
Teens that have worked at mcdonalds please help! (or anyone at all that has worked at mcdonald)?

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okay so Im going to a mcdonalds orintation and im assuming no matter where you live the orintation is the same everywhere....and im just wondering what should i expect at the orintation? and what normally happens after the orintation?

and just any info or advice about working there would really help! (like the best hours to work/the best hours to work during the school year/tips and stuff)

thanks for the help everyone




  1. Don't forget to ask if you can have the Hamburgler's autograph...

  2. You're right that the orientation is the same everywhere.

    When you arrive, just tell a cashier your name and that you're here for orientation. They'll go get the manager for you. There may or may not be other people at the orientation with you, it just depends on how many people they recently hired. The manager will have you fill out some forms such as bank statements, tax form, and personal info forms. After this, the manager will tell you about McDonalds policies--this covers everthing from break and food discount program, to customer service standards and uniform standards. They will also likely give you a orientation packet which includes a handbook that details all of the policies, and also contains some interesting info and history about McDonalds.

    After the manager is done telling you about the policies, he/she may get you started on the training videos, if that particular store uses the videos, if you have any time left. If not, then you will do them all on your first shift. The videos detail the processes for taking orders on counter, maintenance, making fries, cooking and assembling food in the back, and working drive-thru. Once you have watched the videos, you will be paired with a crew trainer, an experienced crew member who knows what they're doing. The trainer will go over everything the videos told you, and will be with you while you learn the ropes. You will generally have 3 or 4 training shifts, but you may have a different trainer each time.

    The best hours to work are daytime hours, but since you're in school, that's not possible during the summer. Second best would be weekday evenings. Weekends, especially Saturday and Sunday mornings, can be a nightmare. However, if you do work Sat and Sun mornings, you may be able to score some extra points with your manager, since not too many people will work those hours. During the summer, definitely consider working dayside. Put in your request to work dayside early, however, since dayside is often well-staffed with full-timers.

    Ok, some tips, ummm...Well, the number one tip if you're working service (drive-thru or counter) is don't take customers personally. It's a fact of life that some customers are miserable and will yell at you. Don't take it personally. They likely just had a bad day, and you're the first person they can take it out on.  

    More tips:

    1.)Try to be as polite/cheerful toward customers as you can. Believe me, customers will treat you much more positively if you treat them in the same way. It makes for a much better shift!!

    2.) Be a team player. I know this sounds cliche, but it really helps. This means you have to communicate, ask for help when you need it, help others when they need it, and offer encouragement to your fellow employees.

    3.) Take initiative as much as possible. If you see you need more fries dropped, drop them. If there is dirty tables in lobby and you have no maintenance person, go clean them.

    4.) Show up on time, stay late if they ask, come in unscheduled if they ask you to, learn as much as you can about your job--and you may just get a promotion coming your way!!

    5.) This might sound silly, aggresive with the fries!! Show them who is boss!! I say this because all newbies I've trained handle the fry scoop REALLY timidly, as if they're afraid the fries will break. THEY WON'T!! So, yeah...

    Ummm...I think that's about it. Oh, yeah....keep in mind that working from one McDonalds to another can be a world of difference. I started out at a McDonalds that was a nightmare to work at. I switched stores and my new one is soooooo much better!

    Good luck at your new job!!


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