
Teens vs. Adults ?

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Us teens don't get along very well with adults sometimes. But its usually because adults act like tyrants and try to control everything we do. Then its like once were 'one of them' then they treat us differently. My dad wouldn't let me go to my friends party a couple years ago because "He said so." When I can't even get a simple explaination, it pisses me off and sometimes I just do the opposite for the h**l of it. Just like my friend, whos 16, isn't allowed to get her nose pierced because her mom doesn't want her to, but says she can do whatever she wants when she 18 and moves out. I mean what difference does 2 years make, and why do they always want to try to control every aspect of our lives, even simple stuff? I mean, I could see if your doing something totally dangerous like drugs or something but not over nothing. I'm not saying this is all the time, but enough of the time. Why is this?




  1. I'm so sorry you feel that way, but you know our parents knows what is best for us, but sometimes they just don't know how to explain the things to us in our language and we got frustrated.  Sometimes also they say what they say because we don't listen to their explanation for we think what we want is the right way.  Please try to listen to what they say and be calm when you talk to them.    I was a terrible teens too, but as I get older I realized all the things I did and the hurt that my parents suffer, boy!! I feel so bad.  Yet parents has an unconditional love.  Just listen to your parents they've pass that way before and they know better.  My grandma used to say, "Just listen to what I say and do it for I was at the crib ahead of you!"  Meaning they know more about what is going on in the world that us!!

  2. too long; didn't read

  3. I personally feel that not enough teens get spanked.

  4. There are reasons behind your parents madness.  You might not understand that now but you will in a few years..well more like 10.  As far as going to the party perhaps he felt being the age that you were you were not old enough to be at that type of party.  Getting your nose pierced well that is just nasty.  Getting it done at 16 will make everyone look at your parents as though they do not care about their children's reputation.  If she really MUST have an ugly dot on her nose then waiting until she is 18 will not matter.  If she really must having something now tell her to stick a big buger on there because that is what it looks like.  

    Your parents believe it or not were teens at one time and they know what happens during those times.  You do not always think with your whole brain, sometimes not even a 1/4 of it.  Stop being so hard on your parents and really think abot what is important to you.

  5. Parents are protectiong their children. I know it may not seem fair. I am 21 one and i always hated when my parents said no to something but u know what i am glad they did. They may not want u to go to the party bc of something that might happen. My mom didn't let me get my belly button pierced until i was 18 and u know what if two years doesn't make a difference then why can't yur friend wait two years to get yur nose pierced. I know uit may seem unfair to tell u these things but you will understand one day. Ur in the rebelling stage.

  6. I understand what you mean!

    My mom told me to do something today, and it took me awhile. Then, right when I was done, she went back over and did it again, because she didn't think i did a good job!


    anyways, i think they do it because they don't want us to be like they were as teenagers, which is unavoidable, because all of us are alike in that we resent being looked down on!

    and they do that because they don't like how dangerous it is today, and they want us to not grow up as fast!

  7. Yes man, they're really just doing this JUST to p**s you off. Your dad didn't believe the party was dangerous or it would be bad for you in one way, your friends mom didn't believe that a nose piercing is associated with a negative image and bad people to be around, her mother didn't believe that having a nose piercing would make it IMPOSSIBLE for your friend to get a job.

    They just did it to p**s you off.

  8. Two years is a long time. Do you know how much you changed/learned from birth to two years?

  9. teens = trying to find their place in the world

    adults = frustraited when teens make the same mistakes they did, and it kills them to just watch.

    by the way, i hate when they say "because i say so"

    i'm a teen, and besides rarely doing my chores, i have no problems with my parents,  but it bugs me when no explanations are given for things.  

    most of the time, if they tell me their side, why they dont want me to do somthing, i understand... i dont agree, but i understand where they are comming from and either find a compromise, or give up

  10. Just because they p**s you off when they say no doesn't always mean that they're doing it on purpose. Sometimes they're looking out for your well being, and other times they just don't feel like giving you a good reason like your dad did. Either that or they don't have one.

  11. obviously your dad fears that there in fact might be dangerous stuff like "drugs or something" at the party you were going too. The worry for us because they love us. They dont think we arent mature enough to make our own decisions they just want to make sure we make the right one is all.

  12. Usually it's for your own good, I didnt realize this til I was 18

  13. Most parents don't want you to make the same mistakes that they made when they were young. There are a lot of things a person can regret in such a little time.

  14. im sorry you experienced that but not all adults are the same .Just like not all teens are the same i have known teens that were kind compassionate and were fun to be with it then others who were pure jerks .. the truth is people are people .. treat others the way you want to be treated ..

    but parents usually want what is best for you ..

  15. Thats because adults are responsible for protecting teens and children in general. It's a job most take seriously. respect that! How would you feel if they didn't care?

  16. I felt the same way at your age but you know what?  Most teens lack good judgment and NEED guidance no matter how grown up they think they are.   Until you are older, you won't understand how immature you are right now.  Did you know that the part of your brain that makes judgment calls is not even full grown yet?  You will go through A LOT of changes in the next few years and when you become a will understand why parents had to make certain decisions for you.

  17. Your only a teen for a few years, you'll be a grown up for most of your life, write the question down and answer it yourself when your 25.

  18. I totally agree with you that some teens do not get along with adults.. However.. I believe your dad didn't want to let you go to a friends party because he wanted to protect you.. Parents don't say no because they want you to feel bad or they want to give you a bad day, they say no because they believe it's good for you not to do that and not to go there. Two years makes a big difference.. Two years for a sixteen year old is a lot of experiences and a lot of things and decisions and choices that you have to face. Parents are there to protect, not to ruin or destroy your fun.

  19. adults treat us like children but expect us to behave like adults... this can seem unfair and often confusing but the best you can do is act mature and responsible because then adults might give you some freedom

  20. because they love you and do not want to see you make an *** of yourself and them,     they can see up the road alittle further than you at this time, try to give them the benefit  of the doubt,

  21. Well, it's annoying when you can't go to a party or hang out with your friends because your parents say so.  But instead of getting pissed off when your parents say no, ask "Is it because you're afraid for me?" or something like that.  

    In reference to 2 years, you're still young at 16.  2 years can make a difference.  Look at 6th an 8th grade.  Just two grades apart, but very different.  

    Also, observe what your parents are controlling.  Is it that bad?  I've heard (and met) kids who aren't allowed to do the  silliest things (like watch movies or dress in pants or hang out with classmates or go to the class concert.) So, I'm not saying you're ungrateful, but try to think that your luckier than some kids.

    Don't worry.   Everything will be fine.  Good luck. ;)

  22. cuz we might regret them but as for drugs...

    i dont see anything wrong with pot

  23. Honestly im VERY young im 21, and im telling you sincerely the way you think at 16 is dramatically different from the way you think 6 years later. Judgment is out of wack. Your ability to process information and perceive situations is different and you develop the ability to emotionally handle things with ease. Im sure i will mature more 5 years from now as well.

    Besides, maybe its others that your parents distrust, and not necessarily you.
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