw on my uniform, and go =]

  18. Last year it took me roughly a hour but I was pushing it and some days I didn't have time to eat. That was back in ms and school started at 8:00. Now that I am in hs I want to take more time to do my hair make up and have time to eat a good breakfast and not have to rush so I say it will take about 2 hours and school starts earlier so hello 5 o'clock.

  19. about an hour and a half - 2 hours

    lmfao yeah i take a while.

    buut i gotta

    eat breakfast


    blowdry my hair

    do my makeup

    straighten my hair

    get dressed/put on jewlery

    make my lunch

    and pack my bag

    soo i wake up at 6ish and leave by 7 50.. ugh lol  

  20. It takes me about an hour! My school starts at 8:00 so I wake up at about 6:45 so I also have time to eat breakfast.

    xoxoxo Annie May!

  21. It takes me about 45 minutes to shower, get dressed, make my bed, and fix up and face. Another 30 minutes to eat breakfast, and then school starts at 8:50AM.

  22. about 2 hours!!!

    1hour to straighten my hair

    and the other hour to do makeup, get dressed, contacts(poke my eyes out, haha), eating breakfast, and then brushing my teeth after that since i have braces. bus comes at like 7:56


    but it's well worth it ; ]

  23. About half an hour, give or take.

  24. My school starts at 7:55. I wake up at 6:30. I shower, get dressed,eat breakfast,brush my teeth,style my hair, watch a little T.V, make sure i have all my supplies, clean my room if i have time, and i'm out the door by 7:50 and i arrive around 7:52 since my school is right behind my house.

  25. about half an hour but thats if i'm being elaborate with my hair. usually i straighten my hair the night before then quickly run the straightener through in the morning then fix my hair.

    school stars at 7:30 i get up at 6 and go to the bus at 7.

    i get up

    go to the bathroom

    make food


    brush my teeth and wash my face

    then i go get dressed

    put my make up on usually just eyeliner and mascara

    then i fix my hair.

    usually i have like 10 mins to spare so i usually watch tv or go on the computer real quick then i go out for the bus

  26. About an hour.

  27. About an hour...At 6:30 I get up and go to the potty. Then if I didn't take a shower the night before I go take a shower. I get dressed. And eat breakfast. I put my homework and what in my back pack and go brush my teeth(I can't stand the way food tastes after I brush my teeth)and put my shoes on. Then around 7:45 we leave and we get there about 7:50. Then I hang around with my friends until 8 when the halls open. Then I hang around with them even more until 8:20 when the first bell rings and I go to English. And at 8:25 I'm in my seat taking my homework out.

  28. it takes me 1 hour i get up 6:30

    by 7:30 im out

    school starts 8:00 But im still early

  29. 45 minutes to an hour?

    I wake up at 6:45, then shower for 15-20 minutes.

    Get dressed.

    Make/Eat Breakfast.

    Brush Hair, Brush Teeth, Wash my Face.

    Finish homework and pack up my backpack.

    Make Lunch/Get money for lunch

    Then I leave the house at about 7:45 and It's a 15 minute walk to school.

  30. im a girl and im going into 9th grade

    it takes me about 20-30 mins. i take a long time eating breakfast though...

  31. about 45mins - 1h by time my alarm goes off, i actually drag myself out of bed, shower, dry hair, straighten, makeup, get dressed, eat breakfast and leave

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