
Teens: what was the worst beauty accident you've ever had?

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Mine is a few weeks ago, I decided to 'shape' my eyebrows with my razor. You can guess what happened next - I didn't realise how much I was doing it and had a huge gap in my left eyebrow! I had to pencil it in for a while...!

Another one, a few years ago, when I was....thirteen, I decided I wanted to be a goth. I was adamant I wanted it permanently black so I went ahead. The next day I hated it, as did everyone else! I was so pale - my hairdresser told me I had to put in blond highlights so she did. People kept telling me it looked green from a distance so I thought, "Bugger it!" and dyed the whole lot blonde. Luckily, my hair was okay!

You? :)




  1. in 5th grade for picture day i decided to put eyeshadow on and it was blue and it that like gel kind or whatever. and while i was on the bus my eye got itchy and i forgot i had eyeshadow on so i itched my eye and when i got to school everyone was making fun of me cuz i had more eyeshadow on then the other eye. like random girls were getting up and standing out front of me and pointing at me and laughing. it was horriable! i've never forgiven any of those girls for it.  

  2. Got Drunk Shaved My Eyebrows With A Razer And Cut Into The Skin  That Covers Ur Eye Perm Scar :)

  3. i was always picked on because of my thick eyebrows so when i was 10 i decided to shave it myself. i messed up really badly i had cut a slit through my left eyebrow so then i asked my mom to pluck them. it hurt so bad i was laughing and crying at the same time.

  4. i had a friend who was using one of those eyebrow curler things. she got distracted or something and ended up pulling out all of her eyebrows on the right eye.  

  5. One time I was trying to blowdry my hair straight, and I left the blowdryer too close to my hair for too burned a big part of hair right in half! How embarrassing! hehe

  6. Years ago, I wanted to shape my eyelashes, like fake ones that look perfect(soooo dumb I know) so I got a pair of scissors to shape them but ended up cutting them all off one of my eyes. it took weeks for them to grow back to a normal length... XD

  7. well this isn't really a beauty accident but a few months ago my freind was curling my hair, she was doing the fringe and the curl sprung right into my eye! it was so bloody hot, felt like my eye was on fire! i was crying and laughing at the same time.

  8. well its nothing really. I was like 14 and I was putting my makeup on. I was getting tired and I didn't feel really well so I decided to lie down. See I put on everything,mascara,eyeliner,lipgloss,the whole package. And then I soon feel asleep. When I woke back up I went into my bathroom,looked in my mirror and there was makeup smearing down my face. It wouldn't come off for like 3 hours. I was so upset. And the worst part was my best guy friend came over before it came off my face. He is still making fun of me for it to this day. And now we are engaged. I am 19,he is 20.

  9. When I was in seventh grade, I tried to cut my own bangs. Of course it was two days before school picture day!  

  10. Ouch, that must be embarrasing.

    When I was 12... July 7, 2006, I got hit in the head with a rock (Total accident) was rushed to the hospital.. and got staples... I had band camp that next week... and the blood ended up staining my hair red! So I was having red hair... and to die it back to my almost natural color.

    I was like FIRE red.

  11. One time I went to school in the same Wal-Mart shirt as a g*y gym teacher.

  12. Err, not really a beauty accident, but once I broke my legs in rugby and had to use a wheelchair for weeks. I was like... "Lol, well, this is the most unattractive thing that ever happened to me".  

  13. My mom said that my hair was flat when I went back for Christmas two years ago. So she forced me to the salon, and made me get a partial perm. I didn't even know they did that. Basically only the top part of my hair was wavy. When a hair fell out, 1/3 was wavy and the rest of straight. It didn't make my hair any less flat and to avoid less hair damage (my hair was already damaged from the perm), I let it grow out. I remember a time where I had a perm right in the middle of my head, the top and bottom were straight. In the end, a hairdresser saw my hair and decided to chop off more than I asked because he felt it was his responsibility to.

  14. Lol before I even clicked, I was thinking about the time in highschool that I also tried to shape my eyebrows with my razor haha. That didn't go so well. I also had to pencil my right one in for a few weeks.  

  15. When I first started wearing make up back in the seventh grade, I was still in the habit of touching my face. Well somehow I smeared my make up to where it looked like I had a uni-brow and bruises on my face accidentally.


  16. I also shaved off part of my eyebrow lol, it never grew back properly and if you look closely you can tell, but luckily it's not that noticeable!! At the time i was like ****!!

