
Teens with mentally ill parents?

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I wondering if any of you guys have mentally ill parents?

What did they have, what did they do to you, how did it affect you?

And what is going on right now?

I'd really appreciate any info you can give. Thanks!




  1.    yeah my mom has really bad bipolar and has gone to the mental hospital 3 times in the last 3 years. My uncle and aunt on my moms side are both bipolar and her other sister died of anerexia or however you spell it and bipolar. My grandmas brother was schizophrenic too... when my dad was like 20 he was like 21 and he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and then he got like all weird and my whole family like disconected from him... I have never met him ad i dont want to. But my dads normal... my mom buys like everything she sees and spends so much money. she thinks the whole world revolves around her... shes alwys yelling and stuff and she doesn't work so my dad has to work like All the time and I have a babysitter since I cant drive yet... its so annoying and now after she like just went to the mental hospital shes like not taking her medicine and is almost totally crazy again..... i always worry that im gonna be like her and be a bad mom and my kids are gonna have a kind of bad life like i did.... hope this helps =D

  2. well my best friends dad has parkinsons. it is so sad! he cant have a job and she always says how much she misses her dad. it messes with his mind so much! and he cant even use his left arm now. so its really hard for her. my sister and i have a type of condition, it isnt a mental illness but its a form of p[horphryia that makes us have a photosensitivty problem. llike sunlight and major heat makes it feel like a sunburn on the inside and like we are being pricked with needles so we cant go on many vacations to tropical places.

    im sorry that didnt answer your question much

  3. wow....

    i truly think my mother is mentally disturbed no lie...

    that is one sick individual...

    and i think my uncle is also...

    the ish they put meh through over the years. no teen should ever have to go through that.

    so uhm i just lost all contact with them.....

    b/c i'm not going to give them a chance to keep on ruining my life.

    or to ruin my daughters'.....i refuse to let what happened to meh all my life happen to my daughters'...

    so i now live with my bf/bestfriend and his mother...

  4. well my dad was in an acident and has a tramatic brain ingury and this was his first weekend home and it is very diffcult to deal with him and i kno w this will affect my life

  5. My dad is Bipolar..

    And  so am i ....


    I dont live with him tho so im all good..

  6. uh.......what do you think? NO

  7. For Kelsey and the asker.  

    Will keep you in my thoughts, you are going to be coping with a lot.  Everything has changed.  You can always ask your Dad's doctor to help you find counselling if it gets too overwhelming.  

    Find a crisis counsellor for kids.    It is doubtful your dad will get custody.  

  8. my father is bi polar. he has terrible mood swings he'll be happy one min and scream and yell the next. im used to it. but it pisses me off  sometimes too.

  9. nope

  10. My brother has ADHD and Bipolar so i get in trouble for the littlest things that happen to him...and its hard cuz a lot of people ignore him because he gets so angry sometimes...&& our niehgborhood sucks because some people are just s****. B******....Your father will probably not get custody of you but i think it is important that you see him often because he could be going through really rough times and needs to know that he still has his family...

  11. No, but my best friends sister is bipolar. It can be tough, my friend gets hit and more becuase she used her sisters chapstick :-(

  12. nah

  13. i think my moms bipolar- shes definitely crazy. ive just learned to live with her and accept her eccentricities- shed never admit something was wrong.  

  14. My moms dad (my grandpa) was mentally ill.  It was very hard for the family because he turned to alchol to deal with his ilness and it caused my grandparents to get divorced.  Also I think it made my uncle mentally instable.

  15. I know a girl who has a syco mom. And she turned out just as syco. No one likes her becasue ses always just being syco and crazy. shed be alright if se was crazy and a ***** all the time. but its all becasue of her mom that shes the way she is. her mom didnt teach her any better.

  16. Mother has Bipolar and seizure disorder

    Father was an alcholic

    Now I'm a little messed up myself.

    I'm on all sorts of medication for

    Major Depression


    Borderline Personality Disorder

    Social Anxiety


    I'm having a lot of trouble coping in life.  nobody seems to have answers and nothing seems to work.  I feel alone and scared all the time often thinking about death.  I know my parents couldn't control what went on with them but now I'm dealing with the after math.  They say some of it is genetic also.  

    If you have any other questions feel free to email me

    at night sometimes I'm online lilrissa002

    Just curious.  Why did you want to know?

    I'm sorry your going through such a rough time.  My parents did split up when my fathers condition improved I had to spend one day a week with him.  As for my mother it was a living H*#$!  She would go nuts and couldn't control her mood swings often take it out physically on me.  I thought everything was my fault all the time.  When I turned 18 I left, but I came home realizing my mom was sick and needed someone.

  17. nope!!!

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