
Teens only: Can you remember any dreams you had when before you were 13?

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What do you think this dream means now? Plz hellp for science project.




  1. Yeah, I'm 14 now and when I was 10 I had this dream that my dad was on a playground that wasn't on dirt, but quicksand and he couldn't jump off the playground and get to the rest of us safely [my whole family was there on the sidelines] Honestly I think this means my dad will leave us sooner than we want him to.

  2. I remember a dream when I ws 10. I was in a haunted(?) house.  It was really old and run down.  I was thirsty and the water pump was outside. so i go to get a drink and there are skeletons at every exit.  After a few minutes they started to move in and attack.  I was able to hold them off for what seemed like ever but i was quickly dying of thirst.  Finally i was able to break free and get the water.

    I had no clue what it meant until this year.  At the time my dog had died.  And i was stuck in depression for months without realizing it.  I also went to bed thirsty that night.  Te skeletons mean death. Water was the thirst i had that night.and i eventually got through the depression like i did the skeletons.

    hope that helped :)

  3. I had a dream that my brother had a wagon, and has a HUGE pumpkin in it. and he would just pull it around. And even now I just see my brother pull that giant pumpkin around. Maybe it means he will always be with me with the big picture?

  4. had this dream in the beggining of the school year, in it me and my friend were crossing this road ... and it seemed to never end. there were cars zooming past but scattered in the road were little patches and if you stood on one, no cars could harm you...i know ... weird. and in my dream i was terrified of moveing, i would jump from patch to patch slowly and carefuly and cars would almost hit me and i would be soo scared. but then my friend was just running from patch to patch saying "hurry up" it seemed as if no cars came close to hitting her, and she wasnt even scared

    the by the end of the school year she was pretty, popular, perfect boyfriend and had  the best life every one would want...and for me, i lost alot of friends, i got kinda ugly, gained some weight, no boyfriend....and my friend would kinda just drag me along with her other friends and her boyfriend and stuff

    so i think that dream was a symbol of my life to come


    my llamas ran away!!!!!!!!!!

    it was very scary

    oh yeah

    and one time i had a dream that i slept out in the backyard and a HUGE dog came and bited me


  6. im 14.  i had a dream 8 years ago.  iwas dreaming in my dream.  i woke up, and i could feel, see, hear, and smell every aspect of my room when i woke up.  i walked to my dresser to get my glasses, and then the flash and spiderman crashed through my ceiling and started duking it out.  needless to say, i woke up really paranoid thinking i might still be in a dream.  i wasnt.  i think that dream meant that i REALLY REALLY wanted to be a super hero.  (what 6 year old doesnt? :))

  7. when i was younger i had a dream that some 'bad people' pulled onto the driveway of my old house [ but i was playing w/ my newer neighbor that i didnt know when i had lived in that house... ] and so we ran. i let her go inside the house first, and i followed. on my way in the door, i tripped, and one of the bad people gave me a shot. [right in the butt, too! ] then the house was almost backwards, and there were a LOT of televisions... every time i blinked, they would go on, then off, and on again.   a while later, i had another dream that was a sequal of that one...

    to this day i stil have no idea what it means. it could just show my fear of shots and such... who knows...

    i dont know if this helped you much, but i hope it did...  or that it at least made you laugh...

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