  17. i have lots!!

    once my friend was sleeping over and we were doing make up, but crazy... well my crush was outside ( he lives near me) and my dog got out on the street. i was in a short pajama dress, with crazy hair and make up, and i had to run after my dog, i thought no one was outside so i ran on the street and then my crush was like "emily is that u??"


    ok so my friend was over to do homework and we went to the post office cause the portuguese assignment was to send a post card. i was filling out the form and the boy i like walks in and stands next to me looking, i looked up and gave him a huge hug! i was wearing my school shirt (it was dirty, we were in a hurry to get to the post office before it shut) and i had pants and sandals that did NOT match! he just looked me up and down but said nothing.

    one more:

    i got a bunch of braids on my whole head. i was at school and the elastics started to break, i had to take them out during class but my hair got all curly and it was so embarrassing! then the bell rang and my crush passed by, i went to hide and my friend said : caue, isn't  emily's hair cool? he said yes but it was not!  

  18. wore those glittery stars as bindis to school, wore lollies in our hair.  

    but worst was probably those glittery fruity lip balms - purple, not a good colour for me!

  19. I was having a really heavy period and I was sitting in math class and I felt this huge gush and was like "OH MY GOSH!" and then the bell rang and I got up and there was blood all over the chair, but I just ran out. I had a cami on that day so i just pulled it as far down as it would go and if someone asked about it i would just tell them that I sat on a ketchup packet at lunch. I ran to my study hall, which luckily was the last period of the day, and sat down I just went about my work and pretend like nothing happened. I ruined that chair too, but I really didn't care I just wanted to leave already. When the bell rang I ran to my locker grabbed my sweatshirt and tied it around my waist. Luckily no one noticed, but it was the worst thing in the world.

    Later that same year it was the last day of exams and I had my period again and I ruined that chair too, but luckily I had my sweatshirt with me and just tied it around my waist.

    Next year should be a blast!

  20. Glue in extensions. Absolute disaster.

    I always always always sew them in. I hate glue and the remover didn't work properly.

    My head had huge bad *** reaction lumps.

    Had to shave all my hair off. Bald for a long time so I wore a wig for 3 months straight.

    I had fun with the wigs. New style everyday, but had the fear of them falling off. LoL it was bad.

    Now I still wear my wigs. I'm in love with them it is crazy!

  21. When I was younger I had really curly hair. My older brother decide he would cut it for me. We went into the playroom and he cut all the curls off. I was 3 and he was 5. Mum was so mad! Hahaha

  22. I used to wear a lot of eyeliner, and gave myself raccoon/panda eyes.

  23. Once two of my friends and I and My sister had two friends and herself. They decided to do our makeup. My one friend Taylor looked like she had a black eye [[ done by my sister ]] My one friend Katie looked like a devil, her face was all red [[ done by my sisters friend ]] and I looked beautiful, haha! My sisters friend did mine and she goes to text school.

    And once I had bags on my eyes in like 4th grade 3rd grade and so I put cover up on, me not knowing how to use it there was like brown showing everywhere. i just went to the bathroom and got it off. but it was embarrassing.

    When I was born I had a lot of hair so by the time I was two I had a lot. My sister decided to get the play scissors and cut my hair. It worked and we had to wait for my hair to grow back.

  24. Since i was 14 ive used hair removal cream on my upper lip. When i spoke to a few friends in school they all said they had theirs waxed professionallySo i decided to do it myself at home. When i ripped the wax off not all of the hair was gone so i repeated it around 7 or 8 times. This obviously took a few layers of skin off and was burnt raw...Very painful then it scabbed up into the shape of a momustacheI didnt go to school for two weeks until it went luckily it never scared!! =S

  25. Well my mom works at a hair salon and it was closed due to snow and it was a sunday she said that she would go wax my eye brows but the roads were blocked so we couldnt go.We had a little mini electric razor thing and i trimmed them by my self and looked HORRIBLE!! i was so embarrased.

  26. There was one time when I was blow drying my hair, and I wasn't really paying attention and the next thing I know, all ma hair is all tangled and ripped and all stuck in ma hair dryer ..  it was a NIGHTMARE.. and It was so badly stuck in ma hair I had to call ma mum to cut me free! it was awful!! so I was practically bold on one side of ma head.. took ages to grow back! lol

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