
Teens...racism in the south?

by Guest34324  |  earlier

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im sixteen and hispanic, and i have been to some southern states(like georgia) where my family and i have been treated horribly because we were not white. also, i saw african americans that had lower class jobs and things like that. so in your schools is it racially segrated like this? and if so tell me how you feel about it please, im very interested.




  1. Of course there is still racism in the south.  I'm from Dallas, but, there are places in Texas that I would not be caught dead in.  Like Vidor, Texas on the Louisiana border.  But, so what if they don't like me because of me skin color.  I don't need you to like me, just get out of my way.

    It's usually blatant in the backwoods though, not so much in the big cities, although there are hints of it there also.  Racism will die out as the generations pass.  It will take time for that backwards, hateful thinking to totally leave the minds of people.  Every generation will be a little less racist and more tolerable than the last.  It will just take time.  It's hard to give up what you've been taught, you know?

  2. I am NOT a racist

    I have just moved to the south from New York

    I DID notice some racism agianst Hispanics and African Americans

    I feel that that I cannot believe that people are still racist. I mean really people we are ALL HUMANS. Does it really matter what color your skin is?

  3. Nope. If anything, anyone who is not Hispanic or black is the minority lol.  live in NY though. As far as the racism card goes, unless you know for a fact that you are being treated harsh because of your background, don't be so quick to use it. Some people are just stupid and rude. Keep your head up no matter what.

  4. Well I'm in Texas and it's NOT like that down here...I'm also Hispanic...Actually we are the majority...We have that whole Tex~Mex thing going on down here....Good food,Black,Mexican & White real Cowboys,and I know plenty of White people who are NOT racist down here ...

  5. any kind of racism is bad, idc where you live, what nationality you are, where you work, or what school you go to.. we're not in the 1800's anymore.. everyone SHOULD BE treated equally!

    i hate people who still call black people the N word, or hispanic people spicks.. ITS SO CHILDISH! just because someone is a different colorand doesn't speak PERFECT ENGLISH DOESN'T MAKE THEM MONSTERS! theyre still human beings!

    ugh i can argue this subject all day. i can't stand people who think theyre better than someone else just because of their color, or where they live.


    [im white and everytime  i hear someone being racist, i feel like their bashing me also. i just have a lot of sympathy for everyone who has to go thru this all the time..]

  6. i've lived in GA my whole life.

    im 18.

    im so sorry you had a bad experience.

    there is alot of racism here but even the whites get racism.

    and to be honest, hispanics work alot harder than any other group around where i live so i have alot of respect for them and most people do i think. its mostly just a select few whites who are old or rednecks and talk badly about people... or blacks who are racist because they feel like they are the minority... or whatever someone has a problem with another person.


    i really hate all of this c**p its seriously the worst part about living in America.

    i wish we could all set aside our differences and get over the past.

    i used to hate in high school when it would be black history month because all the black kids would get all defensive and hate white people for no reason... and i'd have to take the fall for something that happened over 100 years ago...

    and my ancestors are from Italy...


    they weren't even in America yet and if they were it was New York.


    so everyone is a victim of racism not only in the south but America in general.

  7. I'm naturally blonde with green eyes and I'm hispanic! People assume that because i'm light skin i must be white! That is so ignorant and shows how uneducated ppl really are!!! Not all hispanics are tan or dark skin ppl!!! I have never experienced racism directly, but I know it exists and I don't believe it will ever change, it will hopefully get better with time. I live in Miami where hispanics are the majority so the schools here are mixed and everyone gets along with different races and ethnicities. Although hispanics do tend to dislike blacks here. Whites have also experienced racism, I don't believe it's only targeted towards hispanics and blacks. All races have a large number of ppl with lower class jobs, including whites! Nowadays there are more and more hispanics lawyers, doctors and business owners that have attained a high socio-economic status. I think the more educated each race gets, the less likely we will encounter racism.

  8. well it is but it's not

    like sometimes different races would hangout with their 'people" you know lol. but its not all like that

  9. I go to school in South Carolina, and although it happens, it isn't as bad as people would think.


  11. I wish someone would treat me with racism. cause i will show them how not to be a racist person.

  12. It isnt segregated in schools at all.

    I'm from port arthur, tx.

    In school, everyone has a little click or whatever, but its mainly the white adults who are against the non-white kids.

    When I was in my senior year, a year ago, any white kid wearing a full red or blue shirt wouldnt be bothered.

    My brothers and I are half black half white, but we look hispanic.

    My youngest brother was written up for wearing stars on his shoes.

    The younger one was written up for his chess piece jacket which had crowns on it.

    its ridiculous.

    The principle stated it was because of gang stuff blablabla.

    but a white kid would be sitting in the office decked out like a blood acting all thug and what not... not getting in any kind of trouble.

    As far as black people having lower class jobs...

    thats not because of racism at all.

    they put themselves in that situation.

    they had choices to make, as do white people (who also have as many lower class jobs as blacks do out here)

    i dont know specifically what the choices were, but i know the majority dropped out because they had to work right away to take care of their families.

    too many girls are haveing babies.

    too many people are into powder.

    i think its a shame.

    but who i am i to judge right?

    i'm not sure what else youd like to know, but im a good source for you if you wanna really get into detail.

    i hope this maybe informed you a little.


  13. i swear its always been like that

  14. my school is not like that. it might be because i go to a overseese school cause of the military. but that is very wrong. everyone is equal no one should be treated differntly. im so sorry for people say to you. i really hope that things get better over thier becuase i take racism really serisouly im so sorry babe.,

  15. It's just more blatant in the South, but there's systemic racism all through the US.

    Obama was right in saying that this needs to be dealt with.

    Most of you guys weren't around during the Watts riots in the 60's, but it seems you're heading for that situation again unless you deal with this openly and fairly.

  16. I think at all schools most of the population segregate themselves no matter what school you attend.  

  17. No, schools have not been racially segregated for 40 years. However, it is human nature for people of similar groups (regardless of what group) to get together, especially if the group is a minority in number.

    People who are looking for racism will find it. It's the culture of victimhood that race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have devoted their lives to. Are there rude and obnoxious people of all races and ethinic groups? Of course there are, but just treat people the way you'd like to be treated and you'll do fine.

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